New Baby

2 years later, on September 16, 1996


Two years have passed since I came into this world and as a baby of all people. It was hard at first to act like a baby when you have a consciousness of a full-grown boy inside your mind. But I persevered, and thank god that those days were over.

First of all my first-time parents were not so experienced in taking care of us twins and if you have Haley as your first child then you have simply no chance of having a minute of silence at night or day and this is me speaking from experience of having woken up by one of her cries in the middle of the night.

Yeah, I was a baby as well, but I was not that loud, I am what you say is a silent child if that is even the term, I was not mute or anything because trust me Claire one time in one of her OCD attacks, took me to the doctor for checking and after getting the confirmation when I cried in front of the doctor that's when she was happy.

But back to the topic about Haley, as much as I was silent she makes up for it and one time my grandpa said so himself at one of our family dinners. and Yes, the family dinners were a common thing at this time as well, which was a good thing for my mom, who does not like to cook and she does not know how to properly as well(don't tell her I said that).

So, onto the other family members, First my dad Phil Dunphy, who is now a full-time realtor or real estate agent, depending on who you ask, because I think they are both the same things, anyways he is earning very well and we also moved into the house which all have watched for 11 seasons, albeit it is not that decorated now, but the essentials are there. Mom one day gave my father the check for the down payment for the house and when asked where she got that money, she said it was her saving from childhood, which is technically correct as she got the money from grandpa and does not want dad to know about it, so yeah we moved in a good school district which also has the famous Sierra Canyon School, for me to pursue my basketball dream as well.

So that's dad and now come to my mom and the best mom in the world Claire Dunphy, she resigned from her job to take care of us and I think it was not the right thing and the family as well said so to her, but the stubborn woman was not having any of that and she did that and that's why she is the best mom for her to choose us ahead of her career and now once again we are in the hospital, and we are going to have our new sibling, which I am pretty sure is Alex, but we don't know if my butterfly effect worked here or not.

Next, my grandparents, if you have watched the show, then you know that this is not the typical grandparent I have, my grandpa now is too much in his closet business and their marriage is not that happy, one might hope their grandparents would have. They fought at every possible time, even on our 2nd birthday there was a big fight in front of my parents' friends from college and work, but they give good gifts that's for sure.

And last my very gay uncle, Mitchell Pritchett who is currently in his Sophmore year of law school on the east coast, so he could not come for the birth of Alex, but he did come at our birthday and he did not miss out on this time as well, he got Haley a very expensive dress and me a baby basketball, which he knows I love to watch on TV with my dad.

So, that is all about the family now I have and on to the future family member, which I am going to see in about 2 minutes because my dad just came to take us to the room, in which my mom is resting after giving birth to my little sister Alexandra Anastasia "Alex" Dunphy.

As I entered the room, I saw my tired mom and she is resting on the bed which I climb up despite my short legs, I had help from my dad, and my eyes laid on the bundle in my mom's hand, and then she showed me, my sister. She looked like what you call a typical baby right after her birth would look. But she would be beautiful when she was all grown up and I have to take care of her if she was anything like the original "Alex".

Then, after our whole family saw her, we were escorted out of the room, because the doctor need to do some checkups.

After that my grandpa took me and Haley, with him to his house along with my grandma. and we stayed there until my parents came back to our house with Alex.

Uncle went back to his school and life went back to normal, well with a baby in the mix, the normal life we can have is not that normal in the first place.

My room is the one where Luke in the original world would live, but we can say that it will be my room in the future and Luke will stay in my room.

So like this, another year has passed, Haley and I are 3 years old and we are going to start our pre-school tomorrow.

If you think for a toddler it is the best place where he can meet his BFF and even though Haley and I are very close, there is still the need for real friends if you listen to what my mother would say, so here we are preparing for the school and the friends we are going to make.

A/N: Give me some power stones and comment your thoughts in the comment section and leave a review on the story.