The New Plans for the Future Abilities

As soon as Hikari discovered his chakra affinity was wind, he began to periodically focus on this area whenever he could afford to take time away from his daily, more critical, near-term training routines.

But, occasionally, he even dedicated entire days solely to enhancing his connection with the wind element whenever he could.

He understood, both from Takumi's advice and his intuition, the importance of becoming intimately familiar with the wind element before attempting to learn any specific jutsu that utilized it.

This approach was about laying a solid foundation, making it easier for him to pick up and master wind-element ninjutsu down the line.

Hikari recognized that by building a stronger connection with the wind element initially, he would be able to learn subsequent wind jutsu much more efficiently, achieving better results in less time.

This systematic approach meant delaying the immediate gratification of learning flashy jutsu but promised a more profound mastery and understanding of wind techniques in the long run.

The strategy was to focus on the elemental affinity itself, understanding its properties, behaviors, and how it interacted with the chakra.

By immersing himself in the essence of wind, Hikari aimed to make this element an extension of his will, allowing for a more intuitive and effective application of wind-based ninjutsu.

Though this meant he would start learning specific wind jutsu later than if he had dived straight into them, Hikari was confident that this foundational work would pay off.

He anticipated that once he began focusing on particular techniques, his enhanced affinity and deeper understanding of the wind would allow him to master them more quickly and effectively.

This long-term vision underscored Hikari's patient and strategic approach to his shinobi training, emphasizing the importance of a strong foundation over immediate gains, ensuring that his mastery over the wind would be unmatched when the time came.

So, Hikari began with straightforward exercises aimed at creating, molding, and projecting wind chakra beyond his body.

He started with simple actions like using his chakra to move leaves or lightweight objects, progressively advancing to modifying the flow of wind around him.

Recognizing the intrinsic link between wind and breath, he engaged in controlled breathing exercises to refine his chakra control and strengthen his connection to the wind element.

Hikari sought out Wind Release experts within the clan, keen on observing their techniques for generating and employing wind chakra.

He paid close attention to the nuances of their jutsu—their sounds, visuals, and even the scent.

He asked these experts to apply their techniques on him lightly, allowing him to 'feel' the wind and gain a deeper understanding of its dynamics.

While training or meditating in a windy area would have been ideal for immersing himself in his element, Hikari was cautious not to leave the clan compound where those areas would be present, like on top of the Hokage's Mountain.

He wanted to avoid any misinterpretation that might suggest he was distancing himself from the Hyuga clan, especially considering his parents' history and the potential attention from the Hokage.

Instead, Hikari found alternative means to engage with the wind within the safety of his clan's domain.

Thanks to his burgeoning reputation and status as a main branch member, many Wind Release specialists within the clan were willing to assist him in his endeavors.

It was clear that, aside from a genuine interest in aiding his development, there was also an underlying motivation for these experts to align themselves with someone of Hikari's promise.

After a period of dedicated practice and once he felt sufficiently attuned to the wind element, Hikari recently started to even experiment with generating small gusts and using wind chakra to enhance his attacks, slicing through objects with newfound precision. 

Although the clan possessed many C and even B-rank Wind Release jutsu, Hikari showed little interest in them. His ambition lay in a more innovative direction: to fuse his Wind Release chakra directly with the shape transformation of the Hyuga clan's unique Rotation technique.

He recognized the potential synergy between the two, envisioning how incorporating wind could enhance the Rotation's attack speed, offensive damage potential, range, and defense.

This was a groundbreaking idea, aiming to elevate a traditional Hyuga technique into something far more powerful and versatile.

However, Hikari was under no illusions about the difficulty of this endeavor. Integrating Wind Release with the precise chakra control and rotational movement of the Hyuga Rotation would be a complex and challenging task.

He had spent three years just to become intimately familiar with the wind element, and he anticipated needing at least three more years of dedicated, hard practice to successfully combine these two aspects of his chakra.

Hikari was aware that Minato Namikaze, in the original narrative, had embarked on a similar venture, attempting to infuse his shape transformation jutsu Rasengan with Wind Release chakra.

However, despite his genius, Minato ultimately didn't succeed, passing away before seeing the fruition of this ambitious endeavor.

However, Hikari believed that the Hyuga Rotation, in its essence, was a much simpler concept compared to the Rasengan.

Theoretically, this simplicity should make the integration of Wind Release into the Rotation a more achievable goal.

Moreover, Hikari harbored a strong confidence in his abilities, not considering his talent any less significant than that of Minato Namikaze.

This self-assurance wasn't born from arrogance but from a deep understanding of his strengths and capabilities.

Hikari had also already essentially mastered the technique of enhancing his Vacuum Palm Blasts with wind chakra, an endeavor that proved more intuitive than he initially thought.

The Vacuum Palm technique already involved a manipulation of the wind, channeling one's chakra into the air in front of the user and thrusting the palms forward to project a forceful blast.

By substituting ordinary chakra with wind release chakra, Hikari found that the jutsu not only became easier to execute but also more effective.

The first time he infused wind chakra into the Vacuum Palm, following his mastery of the base technique, Hikari executed it correctly. This success was a testament to his deepening understanding and control of wind chakra. 

'As for fusing wind chakra into my 64 palms, it wouldn't accomplish anything. It would just make the chakra I eject more evasive, making it harder to accurately poke the tenketsu points with the right dose for it to work as it should.',

'There's a reason why this is a taijutsu-only technique and not a ninjutsu technique first and foremost, and why no Hyuga, I saw until now, ever does it...', Hikari suddenly realized.

'The same is true with Rotation. After observing this technique being used by various specialists over the last few months, they all never attempted to fuse it with any elements because it simply would not work.',

'Instead, it could backfire on their own bodies, make the technique's starting speed slower, and overall reduce the spinning speed, hence also decreasing its offensive and defensive capabilities.',

'By my estimates, only the Wind Release is suitable to be used alongside it. For one, it already utilizes the concept of outside air/wind around you once you spin your chakra and body around as a part of its original mechanic.',

'So adding more of your wind chakra into the mix wouldn't hurt; it would just make it stronger in its potential 'from the inside'. I will call the technique Wind Style: Rotation; it would probably just double its range if used wisely and prudently, while also increasing its speed, offensive, and defensive potential.',

'So from Hiashi's maximum 5 meters in the original, it could grow to at least 10 immediately, in radius from my body as the center, and from then depending on how my chakra develops.',

'I'm sure this was also done by that last Kage-level shinobi of our clan as well, however, the appearance of it is the same as the original Rotation, so it was maybe lost in history, or that person didn't want to admit it, but that kind of range and power surely wasn't just an ordinary rotation.',

Noting the last few of his thoughts and plans on the paper in front of him, Hikari finalized the new daily routine for power development. This carefully crafted schedule reflected his strategic approach to training, balancing the refinement of existing skills with the exploration of innovative techniques.

Hikari then slowly transitioned to the 'knowledge acquisition' portion of his day, this time selecting only some semi-advanced books on medical jutsu and fuinjutsu.

Over the last few years, his physical training had seen significant improvements, paralleled by his exhaustive reading of virtually all the books available to him on the mechanics of chakra and jutsu, as well as the social sciences and humanities of his world.

Given his background from a modern Earth, the feudalistic-level knowledge of his current world did not pose much of a challenge to understand.

Instead, what had occupied most of his time in terms of theoretical knowledge acquisition were the beginning to intermediate books about medical jutsu and fuinjutsu.

That was what was entirely unfamiliar to him beforehand, and what he focused most of his 'theoretical' attention on during the day.

He understood the value of these fields of expertise, recognizing them as the closest equivalents to the 'natural sciences' in his world.

Medical Jutsu, with its profound applications for healing and potentially altering physiological states, offered a breadth of knowledge that went beyond simple first aid, delving into the intricacies of the body's chakra system.

It was very important, no, it was actually, the only way to understand the supernatural bio-mechanics of human bodies in this strange world.

Similarly, fuinjutsu — the art of sealing — provided insights into the containment and manipulation of chakra in ways that could be both defensive and offensive, offering strategic advantages that were unparalleled in other areas of study.

This field extended even further, touching upon the unique physical laws of this world, distinct from the ones Hikari knew in his previous life.

The symbols and patterns used in fuinjutsu weren't mere decorations but abstract representations created by humans to grasp and apply the fundamental forces of nature.

Thus, fuinjutsu, and by extension, all Jutsu Shiki (spell formulas) that fuinjutsu used, laid the foundation for also understanding extraordinary space-time ninjutsu such as Summoning, Reverse Summoning, and the Flying Raijin technique, amongst others.

For Hikari, mastering these disciplines was not only just about expanding his capabilities; it was also about deepening his understanding of the world's underlying principles, which was beneficial for all kinds of reasons.

Thanks to the comprehensive notes and resources left behind by his mother, which Hikari eventually managed to obtain from Takumi, he became quite skilled in medical jutsu in practical terms as well.

He would often practice on his own in his courtyard, using various fish and small animals as subjects in his spare time.

Leveraging his Byakugan's precise vision and the Gentle Fist's delicate chakra manipulation ability, Hikari gradually learned how to accurately and gently direct his chakra to mend minor injuries.

He was confident that, with continued practice and time, he could achieve the same level of proficiency as his mother, healing his own wounds in the midst of battle using the Gentle Fist, Byakugan, and the Yang Release.

Furthermore, mastering the use of Yang Release chakra, which is integral to medical jutsu, proved to be within Hikari's grasp.

Unlike elemental affinities that some shinobi naturally have an easier or harder time learning, the creation of the Yin or Yang Release chakra does not depend on such affinities.

Instead, it hinges on the shinobi's control over their chakra—a domain where Hikari had become exceptionally proficient.

This expertise in chakra control meant that learning to utilize Yang Release chakra for healing purposes was not as challenging for Hikari as it might have been for others less skilled in manipulating their chakra.

Therefore, although medical jutsu wasn't Hikari's primary area of focus, he achieved a respectable level of proficiency in it, both in practical application and theoretical understanding.

His background from a previous life, enriched with modern medical concepts, contributed significantly to his advanced grasp of theoretical knowledge in this field.

This foundation allowed him to adapt and apply these principles to the medical jutsu practices of his current world, even reaching an intermediate level in terms of practical application.

This unique blend of past knowledge and current learning enabled Hikari to approach medical jutsu from a different perspective, enhancing his ability to understand and perform medical techniques more effectively than might have been expected.

His ability to combine modern medical insights with the chakra-based healing methods of the ninja world gave him an edge, making him adept at diagnosing and treating injuries in ways that bridged two worlds of medical practice.

He found himself at a similar level in fuinjutsu, initially finding it easy thanks to the decent math proficiency level he had in his past life, that fuinjutsu of this world was quite similar, yet, recently, he encountered a bottleneck in this area as well, struggling to break through to the 'advanced' practical levels in both medical jutsu and fuinjutsu.

Recognizing the need for expert guidance to progress further, Hikari decided to seek out specialized training available within the Hyuga Clan compound.

These specialized facilities were known to offer in-depth training programs led by masters in their respective fields, catering to shinobi who aspired to excel beyond basic proficiency.

After submitting his application and undergoing the initial assessments, Hikari's dedication and existing skill level impressed the instructors.

They recognized his potential and the depth of his foundational knowledge, which set him apart from typical applicants.

Consequently, Hikari was accepted into their advanced classes for both medical jutsu and fuinjutsu.

However, you have to note that despite Hikari's proficiency and intermediate practical level in both medical jutsu and fuinjutsu, he was aware that this did not equate to possessing specific techniques in these disciplines.

It was clear to him that someone with even a single powerful technique in either area could potentially be more useful in specific situations than he was, despite his broader skill set.

In terms of medical jutsu, Hikari wasn't looking to expand his repertoire with offensive techniques aimed at manipulating opponents' bodies.

His primary interest lay in self-healing capabilities during combat, a need directly addressed by his mother's notes. Among these, a technique seemingly dubbed the "Gentle Fist of Healing" caught his attention.

This technique, tailored to his Hyuga heritage and leveraging the Gentle Fist's chakra manipulation principles for healing, was exactly what Hikari sought.

It offered a reliable fallback should he sustain injuries, aligning perfectly with his strategic approach to combat without diverging into the offensive domain of medical jutsu.

As for fuinjutsu, Hikari's ambitions were similarly focused. He was not after the legendary and complex sealing techniques associated with the Uzumaki clan, which were both out of his current reach and misaligned with his goals.

Basic sealing techniques that could offer strategic advantages in battle or safeguard important items were his target.

Regarding the highly coveted Jutsu Shiki for space-time manipulation, such as the Flying Raijin, Hikari recognized the immense dedication and unique 'space-time' affinity required for such techniques.

Though intrigued by the concept, he realistically assessed his current priorities and path. Stealing such a jutsu from the Hokage's office, aside from being a monumental challenge, would divert him from other, more immediately beneficial avenues of strengthening.

By the time he could potentially access such a technique, he anticipated being far stronger through other means and possibly lacking the decades of dedicated practice needed to master it.

Therefore, Hikari's engagement with these two disciplines was driven by a desire to deepen his understanding of the world's mechanics—a goal he had largely achieved—and to find small practical applications for this knowledge.

To fulfill this second objective, what he needed now were opportunities for guided practice under the tutelage of professionals, which would streamline his learning process and save valuable time.

This is precisely the opportunity presented by the specialized training facilities for medical jutsu and fuinjutsu within the Hyuga Clan compound. By joining these advanced classes, Hikari aims to bridge the gap between his broad theoretical knowledge and its practical application.