Chapter 34 - A night of relaxtion

He fell asleep as soon as his body hit the floor. Once he was asleep his teacher appeared in his cave, "I think it's about time I intervene in his training. Hahaha! This is going to be fun." He disappeared into the darkness as his laughter continued to echo through the cave.

Havok woke up without knowing that his teacher had visited him, and he was still groggy. He slept for a whole day; it was now nighttime again. His mana core was still not full, he stumbled as he got off the ground. He took off his pelt and made his way towards the tub and lit the fire underneath to heat up the water. Before he got in, he made sure to use his new shower to rinse all of the dirt and blood off of him. The water was cold, which had the extra benefit of helping him fully wake up.

He walked over the cabinet that held fruit and grabbed a few handfuls of berries, both blue and black. He placed them in a leaf from one of the large trees that created the canopy that spanned the whole forest.