Chapter 4 - First official fight

Havok was finally fully healed two weeks later. His first scheduled fight was happening tonight. He was sitting in his room and a staff member came to escort him to the ring. What they called a ring, was just an emptied-out pool he saw the other kids fight in before.

As he approached, he noticed that there were adults all around the railing excited to watch a fight. It was nighttime, this was Havok's first time being outside at night. He looked up at the sky and was amazed at what he was seeing. He continued to stare as he made his way to the ring. He finally snapped out of his thoughts and focused on the reason he was brought here. The staff had set up several bright lights that lit up the pool. While he was walking up to the pool his opponent was also approaching at the same time.

Havok looked him up and down. The kid was his age, with long matted red hair that came down to his shoulders, a scar on the right side of his face that was about 4 inches long starting from below his earlobe straight down to his chin. He had an angry look on his face with piercing brown eyes, clearly, he was ready to fight. The red-haired kid stared directly into Havok's' eyes the entire walk up. Havok didn't mind as he wasn't intimidated by any other kids. Havok displayed his usual neutral expression, which seemed to make the red-haired kid even angrier than he already looked.

They met in the middle of the pool, standing about two feet apart. The staff members lines around the pool were smiling at the intensity the two kids had. A nameless staff member walked up and separated them just to make sure that neither of them started the fight early. He looked at both of them then told them of the rules.

"First and foremost, no killing. Inflicting any long-term injuries during this fight will be punished heavily. The fight is over when you are told to stop, any hits after that will be met with punishment. Last one standing wins, begin!" Yelled the staff member as he backed away.

Both kids put their fists up and started to get closer together. As soon as they were arm's length away the red-haired kid threw a left-handed punch at Havok's face. Havok reacted just in time to partially block it, with his forearms.

The punch still broke through his block and hit him square on his nose. Shocked by the power of the punch Havok realized he needs to avoid hits as much as possible. That was easier said than done, several more punches landed on his forearms, Havok knew he couldn't keep this up, so he jumped back to get some distance between him and his opponent.

Shaking his now numb forearms trying to regain their feeling, while thinking of a new strategy. Of course, his opponent wouldn't just sit there and watch when he held the upper hand. The red-haired kid closed the gap between them, running up to Havok and followed up with a flurry of punches all towards the face of Havok.

Pow. Pow. Shuu. Shuu. Pow. Shuu. Shuu. Shuu..

Havok was a quick learner; he began to bob and weave. He was still taking hits every couple of punches the red-haired kid threw, but the number he was able to dodge was increasing the longer the fight lasted. Clumsily weaving led the punches that landed to hit him in the shoulder or punches just scraping the side of his face.

Though he was still getting hit every now and then, he was still able to analyze what type of fighter his opponent was in between punches. He was all about power, the fight just started, and his lack of stamina was already becoming more and more obvious. He noticed his opponent getting winded as he tried to stay close to Havok, who was doing his best to stay out of his range. The punches were also slowing down, Havok was beginning to think that his opponent was an idiot. If you knew that stamina was an issue, but you kept chasing your opponent and throwing several punches which was only going to make you tired even faster to Havok, that made you an idiot.

The punches that he was struggling against in the beginning of the fight quickly began to lose power. Havok kept dodging and just waited for his chance. He saw a punch that came significantly slower than any other punch his opponent threw. Havok made his move. As the punch made its way towards his face at what seemed like slow motion, he swatted the left hand of his opponent away. The red-haired kid was already tired and Havok's block made him stumble forward. Havok got a clear shot at his opponent's mid-section and threw a right-handed uppercut right in the middle of his stomach.

His opponent who was already winded had the wind knocked out of him and collapsed to the ground gasping for air. Havok paused for a second, but the fight wasn't stopped. He kicked the red-haired kid on the side of his head to flip him over, he was now lying flat on his back still there was no signal to stop. Havok started stomping as hard as he could on his opponent's chest. He felt a few ribs break, but still no announcement came, he kept going.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Blegh! Cough! Cough!

The red-haired kids started coughing up blood and eventually passed out after a minute of Havok stomping on him.

Finally, the fight ended when the red-haired kid passed out. "That's enough, back away. Medics come and pick the loser up as for you. You have your choice of privilege for your win. So what will it be?" Havok, still trying to catch his breath from the fight, already had a choice in mind. "I want to go to the library. Also, what do I need to do to get more time there and get more books?"

The staff member thought about it for a moment and finally replied. "The library time is approved. However, to get more books and time you need to get a win streak going. Let's say every five fights you win in a row I'll increase your library time and get some more books."

Happy with the decision, Havok showed a rare smile and agreed. "That's fine by me."

"Alright, go get checked by the medical staff." The guy waved his hand shooing Havok away as he looked towards the walkway.

Havok nodded and as he was escorted to the medical center as the next fighters came down the runway. He got his nose cleaned up after a few punches managed to draw blood. Next, he had an x-ray done on his forearms, which hurt even more now that the adrenaline has worn off. His left forearm was just severely swollen and turns out his right forearm had a hairline fracture. They put a cast on and said he couldn't fight for the next four weeks. However, before he got the cast, he would need to ice his arm to reduce the swelling. If he got a cast right now when it was swollen the cast would not work because when the swelling goes down the cast would just slide off. They had him soak his right forearm in ice water for 30 minutes and his left for 40 minutes, there weren't any broken bones, it was still just as swollen as the right forearm.

At first Havok thought that it would hurt, but on the contrary it felt good. Once the time was up, he had to wait for his forearm to return to its normal temperature, then he finally got his cast. He would need to stay in the infirmary for a full day because that is how long it will take for the cast to set. The next night he was allowed to return to his room. During his time there the red-haired kid did not show up. He also knew that he inflicted long-term damage to his ribs, but the staff didn't say anything about receiving any punishment. While could not be sure exactly what happened to the red-haired kid, he knew that it was definitely not good. Not that he cared that much, but it was something to think about because if losing means that you disappear, that was something to care about. Not that he planned on losing in the first place, but this would just motivate him even more.

While he was being escorted back to his room, he kept fidgeting with the cast. The good thing was that since he won his next fight wasn't for another two months. That gave him the time to properly heal. He finally arrived in his room. Though the fight didn't last that long, it was exhausting. This was also the first time he got to fight someone one on one, the whole walk over he was replaying the fight in his head to see where he could get better. As soon as he saw his bed all thoughts other than sleeping disappeared. He made his way over to his bed and as soon as his head touched his bed, he fell asleep.