First Time Seeing One In Person

Chapter 199 - First Time Seeing One In Person

As Doe was slaughtering their way through the region, they suddenly snapped their head in a particular area not too far away.

"Fiend!" Doe said with shock as there was a man standing in the middle of dozens of corpses, shrouded in a red hue of killing intent. Unlike Havok who only focused on information about Freedom City on RnkR, Doe wanted to soak up as much information as they could, so they read everything they could get their hands on.

The thing about Rnkr was that it was free for the city or town that you lived in along with the nearby surrounding area. However, take Doe living in Freedom City, posts from people up to 100 miles around the city were available, but if you wanted to see posts from the east, west or northern coast of the U.S. then you would have to pay a monthly subscription cost or one lump sum at the beginning of the year.