Ariana turned around and gave her a cold glance.

"Stay away from me!" Was all she said and walked into the cinema room.

"Mommy!" Sophia called her when she saw her and stretching her arms.

Ariana walked towards them and sat down; she took Sophia from Adrian. They were watching a family comedy, they couldn't watch horror because of Sophia and Isabelle. 

The movie finished and they were planning on going to the lake and have a picnic later. Morgan and Ivan were going to go back to the house first to fetch the blood and the alcohol to mix.

They were walking out when they saw Hunter standing there.

"This just doesn't end." Avery said with annoyance when she saw him.

"I'll deal with this." Logan said and walked up to Hunter.

"I'll go as well." Adrian said and followed Logan.

"How can we help you alpha Hunter?" Logan said when he reached him.

"Nothing! Ariana, can we talk?" Hunter said looking past Logan at Ariana.