Meeting Gloria Officially

(A/N: Sorry guys for the late update, I have been reading some fanfictions myself and watching the show one more time to jog the plot in my memory and the new fanfictions are also helping me to write my plot and I hope more fanfictions will be written on this show, just like "Game of Thrones" and Have you seen the new show "House of the Dragon", comment what was your favorite scene till now. Enough about that, now on to the chapter, but before that don't forget to comment and leave a review on the story and give me all your power stones.)





It has been a few months since Grandpa met Gloria and they started dating after a few weeks, according to Grandpa when I asked, it was going very well and he even met with Gloria's son from her first marriage "Manny".

And after talking with Grandpa about her, I can see that he is earnest about her and the butterfly effect from my birth did not affect this scenario.

On the basketball end, we won the state tournament, the third time in a row, which is a record in itself, as there is never been a team in the last 2 decades to have done it and our coach is also getting a promotion because of this and she will coach the high school team from next year, which is also going to be my freshman year in high school.

My sports product company has also been registered and I have to thank Uncle Mitch for this, albeit being an environment lawyer, he did help massively and the shell is ready for the company and the design for the first shoe has also been prepared, which I bought from the system and the cushioning technology not too much advance for this period has also been patented in the name of my company.

The name of my company is "ND Sports", yeah I know it is lame to use the initials of your name, but I think it is good and I'll design a logo for this myself and the company will also have subbrands for the different players who will sign with my company in the future.

I am just waiting for the crash which will be at its peak later this year and the signs of the crash can be seen from the earnings that I have gotten from the stock trades that my bot is doing on my behalf and the start-up funds will be more than enough for my company to get a head start compared to other companies in this area.

Grandpa has also helped find the office location and the shoe manufacturing plant will also be bought in the USA till we need to increase production drastically after that we can see expanding our plants to developing countries in the east, and the manager that I got with the help of my system reward is also honest and loyal to me and I can delegate the day to day task of the company to him when I don't have the time for it.

But now is not the time to think about all this, there is still time left to make it into a reality. Because the final of the national tournament is about to start and the whole family is coming to watch and according to Grandpa, he is also bringing Gloria with her as she is also excited to meet our family.




*Jay POV*

Today is the day that I finally decided to introduce Gloria to the rest of the family and by that I mean the whole family because my grandson asked me to not tell them that he had met Gloria before them and this could be taken as an offense from some members of the family, especially Claire. I know that I am not at that age that I get to introduce my girlfriend to the family for the first time, but I know, I like Gloria very much and want to see where will the relationship go in the future and this is one of the steps, that I have to take to make that happen.

My grandson Nate, who is more like my buddy and best friend has met her and the first time, he met Gloria he said, "You are going to be my grandma in the future". I nearly splashed the drink in my mouth on both of them and when I ask him to explain himself, he said, "Grandpa, I have known you for the past 14 years, I know when you are happy and Gloria is the main reason for that". I always knew that Nate had a mature personality and seeing him deducing the situation like an adult is always been a sight to see and I know that I am making the right decision with this and Nate is also the main reason for that because of his support and in his words he was my "wingman" and it was his responsibility.




*Claire POV*

Today, we are once again in the stadium for the final of the national tournament and my baby is once again the main attraction of the match, seeing him play like that, I am pretty sure that it is his "Pritchet" genes at work, because this is their family trait to dominate any sport or game we play and Nate is continuing the trend. The match is coming to an end and then I see Dad moving toward a gorgeous woman, who has just entered the auditorium, I let it go for a moment because the game has finished and Nate and his team members are celebrating in the middle of the court and after some time, Dad came towards us and he said,

"Hey guys, listen! I want you to meet someone, this here is Gloria and she and I have been dating for the past couple of months"

As the whole family is going through different responses in their mind, Nate came to meet us in the stands after the awards ceremony, Dad also introduced him to Gloria, unlike all of us, his reaction was instant and he shook hands with her and then started talking to her and asking her about the relationship, which the adults in our group should have done from the beginning.

Seeing this, we also gave up our initial responses and started to talk to her and Dad, asking questions about "how they met?" and "is it serious?", looking at Dad's responses, it was looking serious and my first reaction was something anybody would have and the adults in our group would have the same questions, but that is for the future because tonight we celebrate two things, one Nate's win and second Dad's girlfriend.


(A/N: So, this is how I imagined the first meeting would have happened in the show minus the basketball plot and Nate's reaction. Comment if you have any other scenario in which the family could have met Gloria in the show. and like every other time give me all your power stones and collect the fic if you are liking it so that you can get the update when I upload a new chapter immediately. In the coming chapter/s we will be discussing the first high school year and after that Jay's marriage drama and some more POV's.)