The First Conversation With Hinome

"Are you feeling better now?", Hikari asked, surprisingly not diving straight into the reasons behind his previous actions.

"Yeah, I'm better now, Hikari... sama... Thank you for your concern. And also thank you for helping me this time. And I am sorry I had to bother you in such a way...", Hinome responded, her voice laced with a mix of relief and apology. 

"It's good that you're feeling better. However, you should also rest up at home for a few days. Also, there's no need to say thank you for all of this. Instead, if you truly feel thankful, I have some ideas about ways for you to repay my help if you are up for it...", Hikari replied directly.

Hinome, feeling a mix of eagerness to reciprocate Hikari's assistance and confusion about how she could be of help to someone of his status and strength, replied with a touch of uncertainty, "I would be glad to help you, Hikari-sama, just say if there is anything I can do."

"I won't beat around the bush then. First, it's true that I really noticed your talent quite a while ago, and I've been secretly keeping tabs on your progress. I've even discussed with your professor in the third class various ways I could support you. I noticed your talent a month ago during our first meeting when I joined that class we saw each other in for the first time.",

"I'm mostly fascinated by your unique Byakugan vision ability of microscopic nature. I think I will need your help in the future when I officially become the Third Elder of the clan. You are crucial for some of my very important plans.",

"You might not realize it, but your unique ability is truly precious, and allowing it to develop fully would benefit not just me and my lineage, but the entire clan...", Hikari spoke with sincerity and directness that underscored the importance.

'So, is that why the professor and his team were so polite to me and gave so much attention to my matters during those scientific workshops...',

'I didn't expect to be kept in the dark like this... But it doesn't feel bad...', Hinome found herself pondering after hearing Hikari's straightforward explanation. 

Choosing to trust Hikari felt natural to Hinome, especially since the professor had also often mentioned how rare and valuable her ability was for the scientific field in general. Being kept in the dark about Hikari's involvement didn't bother her as much as she would have thought.

"Then what expectations do you exactly have for me?", Hinome asked, her curiosity piqued by Hikari's acknowledgment of her talent and his stated intentions. 

"Nothing special, for now, you just stay under the guidance of that professor and raise your scientific proficiency level. That area will be key in how you can help me. As for other medical jutsu areas, use them only as secondary interests.",

"Believe me, there are many talented medical ninjas in this clan and the village, however, there are not many who are experts in scientific research.",

"If you're eager to help your clan and help as many people as possible in the future, then it makes sense to focus on this field. I will talk to the director of this institute, who is related to the Sixth Elder, to ensure you're allowed to develop fully and to prevent situations like today from happening again. I will also pay for all your expenses...",

"When I officially become the Third Elder in six years, if your skills are up for the task, you are going to become my main assistant. And your salary at that time won't be under the director of this institute.",

"I plan to open my own scientific research lab at that time for the collective betterment of our clan and, to be honest, also to try and improve my own ability through some daring and bold ideas I have...",

Hikari added, outlining a future that not only included Hinome in a pivotal role but also detailed his ambition for leveraging scientific research to advance the clan and himself.

Hinome was a little surprised by Hikari's statement, especially the part about her future salary not being under the director of this institute.

She knew the director was the brother of the Sixth Elder and was recognized as one of the wealthiest members of the entire clan.

The notion that her financial compensation would be competitive with, or even surpass, that of someone of such high status within the Hyuga clan showed the serious investment Hikari was willing to make in her and her abilities.

After her parents died, fulfilling their wishes for her to live well became Hinome's primary motivation.

Leveraging her early exposure to medical knowledge and the unique microscopic vision of her Byakugan, she ambitiously enrolled in all three advanced workshops offered at the institute.

Hinome was already planning for her future livelihood, mindful of the time when the village and clan's monetary support, extended to her as an orphan of war heroes, would cease.

Hikari's offer, therefore, arrived at a pivotal moment for Hinome. His words, charged with sincerity and the evident respect he had for her abilities, resonated deeply with her.

The respect she felt was further cemented by her parents' positive remarks about Hikari's parents, his act of saving her today, and the mention of a high salary.

Even if the eventual compensation didn't reach the lofty figures Hikari hinted at, it would still be very high judging by Hikari's future status.

This, coupled with Hikari's evident belief in her potential, made her more easily agree to his proposal.

The suggestion to prioritize scientific research over direct medical jutsu and healing wasn't as big a leap for Hinome as it might have been before the recent events.

The pressure she faced in the last few days after being pressured to heal that many people, one after another, day after day, leading to her fragile and fatigued state, culminating in the attack by the Main Branch girl, had left a profound impact on her.

Also, the tragic fate of her parents as medical ninjas who lost their lives on the frontline deeply influenced Hinome's perspective on her future role within the clan and the wider ninja world.

This personal history had imbued her with a strong desire to help others, a hallmark of her pursuit of medical knowledge.

However, it also served as a clear reminder of the dangers and sacrifices inherent in the life of a medical ninja actively engaged in combat situations.

Hikari's proposal offered a compelling alternative that aligned with her evolving outlook. By focusing on becoming a scientific professional, Hinome saw a path where she could contribute significantly to the well-being of others without exposing herself to dangers.

However, just before Hinome could voice her agreement, Hikari began to speak again. He realized that being completely upfront about what her future role entailed was crucial.

It was better for her to understand everything upfront rather than be surprised later on.

Hikari also recognized that enhancing her skills was only part of the preparation; shaping her mindset and outlook on life was equally important.

The path ahead, involving certain experiments and research needed to achieve his goals, might not always align with conventional 'moral codes' mildly put.

Hikari valued results and believed that achieving his objectives might require actions that others could view as morally ambiguous.

He saw power as the ultimate means to happiness and safety and expected Hinome, as his future first and main assistant, to share or at least understand his perspective. Therefore, Hikari's next shift in demeanor brought a sudden gravity to the conversation.