
You will not have to make any new investment, the production will also be your own, you will also benefit from my experience.

Salman tells both Ismail and Ibrahim,

No, we will not interfere in your business, but we will start a completely new business, in my opinion, the only two most profitable and fastest growing businesses in this world.

There are, number one is the petrol business which is difficult for us right now.

because it requires a lot of money, number two is the media business which we can enter very easily.

I am sure that we can get success in this business very soon, we can run it easily, this business will fulfill your passion and earn money.

Shams and Aftab ask, Dad! How will our passion be fulfilled, and the earnings will also be good?

Salman says, I know that you are very fond of singing, you have bought all kinds of musical instruments for it, I want to see you succeed in this hobby as well.

you also know that. I also write poetry, I have bought modern echo sound, modern recording system, modern cameras for this purpose.

now we will make a studio in a room of our own house, I will make new tunes of my own poetry.

I will do it, I will set the music for these songs myself.

you, Shams and Aftab both will sing.

I will produce the track myself.

we will do the movie picturization on it ourselves,

we will also record everything ourselves.

You will prepare the production, do the marketing yourself,

And you will not have to pay any special attention in its advertising,

because you both are already famous all over the world due to your amazing performance, so you don't have to do this. The work will further amaze this world, whose

Continued on Post-61