My area of expertise

The instant the starting buzzer went off Havok disappeared into a blur. The two of them tried to back away as quickly as possible because they had lost sight of him, but as Genevieve was looking around, he suddenly appeared in front of her. He was so fast that she was unable to even move before he delivered a punch to her stomach.


The green core ranked armor that she had just put on instantly crumbled to pieces.


She spit up a mouthful of blood just before she shot backwards into the wall behind her.


She slammed into the wall and fell to the ground. The only reason that she didn't shatter the entire wall on impact was the fact that Havok held back. He knew that they had just ranked up, so they were not used to fighting as blue cores, but right now he was just teaching them a lesson in humility.

Gwen's eyes were wide as she looked over at Genevieve on all fours, throwing up what she just ate, while gasping for air.