"I was thinking since the warlock and the vampire didn't lose many lives, they could help protect our kind until they healed." Bennet said his head facing down.

"It's not a bad idea." Amelia agreed.

"Since the werewolves banned magic and powers, you guys need intense training." Logan spoke.

"There was one girl that was born with powers, but they said she ran away." Bennet spoke.

"Why wouldn't she? Thanks to your law she was tortured till she couldn't take it anymore." Amelia spoke being reminded of how Ariana had become a punching bag for the pack for more than fifteen years.

"Do you know where she is?" Bennet asked hopefully.

He had read a report from the alpha, explaining that they couldn't kill her. The alpha had reported that she had an immense energy which they planned on using to make to make the pack stronger.

He had approved when they said they would find a way to keep her weak always.