They got what they wanted and didn't like it at all

Viktor walked to the garage and Tony stopped him, saying "Woah, woah, woah, hold on, pal. Let's talk, okay?" Viktor nibbled on his lips and said "What is there to talk about? I'm not an Avenger, I shouldn't be here."

Tony smiled and said "I'm here. You're my personal physician, isn't that enough? What if I have a heart attack and die?" Viktor said badly, "That was just a joke, Tony."

Steve walked over and said "You can't control him, you know that." Viktor stayed silent and Tony said "Can you read the room? I'm trying to lighten the mood and you're souring it right now." Steve replied "You too. I know you both 'made' Ultron, but he's not yours anymore. He's a human being, he's free."

Tony paused and Viktor said softly "I'm not trying to control hi-" Steve held out his hand and said "Son. I've seen control and I've been controlled. I know a lot more about it than you do, trust me. Going around performing like a monkey isn't a good feeling."

He paused before continuing "Just because you made him, doesn't mean he has to listen to you! I've been with Ultron for months now, he has changed. You did a great job, but you have to let go."

Tony looked at Viktor and said "Trust me, although Cap's stupid perfect face is really punchable, this time I have to agree. I let go, look at me." Viktor said angrily "You didn't have a choice! Your Ultron was lost! Mine isn't! I watched his body grow up right in front of my eyes! I brought him to life and gave him a second chance!"

Viktor poked his head and shouted sadly, "I upgraded his matrix! I talked with him everyday before and after his second birth! I taught him everything I know! I stayed with him for 7 months, helping people together! Tony, maybe you created Ultron, but I gave him life! He's as much my son as he is yours!"

Tony pressed his hands and relented "Okay, I know you're angry. I understand but you have to understand, you gave him life, nobody's denying that. You expect more from him, I get that too! But listen, Vik, if you try to control his life, he won't like you! Take it from experience."

Tony pointed at himself, saying "I hated my old man. I only recently learned that he did everything for my sake! Do you think I'm grateful? No! I still hate him and you wanna know why? Because it's too late. He never told me that he loved me or even that he liked me! He tried to force me into everything he wanted for me."

He pointed at Viktor and added "Now, maybe YOU didn't experience that, but it's not a good feeling!" Steve held his belt and commented "It definitely doesn't feel good being told you can't do something."

Viktor glanced at the two and said "So what? What am I supposed to do? Leave him alone? Let him turn himself over to the government?" as he sat down on a concrete bumper.

Tony advised seriously "Look at Vision. I don't call him son, and I'm not his father. But that doesn't mean I feel any different about him, or Ultron, than you! How is this any different? Come back inside, we'll get ice cream, watch a couple rom-coms, and giggle like schoolgirls."

He smiled and asked "You like Rocky-Road?" Steve curled his lips and smirked, "I like Vanilla." Tony chuckled, "You know, I thought you would." Viktor rubbed his eyes and laughed, "You guys are ridiculous…"

Tony and Steve smiled, "Come inside. Come on."

A man was sitting in a bar watching the TV, as he curled his lips and muttered "What a beautiful show… A real masterstroke!" before sighing and flipping over a file, stopping on an address in Cleveland…

The UN officials shouted "Get the Avengers! Where are they!?" the person replied anxiously "They aren't answering! I can't even get through! This is a cyber attack! Someone's controlling everything behind the scenes! I can't even track that person, forget about breaking the firewall to the Avengers! Even SWORD can't get in touch with them! I'm not Tony Stark!"

The UN officials looked awful as though they had eaten an entire mountain of shit.

Viktor sat on a couch, staring at his phone, looking at the transcriptions with a sneer. He pressed on a few buttons before swiping.

All the UN officials saw words on their screens 'Gods aren't to be managed by mortals. You brought this upon yourselves.' before the message disappeared before Chopin's Nocturne in C sharp minor started playing.

Interpol swat police smashed through the doors and raided the UN building, arresting all the officials in one fell swoop.

The officials shouted in fear "We were set up! This is all fake!" The swat kicked an official in the face and said viciously "Shut up, HYDRA scum!"

A beautiful violin piece played over this scene and the news received word and footage live from the UN building.

Anchors around the world were broadcasting this news excitedly, pulling up a list of 'HYDRA' records, reporting, "These were seized by Interpol moments before the raid on the UN from Secretary Ross' personal database… We have reason to believe this is a HYDRA operation…"

Viktor really wanted a glass of wine right now…

He also wanted to laugh like this 'Mwahahahaha~' or maybe like Light from Death Note…

No, no… He was a sophisticated villain… He would only chuckle contemptuously and say in an English accent 'Foolish peasants, they seek to control gods and yet they are but ants~' before snorting in victory.

I mean… You can't spell 'Viktory' without Viktor…

The task force in Hell's Kitchen finally had a massive shootout with Kingpin's gangs and nearly all of them died, that entire block was completely destroyed in the end without any help from the Avengers…

Kingpin himself, looked down at the battlefield coldly from another building and said "Collect all the weapons, seize the tanks, and clean up this mess!" before walking away.

Unfortunately for him.

All the weapons and tanks suddenly disappeared out of thin air. Police arrived on scene right after that and started arresting the Task Force, who had their memories re-written.

SWORD took over the arrest and dragged the survivors back to base.

In the Avengers facility, they were finally connected back to the world and were dumbfounded at the chaos that occurred while they were arguing.

Steve shouted at Rhodes "You still want to sign these fucking papers?!" it had to be said, Steve was really angry at this moment. The worst possible situation happened! He knew something like this would happen!

Normally, Steve never curses! But this time he was so angry he even said the f-word!

Tony stood up in shock and said "Friday, what happened?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Friday replied "Sir. The entire Avengers Facility was closed. Communication, Internet, Cable, everything. I didn't even know!"

Rhodes shouted "How could this happen?! Using military force on a gangster!? Has this guy lost his mind!?"

Natasha leaned on the wall, saying "Isn't it obvious? Someone used us." Tony frowned and Steve asked him "Can you find out who?" Tony said "Already on it. Whoever it is… They didn't leave a single trace. Maybe if it was happening right now I'd be able to find them, but…"

He shook his head and said "Give me time."