Sparring Session - Hiashi and Hizashi

Shortly thereafter, the Patriarch and Hikari made their way to the dojo, where Hiashi and Hizashi awaited their arrival, already prepared for the training session ahead. 

The dojo itself, a spacious hall adorned with the Hyuga clan's insignias and equipped with training mats and mirrors along the walls, served as a testament to the clan's dedication to martial prowess.

The soft rustle of the tatami mats underfoot whispered of countless hours of rigorous training that had taken place within these walls.

"Today, we'll focus on refining our Gentle Fist techniques...", The Patriarch announced, his voice echoing slightly in the large space, "Hiashi, Hizashi, I want you to practice the basic strikes and blocks. Hikari, I'd like to see your progress with the 64-Palms."

Hiashi and Hizashi nodded, moving to one side of the dojo to begin their exercises, their movements synchronized and fluid, a reflection of their deep-rooted understanding of the Hyuga's fighting style.

Meanwhile, Hikari prepared himself, centering his chakra and focusing his mind on the task at hand.

Under the watchful eyes of the Patriarch, Hikari began demonstrating the 64-Palms technique, his movements a blur of precision and speed.

Each strike was aimed with pinpoint accuracy, targeting imaginary chakra points in the air before him.

The demonstration wasn't just a display of physical skill but also an exhibition of his deep understanding of the Hyuga's taijutsu and chakra control.

As Hikari concluded his demonstration, the Patriarch nodded in approval, his gaze acknowledging the young Hyuga's talent and dedication.

"Very well done, Hikari-kun. Your mastery of the technique at such a young age speaks volumes of your potential...', He commended, offering a rare smile that conveyed both pride and expectation.

"Yet, what do you think of a sparring session? Hikari-kun, would you be willing to spar with Hizashi first, followed by Hiashi?", Suggested the Patriarch, proposing a hands-on practice.

Hikari and Hizashi both agreed and then positioned themselves in the center of the dojo, their postures a testament to their training and heritage.

With a respectful martial arts salute—an acknowledgment of both their competition and their bond as clan members—they commenced their spar under the curious eyes of Hiashi and the Patriarch by opening their Byakugan at the same time. 

Hikari, even at his young age, demonstrated remarkable prowess and agility, weaving through Hizashi's defenses with a fluidity that belied his years.

Hizashi, for his part, fought valiantly, his skill evident despite the bloodline limitations placed on him by the Cursed Mark.

As the match progressed, it became clear that Hikari's training and access to more advanced techniques gave him an edge.

Hizashi, restricted in both Byakugan potential and knowledge due to his status within the Side Branch, fought with the '32 Palms'—the extent of the Gentle Fist technique he managed to figure out on his own without any official guidance as such thing was forbidden to him by clan laws.

So, despite his determination the disparity in their abilities and opportunities was getting evident.

The outcome, though somewhat expected, was met with mixed emotions. Hikari, respectful in victory, extended a hand to help Hizashi to his feet.

The Patriarch and Hiashi watched closely, the former with a thoughtful expression, perhaps pondering the implications of the clan's traditions, and the latter with a sense of brotherly concern and surprise at Hikari's victory.

This spar, while a display of skill and dedication, also underscored the complexities and divisions within the Hyuga clan—between the potential allowed to flourish and the potential restrained, between the paths laid out by birthright, and those altered by fate.

Despite Hizashi's reputation as a prominent up-and-coming talent within the Side Branch, which he hadn't seen in many years, he found himself now bested by Hikari for the first time in their occasional sparring sessions.

Though Hizashi had the overwhelming advantage of age, the outcome reflected the constraints placed upon him by his status within the clan.

While Hizashi processed the mix of emotions stemming from this defeat, Hikari offered words of consolation and encouragement, as even he understood how damaging it could be to be defeated by someone so young, so speaking with a sincerity that surprised even himself.

"Hizashi-senpai, don't be too discouraged...", Hikari whispered, lending a hand to help him rise, "I understand that your Byakugan excels in long-distance vision, right? Focus on that strength and carve out your unique path.",

"The absence of access to existing techniques doesn't preclude the possibility of creating your own. I'm confident you'll transcend these barriers and emerge as a formidable and elite shinobi of our clan. I have faith in you...",

This encouragement came from Hikari's heart, inspired by Hizashi's difficult position similar to his own before transmigration here.

As for whether Hizashi would take this advice to heart and manage to change his original strength level from the original series, and escape from his destiny, Hikari couldn't be sure.

But at that moment, he truly hoped his words would give Hizashi the push he needed to overcome his innate limitations of fate and rise above it.

At that moment, Hiashi's gaze towards Hikari got even kinder than before, now possibly seeing him not just as a fellow clan member, full of potential but as someone truly close to him.

This shift was brought about after observing how Hikari handled the sparring session with his brother — treating Hizashi with care and respect, despite the gap in their branch statuses, and even offering a hand to help him up after their bout without any pretense alongside some words of consolidation that he couldn't hear but were sincere judging by the expression on both of their faces.

The Patriarch, meanwhile, caught off guard by what he overheard thanks to his sharp hearing, gave Hikari a look filled with a mix of surprise and newfound respect.

It was unexpected for him to witness Hikari offering such mature and insightful advice to Hizashi, echoing sentiments he himself held and often expressed.

This moment seemed to deepen the Patriarch's appreciation for Hikari, recognizing in him qualities that went beyond mere talent and potential, hinting at a depth of character that was commendable and rare.

As Hikari and Hiashi squared off, the air in the dojo seemed to thicken with anticipation. Both Hyuga heirs stood ready, Byakugan activated to its fullest, each assuming the formidable Eight Trigrams 64-Palms stance. 

The duel unfolded with intense exchanges, each combatant showcasing the pinnacle of Hyuga taijutsu. Every strike, every deflection, was executed with utmost skill, making it impossible to predict the outcome.

As the fight dragged on, Hiashi's naturally more developed body and chakra due to age and fighting experience began to tip the scales.

Despite the ferocity of Hikari's assault, Hiashi managed his energy more effectively, allowing him to endure the exhaustive battle, and strike decisively when the opportunity presented itself.

In the end, it was Hiashi who emerged victorious, though not without effort and some visible exhaustion.

The shock was evident in his eyes — he had not anticipated such a level of challenge from Hikari, due to his age, despite him also being from the Main Branch family and despite him going a little easy on him.

Hizashi, having returned to the sidelines after his own bout with Hikari, watched in disbelief as his brother was forced so far.

The Patriarch, observing the match with a discerning eye, was slightly surprised by the outcome, but his reaction was more reserved compared to the astonishment shown by Hiashi and Hizashi.

After their intense sparring session, Hikari and Hiashi exchanged a few respectful words, acknowledging each other's strengths and the hard-fought battle they had just endured, even bumping fists together in a friendly manner.

And eventually, after the entire training session inside the dojo finished for the day they all parted ways in a respectful and traditional, but sincerely must closer manner than before.

Hikari soon also took his leave from the Patriarch's residence, contemplating the day's events and his own capabilities at the present date.

On his way home, Hikari couldn't help but reflect on his performance. He recognized Hiashi's strength as akin to that of a peak Chunin, while he himself possessed the strength of an early Chunin.

Therefore he reasoned that Hiashi probably purposefully didn't use some of the strongest techniques, from his lineage, like the 'Twin Lion Fist' against him this time around due to the vast difference in age, he only used basic Gentle Fist.

No official team from Konoha has been dispatched to test him and evaluate Hikari's abilities by this point in time.

Given the unique structure and needs of each clan within Konoha, it was common for a large chunk of clan shinobi to focus solely on internal security and the preservation of their clan's lifeblood, never officially partaking in village missions, Anbu, or other similar organizations.

To facilitate this balance, Konoha developed a system wherein special shinobi teams were dispatched to clans to evaluate the skills of clan members who chose this path. This evaluation process was designed to assess each individual's abilities and assign them an appropriate shinobi rank, ensuring that their strength was formally recognized by Konoha.

The agreement between Konoha and its clans, allowing special shinobi teams to evaluate clan members who focused on internal security, served a dual purpose.

For Konoha, it was a strategic move that allowed the village leadership, particularly the Hokage, to maintain an updated and detailed understanding of the strengths and capabilities within each clan.

This was crucial for preparing and planning in times of war, ensuring that Konoha could effectively mobilize its forces and utilize the unique abilities of its diverse clans.

On the other side, the clans agreed to this arrangement as it provided formal recognition of their members' skills and contributions, even if those members chose not to participate in standard village missions.

This recognition was significant, albeit less valuable than the information the Hokage gained regarding the clans' potential for combat and defense.

Nevertheless, this compromise was established during the founding of Konoha, rooted in a mutual understanding of its importance for the village's collective security.

No clan dared to misrepresent their capabilities or withhold information about their members, as doing so could jeopardize their standing within Konoha and potentially lead to consequences if discovered.

This system of evaluation and recognition thus reinforced the delicate balance of trust and cooperation that underpinned the relationship between Konoha and its clans.

Hikari, though still too young to be part of this evaluation process, was acutely aware of its implications. Understanding that the Hokage's interest in this system was more about gathering intelligence than rewarding the clans, Hikari saw it as another facet of the complex dynamics within Konoha.

This insight into how power and information were managed within the village added another layer to his understanding of the world he lived in and the role he was to play within it.