The Kill List

The bright spotlights followed a woman as she walked onto the stage with a smile as she waved at the crowd. She was tall, not for a woman, but just tall in general. She was damn near 7 feet tall and the large light grey wings on her back just made her look even more imposing. Her feet looked like those of a bird, but they did not detract from how beautiful she was. Her face was beautiful and the fact that she subconsciously used her charm on those that were closer to her, just made those close to the stage scream and shout for her even louder than they were before.

Similar to how Fiends just leak killing intent without even having to do anything. This Siren's natural charm was leaking from her constantly. Either she did not know how to control it or she just didn't care. Not that it really mattered though because the stronger rankers were able to resist her charm, but the weaker rankers around the stage fell in love with her the instant she passed by them.