Chapter 49 - Shopping

Havok, Leona and Grant all went to bed and got plenty of sleep. By the time Leona and Grant woke up the shine was bright and shining throughout the house. However, they were not woken up by the sun, it was the smell of something insanely sweet. They got up and washed their faces then made their way into the kitchen where Havok was sitting at the dining table snacking on some berries.

They looked at the kitchen and saw two glasses full of some kind of blue colored juice. "I do not have any of what you would call breakfast foods other than berries, so I made you some berry juice using the blender. This should be enough to hold you over until we go into the city and eat at one of the restaurants. Drink up and shower then we will get going." Grant and Leona nodded as they picked up the cups and began to chug it as if they could not get enough of it. They both placed the cups back on the counter and went back to their rooms which both had bathrooms with a shower.