A Familiar Foe

The female Engineer activated a 'Mana Circuit' that she pulled out of her pocket. After activating it by furiously pumping mana into it, the circuit turned into a small bird made up of water, which was her affinity and shot off into the sky. The water bird made a beeline for a large warehouse on the edge of the outer region of Ward. That was where a good number of other Engineers were stationed as back up just in case an emergency occurred.

She saw that this was not just a random group hoping to make off with a few mana stones. No, this was a coordinated attack, and she did not want to be the one responsible for them having their mana stone mine robbed.

Her face was slightly pale, and her breathing was labored after sending off the water bird, but it was necessary. The more mana the 'Mana Circuit' had, the faster it would travel, and she knew that back up would be needed immediately.