An Eager Man Approaches

Grant and Leona left, just before beasts flooded the area looking to devour the corpses of their kills. They did not have a place to store the corpses for Havok, so they could only leave the corpses there. However, they did take all of the weapons that were not damaged, but they only cared about the green core ranked weapons. The only ones that were okay was the bow from the man that Grant killed first and somehow the wand survived his 'Derecho'.

Actually, it survived due to Leona's vines wrapping around his arms when they were in front of his chest. The vines pinned the wand to his chest and when Grant attacked, he focused on their heads, so it was protected by the man's body. Leona's 'Extended Reach' was blown apart by his attack despite the fact that he wasn't aiming for their bodies. He used half of the remaining mana in his core, just to make sure that he killed the two of them in one attack. Somehow the wand ended up inside the man's chest cavity.