attempting an escape

I was reaching for my bow when suddenly a dagger hit me right in my left

thigh, surging pain shot from my leg all the way up I stumbled to the others,

Blood seeping into my shoe and pant leg slowly starting to scab. I was

In a shock of some sort slowly going numb as yellow spots danced across my

Eyes as I tried to stay conscious. With shaky hands, I reached for my bow and

Fired hitting one of the archers in the chest hoping I didn't kill them not

wanting To take anyone out unless I had to. The trash was an exception.

Before I knew it the battle had started. Jason Sarah and Jules were taking on

10 altogether Emma and Leo were taking 7 and Frank was fighting 6. I stared In awe for a second, at the fighting before jumping in myself with a sword I

took off an enemy soldier and stood back to back with frank attempting to use

The sword. Just because I have a sword doesn't mean I know how to use it. I

used the flat side of the blade to knock some of the unconscious then frank

said "go help the others! I can take these guys" I nodded and ran to help

Jason because it looked like he was struggling with his soldiers.

"Thanks!" Jason yelled over the sound of the battle. I nodded and before we

knew it we knocked out or killed the ones attacking us and split up to help the

others, slowly taking them out and making our way to the exit together. By the

When we made our way out and back through the maze it felt like days had

gone by but I didn't know if they actually had. By the time we got there we

went through seven flashlights and most of the pain in my ankle had subsided

After I took pain meds. When we got back we all decided to rest on our bunks.

When I got to mine I found a couple of packages I still hadn't opened from the

last months, and there was another one. I opened the oldest one and I read

The note. This one was from my dad. I stared at it for a second wondering if

My broken little family was still the same and started to read it. I don't think

you Want to read the entire letter so I'll just summarize it. It was from my

father and he was asking for money! I was disappointed and kept reading though the letters finding

nothing and decided to go to bed