Strange Experience**

Havok was on top of her, and they were ripping each other's clothes off. Their beginning of their time in the bedroom got off to a strange start.

On one hand he was sure that she wanted to have sex, but on the other she was consistently fighting against everything he did.

Pinching, scratching and biting him.

He eventually had to stop because he wanted clarification on what the hell was happening.

"Are we having sex or not? You're confusing the shit out of me." He said as he was on top of her pinning her wrists above her head to keep her from moving and scratching him.

"Stop being such a pussy! If you want me then take me!" Santana said stunning Havok. However, since he got clarity on the situation, he continued what he was doing earlier. Only her panties were left on and with one hand pinning her wrists above her head he ripped off her underwear. His fingers then felt her pussy and he was surprised that she was already.