Beginning of Hikari's Rise to The Limelight

After wrapping up his entire morning training session, which ended with a rigorous set of physical exercises designed to improve his strength, speed, and endurance among others, Hikari stepped outside the residence. 

Hikari then made his way to the Patriarch's residence for another lunch, a sense of anticipation stirring within him.

For reasons he couldn't quite articulate, he felt that this visit would be significant.

Adorned in traditional Hyuga-style robes, their dark blue hue mirroring the color of his hair, he moved with a sense of purpose.

At 11 years old, his youthful face had begun to shed its childlike roundness, taking on sharper, more defined features.

His bright Hyuga eyes, vibrant and full of determination, hinted at the handsome young man he would become.

His rigorous training regimen and nutrition had not only honed his skills but also shaped his physical appearance.

Standing tall among his peers, Hikari's frame and height were noticeably more developed for someone his age.

This physical maturity, combined with the elegant traditional robes he wore, lent him an air of dignity and promise beyond his years.

Over the years, not only had Hikari's physical stature improved, but the internal structure of his chakra pathways had also undergone significant development.

His elastic-like chakra vessels had become more robust, enhancing his capacity to store and manage greater amounts of chakra.

This physiological evolution contributed to a notable increase in his 'base stats,' rendering him considerably stronger in physical terms than he was five years prior.

In the shinobi world, while every individual possesses circulating chakra naturally, the ability to generate additional chakra for jutsu involves harnessing a mix of spiritual and physical energies.

Relying solely on the chakra already present within the body is risky; depleting one's chakra reserves completely can lead to death.

However, the process of continuously generating new chakra can gradually expand the chakra vessels, allowing for increased storage capacity.

This expansion acts as a foundation for the body, enhancing its overall strength through the constant flow of energy within the chakra coils.

As a result, even the base physical attributes, such as speed and power, could see substantial improvements.

That was an underlying principle that explained how civilians, with dedicated training and effort, could ascend to the ranks of chunin and even jonin if they developed some special jutsu on their own.

By consistently generating and refining new chakra, they effectively 'exercise' their chakra pathways, akin to strengthening a muscle.

Over time, this practice leads to an expanded capacity for chakra storage, which, in turn, elevates their base physical capabilities.

Consequently, these enhanced individuals become valuable assets to their respective ninja villages, capable of serving in various capacities, from frontline combat to support roles, effectively acting as 'enhanced humans-cannon fodder' in the expansive and dangerous world of shinobi.

A while later, after arriving there and just nodding toward the guards, Hikari was immediately led in, as if he were a usual guest there.

Soon, he found himself in the main living room, where the Patriarch, Hiashi, and Hizashi, were already present.

"Greetings, Patriarch-sama, Hiashi-san, Hizashi-senpai...", Over time, he had grown more comfortable with them and now addressed them in a way that showed both respect and familiarity.

They all called him "Hikari-kun" in return, a sign of their affection and recognition of his place in the clan.

Then, Hikari sat down to eat, moving in a way that showed he was used to these gatherings. The meal was traditional, with dishes that they all enjoyed, and the atmosphere was formal yet comfortable.

As they started eating, their conversation touched on various topics, including what was happening in the clan and the village, showing how much Hikari was now a part of these important discussions.

As lunch progressed, the conversation took a more serious turn when they began discussing recent unsettling rumors about Danzo's actions, brought by the Patriarch himself.

It was proven that Danzo had started to forcibly recruit young members from the Aburame and Inuzuka clans—two of their closest allies within the village.

This was happening under what seemed to be a silent approval from the entire Hokage's faction.

Danzo had already beforehand managed to recruit some members from the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans. 

Hikari, absorbing the gravity of the situation, responded, "Those kinds of moves spell trouble...", The room fell into a thoughtful silence as they considered the implications.

He then continued, drawing connections to their own situation, "These actions are definitely also aimed at us, the Hyuga clan. We're likely to be the next ones pressured into sending our members into the Root.",

"With the Uchiha and Root already openly at odds, involving numerous altercations between their Police Force and Root operatives, it's clear we may find ourselves in a difficult position.",

Hikari's analysis deepened as he considered the broader implications, "Danzo has already crossed the Uchiha clan off for elimination; he doesn't hope to recruit them.",

"But, he would probably still try to recruit someone from our clan. We've always been flexible to the Hokage's faction, and our Byakugan would be quite useful for Danzo's organization."

The Patriarch, then, after a moment of heavy silence, turned his gaze towards Hikari. With a deep sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the clan's future, he asked,

"Then are you ready, Hikari-kun? Are you ready to finally step into the limelight and accept your destined role and responsibility for the clan?"

The sudden question wasn't just a query; it was a call to action. It came at a moment when the Patriarch recognized that the confrontation with the Hokage's faction could no longer be avoided.

The situation had escalated, crossing a critical threshold. For years, the Hyuga clan had maintained a posture of submission towards the Hokage's faction, a strategic move designed to ensure Hikari could grow and reach his potential safely.

This strategy was part of a larger plan, envisioning Hikari as a central figure in the clan's future strength and autonomy.

However, Danzo's recent actions, especially his intentions to recruit Hyuga members into Root, in the near time represented a blatant violation of every possible 'red line' for them.

The Patriarch and the others could only imagine the horrors that awaited any clansmen sent to Root—unethical experiments, the imposition of Danzo's own version of cursed seals, or even attempts to break through the Hyuga's own cursed seal.

Further concessions to the Hokage's faction, and by extension to Danzo, were out of the question. The stakes were too high, and the clan's integrity and autonomy were on the line.

In asking Hikari if he was ready to step forward, the Patriarch was seeking to gauge not just Hikari's readiness but his resolve, strength, and willingness to take on a central role in the clan's response to these external pressures.

It was a pivotal moment for Hikari, a transition from the protective shadows of training and development into the forefront of clan leadership and resistance against those who sought to undermine or control them.

This wasn't merely a question of readiness for battle; it was about readiness to lead, to make difficult decisions, and to represent the Hyuga clan's interests in increasingly complex political and martial landscapes.

For Hikari, the Patriarch's question signified the end of one chapter of his life and the beginning of another, far more challenging and crucial for the future of his clan.

Hikari met the Patriarch's gaze with a resolute expression, his bright Hyuga eyes reflecting a depth of determination,

"Yes, I'm ready, Patriarch-sama!", He replied confidently. In his voice, there was an undeniable strength and a readiness to embrace the responsibilities that lay ahead.

Hikari understood the gravity of the moment and what was being asked of him. He recognized that his journey within the safety of the clan's walls had reached a turning point.

"I feel like I've learned all that I can within the confines of our home. Staying in this 'comfort zone,' protected by the clan, won't allow me to grow further...",

Hikari continued, his words resonating with a sense of maturity and insight, "It's time for me to step out, to use what I've learned, and to repay the clan for all the training and resources they've invested in me..."

Patriarch's response carried a tone of approval, yet it was underscored by the gravity of the challenges that lay ahead, "I understand, Hikari-kun. The Hyuga clan is indeed fortunate to have nurtured someone of your caliber.",

"However, I must also personally gauge the extent of your strength then, to ensure you are truly ready to assume a leading role within our clan.",

"Prepare yourself mentally for now, for this will be unlike any of our previous sparring sessions. We will both need to exert our full strength...", He replied, his gaze serious.

"However, I also want to see how you have grown in terms of insight during this time and if you are completely ready for that step. So, what do you propose we do next about this?",

The Patriarch continued his last question hanging in the air like a challenge, clearly evaluating Hikari's readiness not just in strength but in wisdom and leadership as well.

'So, it is finally this time? It seems that everything I did during the last five years in terms of training and commercial involvement didn't go unnoticed. It seems that the Patriarch is truly considering lifting all bans on me, and allowing me to become the true Third Elder earlier...',

Hikari momentarily thought, his blood boiling with excitement and a thirst for power. The prospect of becoming the Third Elder officially a whole year earlier than initially planned, and having all restrictions completely lifted was exhilarating.

This change would be an opportunity to accelerate many of his plans, preparing more effectively for the tumultuous times that lay ahead for the village and the wider world.

Every second counted, and with the full authority and resources that came with the position of Third Elder, Hikari could make significant strides in increasing the probability of success.

Hikari took a moment to gather his thoughts as he understood the importance of the question, "To address the immediate threat from Danzo and ensure the safety of our clan members, we should first strengthen our internal security and surveillance to guard against any attempts at coercion or abduction.",

"Additionally, we should open discreet channels of communication with other clans who share our concerns, potentially forming alliances that could offer mutual support against common threats...", Hikari proposed, his voice steady and confident. 

"In terms of our next steps...", Hikari continued, pausing for a moment to ensure his ideas were clearly articulated, "I suggest we not only reinforce and elevate our alliances with the Aburame and Inuzuka clans to a new level but also initiate new partnerships with smaller shinobi families.",

"This would include clans like the Hatake, Gekko, Yuhi, Sumi, and others, ranked in order of their strength. These clans have faced significant challenges from the Hokage's faction influence in both the political and commercial spheres, not to mention the aggressive recruitment efforts and other pressures from Danzo's Root organization...", He continued. 

He took a breath, his thoughts well-organized and his demeanor calm yet assertive, "It's crucial, however, that we, the Hyuga clan, take a leadership role in this emerging alliance.",

"Our strength is unmatched, and I believe we possess a superior blend of strategic insight and intellectual resources. By leading, we can ensure a united front that is both effective and cohesive in resisting the encroachments we all face or are about to face.", Hikari finished. 

The Patriarch nodded openly in approval and satisfaction at Hikari's suggestions. It was true that similar ideas had been floated in the Elder's Council before,

But they had always come from Elders who were decades older, seasoned by years of experience and deep involvement in the clan's politics.

The remarkable thing about Hikari's proposal was that he, at merely 11 years old and without prior knowledge of those discussions, had independently arrived at a similar conclusion.