Blood & bones (Part 1)

They spent the next few days taking healing jobs and Grant trained with Havok in the backyard. After Leona tested after healing a few rankers, she would join them in training in the backyard. 

Leona's reputation on RnkR amongst the red and orange core rankers that she had saved skyrocketed. She had yet to lose a patient and she was not uppity like most healers who acted like they were god's gift to mankind. Plus, she took less pay for jobs that were difficult.

Naturally her sudden appearance caught the attention of healers that were around her rank throughout the city. Like a new drug dealer showing up in town and dealing wherever they wanted, she pissed off the healer community. They did not like the fact that someone new was taking up all the lower paying jobs. It was not good for their profession for someone to be taking such low paying jobs. That made everyone else think that the rest of the healers should be getting paid less as well.