Chapter 64 - My beautiful Gwen**

Havok was surprised at the turn of events, but there was no way he was going to talk himself out of sex let alone a threesome, which is what it looked like it was going to turn into. Genevieve paused just before she was about to start sucking on his member, she rolled a black hair tie off of her wrist and quickly tied her hair into a ponytail. It was sloppy, but she didn't do it for aesthetics, she did it so that her hair would not be in her way.

She then put one hand on the bottom of his shaft as she took the tip of his member in her mouth.

"Ugh!" Havok groaned due to the sensation of being in her warm and wet mouth,

Genevieve kept a firm grip on the base of his member as she continued to suck on the tip.