National Champions

A/N: One more chapter for the day, So the comments with new skills also come to my attention and I think "close-up magic", "Painting", and "Businessmen" are good and will be added to the skills list later in the story and the sports business, will start when the show starts in the story and depending on my brain, I think 4-5 chapters are still needed to add some gravitas to the story before the canon takes over and the flashback scenes like Jay's wedding with Gloria or Jay meeting Gloria will be added, with our MC in the mix to make it more interesting and entertaining. Now on to the chapter.





The first game of the National tournament for our team was at 4 p.m., so we practiced a bit and watched the game of other teams who played before us as this is a big stadium, we have a lot of free seats and then after lunch, we changed into our gear and made way from the locker room given to our team to the main court.

As this is the first round, there were not a lot of audiences who came to watch the game, there were parents and support staff of other teams in the bleachers, who make up for the majority of the audience.

So there was not a lot of noise like we have expected and we got until the state tournament, our game started after one of the referees whistled and the main referee threw the ball in the middle of both our team's center.

The game was not worth noting, we outperformed our opponent in all areas and this was not looking like a national tournament at all, but this is only the first round so I did not give up hope. After the game ended, we made our way to our hotel rooms and grandpa asked me, if I want to eat outside so we went for a pizza, with Gigi tagging along as grandpa was also her guardian, because her mom had work to do in New York, so she asked grandpa to look out for Gigi and after we ate the pizza and some desert, we came back to our hotel room after sending Gigi to her mom's apartment, as she stays there often when she comes for her photoshoots. Speaking of photoshoots, last year I found one of dad's old reel camera and I restored it by myself and after taking some pictures, I got a skill "Photography" from it and then I took some more photographs and now it is almost a habit and always has a camera in my backpack and on this trip as well, I took it and clicked some photos of nightlife in New York and of Gigi as well, after going back I will ask dad to make them develop as he knows a guy downtown, who develop better pictures compared to other developers.

The tournament came and went the same way, as we were now in the finals and the stadium is relatively full as compared to the early days, it was 5 days invitational and on the fifth day was the final, so we have in New York for a total of 7 days and today is last day as our flight is late at night the same day.

The game started and the result was clear after the first half albeit not like the regionals but the opponent was not that good as compared to our team and we won comfortably in the end and the NSAA chairman, gave our coach the trophy at the presentation and the coach was also very happy as this was her first national title and our team celebrated in the middle of the court for quite a lot of time.

Late at night, we boarded our flight, and Gigi was not with us. Her mother had some more work in NY and so she stayed with her. Grandpa took a cab from the airport and dropped me home and after mom's insistence, grandpa stayed for breakfast as it was a late night flight so we reached LA in the morning and I went to sleep, so I didn't know when grandpa left.




Phil POV

After Nate came and won the National title at such a young age, my mind went back to my cheerleading days as how that were the days. But that thought didn't stay in my mind all that long, because today is an important day and today I will take Nate to a dancing class, as all Dunphy men should know how to do a box step at least and it is a tradition in our family. At first, I thought I had to lie to make him go with me, but he saw through my lie like every time and he said, he will do it only if I ask his mother for the trampoline in the backyard, because he knew Claire would want to say no, but she could not say no to him, but she will not be happy and he does not want to make her mom unhappy. So, I did and she said "no" like Nate said she would, but after some begging she relented and now we have a trampoline in the backyard and I am taking my son for the dancing lesson and I hope this is not like the "Magic" lessons.

Last year, during our father-son bonding time, I showed a magic trick to Nate and he was very surprised to see it, so I asked him if he want to take lessons as this was in the summer so he had some free time and I took him for his magic lessons, the lessons were for the full summer, but he went through them like a breeze and mastered the art of "close-up magic" in some days, which wasn't possible, but he did it when he performed a show for the whole family at Thanksgiving and the whole family was surprised because he performed the show like a real magician not like an artist, and some tricks even I didn't know existed and even after he performed for me at later date, but I still could not get the trick behind that and as a licensed magician, I can not ask for the trick, even though it was killing me, but he showed me himself and I was again surprised on how complicated those tricks were, not for a middle schooler to perform them effortlessly.

But, that is in the past, now let's see how he does in the dancing lessons after I dropped him off at his lessons and I went home, switched on the TV to watch the basketball game, and days went like this, but wouldn't you like to know, the teacher from the lesson called me to take Nate back after a few lessons.

When I went to pick him up and asked why she was not teaching my kid as I thought she was not willing to teach my kid, but when she told me that I have a dancing prodigy and she can not teach him as she was not that knowledgeable herself and Nate was smiling sheepishly behind her. I knew he did the same as the magic lessons and my boy has surpassed me in one more thing, I know it is a proud father moment, but I was proud and jealous at the same time and after coming back home, he showed me the dance moves and he did it better than I have seen before and then he asked me to dance together and he showed me some steps and we performed for the whole family one Sunday dinner.


A/N: So, now MC is national champions and there will be some filler chapters between this and the canon, like always if you have some suggestions, tell me in the comments and if you are free give me some power stones and some reviews (it is up to you to give me some 5-star review, wink wink) and some other suggestion about business, do tell in the commnets.