
Seeing Isabel pointing out the truth out in the open had everyone taken aback.She never stated her personal feelings and didn't outwardly insult James even though he basically humiliated her not only in that room,but also in front of the world.

James was breathing heavily from anger hearing Isabels words.She shattered his pride in front of his colleagues just like that.

"You-" but before James could even utter a word he was interrupted by Mr.Lee.

"That's enough Mr.Brown!You have really made the people who decided to stay in your side doubt their desicion.That was really shameful!"

"Talking to a woman like that and after doing all those things to her!"

"If a felt a bit of simpathy for you,now it just all dissappeared!"

Gael laughed sarcastically "Some people really have no shame!I don't know how you kept this position for so long!Pathetic!"

When James heard Gaels voice and how he kept ridiculing him,the last straw of sanity he had broke.He rushed towards Gael and grabbed his collar.

"Who do you think you are!You useless waste!"

A commotion started.A man got out to call somebody to get James away from there,while a few rose up of their seats to hold him.

Gael just expressionlessly looked at James and showed no fear or backing down.

Isabel saw this and immediately ran to Gaels side and when a space was opened between them she got in the middle of the two.

James was about to toward his actions to Isabel,but her words stopped.

"So now what,you're going to hit me?You're going to raise your hand at all of us?"

James's hand stopped midair and he then looked around.Everybody was looking at him like he was a monster.Everybody was showing exclamation mixed with disgust.Then he turned his head again and looked at Isabel in front of him.

"I knew to a certain point you were low James,but I didn't know you could stoop so low in front of all these people!You really have messed up bad James!You really messed up!" Isabel was shaking her head with the same look of disgust as everybody in this room,if anything it was even more intense.

James was all frozen and couldn't even understand himself.How could he do this mistake?And in front of so many people!He didn't know when a his secretary and aide had come.They just lead him out of there and tried to say words that would 'calm him down'.He really had done it this time.He really had ruined himself.

The people slowly got on their seats and stayed quiet for a while to calm their emotions down.They were still shocked with James's crazed behaviour.So words weren't enough for that guy,but he even tried to raised his hand and to a woman even?

After a while Mr.Lee cleared his throat and got everyones attention.

"Now that the situation calmed down a bit,how about deciding on the candidates for the next CEO first then we can continue with voting.Does anyone have any suggestions?"

After Mr.Lees question a few of the director raised their hands,some proposing names and some suggesting themselves.Then Mr.Lee raised his hand.

"I also would like to make a suggestion...Miss Isabel Ricci."

The mention of Isabel caused a bit of an uproar.

"Mr.Lee don't you think she's still inexperienced?"

"Yeah,she's still too young."

Mr.Lee face didn't change and calmly gave his reason.

"That might be true,but compared to all the candidates,Miss Ricci is the one who has been in this company since it's start.She knows this company better than anyone,she was also the one who suggested a well thought plan to get the company out of its current state.Her current successful work in the Ricci group makes her even more promising.I have to admit that the reason I decided to buy shares in this company was after I found out that Miss Ricci would also be a shareholder.Her actions have talked themselves,which make her not only capable professionally,but also emotionally.In my view,Miss Ricci is perfect for this position,that is of course if Miss Ricci also accepts."

Isabel hadn't expected that she would be recognised and valued so much by these people today.Her main objective had been to kick out James out of WAZ,but who knew that she would be seen as capable and talented,enough to be suggested as the knew CEO.And to be recognised by Mr.Lee,this well known tycoon.She immediately thanked Mr.Lee for his high opinion of her and modestly accepted the candidature.

"Since we don't have anymore candidates,let's call a worker to collect and count the votes individually so this process can be as fair as possible."

After a bit a worker came with a box with a hole.The directors wrote the name of their favourite candidate and the worker collected it for them.

When the votes were collected all,the worker first shook the box and then started to slowly count them.

"Benjamin Taylor"

"Elijah Walker"

"Elijah Walker"

"Benjamin Taylor"

"Isabel Ricci"

Soon all the candidates each had the same number of votes and there was only one vote that would be deciding the winner.

Isabel was tense,but her face wasn't showing it.She just calmly looked at the worker that was about to take the last vote and open it,but her leg under the table was slightly shaking.

Gael noticed her shaking leg and put his hand on it to stop it.Isabel flinched and turned her head,and was greeted by his reassuring look.Gael then grabbed the hand that was under the table and gently caressed it,quietly giving her strength.

"Now this is the last vote and will decide the winner." the worker opened and then looked at each person sitting then she read the name outloud "Isabel Ricci"