Three days off**

Havok and his group were not in a rush to head back to Freedom City and Havok passed back all of their belongings along with a couple of apples to snack on. During the past month in the forest besides fighting Havok also searched the forest for any fruits or vegetables that were growing there. Wild fruits and berries were typically richer with mana than the ones that were farmed inside the city. Even if someone could make produce that was rich with mana, it would cost a shit load of resources and their price would match. Why pay for something that he could go out and get for free?

Grant and Leona bit into the delicious and juicy bright red apples, devouring them in only a few seconds. They looked over to Havok, who chuckled, and he passed them a couple more.

"Alright, let's go get some dinner. I am hungry as hell!" Said Havok as they picked up the pace because all of them were hungry.