Amelia and Ariana arrived at the mall, and they got out and walked into the mall. Everyone in the mall turned to look when they walked in, they had an aura that just pulled people to look and admire them. Vampires had that ability, when they walk into a room, they had the power to captivate your soul.
"Come let's go that way." Amelia said pointing at the direction.
"What are you planning on buying anyway?" Ariana asked, she was not a fan of shopping.
"Don't start! We just entered." Amelia said dragging to the store.
After 4 hours Ariana wanted to return home, but it seemed that Amelia still needed to do more shopping.
"Are you not done?" She asked for what could be the fiftieth time asking in the past one hour.
"This is going to be the last one." Amelia said walking into another store.
"You've been saying that for the past 4 hours." She said whining.
"Come on this is fun." Amelia said and went try on some clothes.