Getting Better and Better!

"Should we go and finish it off?" Asked the youngest sister.

"No, let's focus on Khaem. He is getting ganged up on and we need to get our hands on that natural treasure before someone kills him." said the older sister and the middle sister nodded. The youngest was reluctant to let the Acid Scorpion get away. Partially because it had injured her the most out of the three sisters and she was not a fan of leaving a potential enemy lurking in the shadows just waiting to strike. 

However, despite her reservations she listened to her older sisters. They could both see that she wanted to go after the Acid Scorpion. 

"We can go and track it down after we finish our business here. We need as much mana and health as we can have before we jump into that shit show." said the oldest sister as the three of them turned to where Khaem was.