Chapter 67 - Push themselves

After Havok left, Leona and Grant got busy building the area that they were going to be living in for a while. Grant found the rocks and built a fire pit and Leona grabbed a bundle of sticks, twigs, and branches then placed them in the middle of the pit. The pit was in the middle of the circle that 'Chain Reaction' formed around them. Their sleeping bags were placed on each side of it. She placed them in the pit but did not light it because it was still early in the morning.

She made her way to the edge of 'Chain Reaction' and spread her arms out. Her fingers turned into vines as they circled around their encampment. They wove together as they spread around in order to strengthen them, providing them an extra layer of protection. She stood there for a few minutes as the vines continued to spread from her fingers. It went to the floor and formed a dome around them. A few droplets of sweat trickled down her face, due to the mana that she was using.