The Hatake and Hyuga's Unified Mission

As their conversation shifted back to other topics, Sakumo and Hikari began to make their way out of the Hatake clan residence.

Their path took them between the residence itself and the compound gates.

It was in this relaxed atmosphere that they noticed a young figure approaching from the opposite direction.

There, making his way back from his training, was a seven-year-old Kakashi. His youthful, determined stride and the unmistakable spiky, silver hair, even at such a young age, marked him as unmistakably a Hatake. 

"Father... Hikari-san..." Kakashi's voice, steady and composed, broke the comfortable silence between Sakumo and Hikari. His eyes, sharp and observant even at such a young age, shifted between the two.

Kakashi had encountered Hikari once before during a previous visit to his home. Sakumo had always spoken in glowing terms about Hikari's exceptional abilities, suggesting that Kakashi could learn much from him.

On that occasion, Sakumo had even arranged a spar between the young Chunin and Hikari, aiming to temper Kakashi's burgeoning pride and expose him to the broader spectrum of shinobi talent, especially in terms of those that come from the big clans that Kakashi wasn't truly exposed to before in the right way.

Despite Kakashi's prodigious achievements—being the youngest to hold the titles of Chunin, Genin, and Academy graduate in Konoha's history—Hikari had bested him effortlessly with a single move.

That encounter had left a profound impression on Kakashi, challenging his early notions of strength and skill. It was a humbling experience, one that seeded a deep respect for Hikari within him.

As he stood there, acknowledging both his father and Hikari, the memory of their previous encounter and the lessons learned lingered in his young mind, shaping his understanding.

Meanwhile, as Hikari also observed young Kakashi, he pondered over his future trajectory. Hikari's willingness to offer guidance and foster a positive relationship with Kakashi wasn't merely out of respect for Sakumo; it was rooted in the knowledge of the significant role Kakashi would play in the future.

Recognized as a potent force within the Hokage's faction, Hikari saw the importance of influencing Kakashi early on, aiming to prevent him from becoming a mere tool of the village leadership, as was his fate in the original timeline, and become more aligned with his plans for the village and the world in general.

Hikari also reflected on how the Sharingan, while a famous symbol of Kakashi's strength, in the original series, ultimately hindered his true potential by focusing his talents on copying various, thousand 'mid-tier' superficial techniques rather than developing his own inherent capabilities that could truly flip the table and be useful against the true peak-level shinobi that would appear in the future.

His ability to be one of the few non-Uchiha people in history to use the Sharingan to such a level only showed his amazing chakra reserves that he squandered away in Hikari's opinion, and it wasn't anything positive, after all, it was a foreign power, that would always 'cost' him more than it would cost other real Uchiha, always skewing the risk to reward ratio for its use.

The Sharingan's constant chakra consumption and the shift in focus away from Sakumo's and the Hatake clan's inherent strengths, which he was probably genetically predisposed to, underscored for Hikari the missed opportunities in Kakashi's development since he got that Sharingan at a young age in the first place, that 'retarded' his shinobi potential ever since.

He believed that without the burden of the Sharingan, Kakashi could have harnessed his vast chakra reserves, which was clearly shown after he lost the Sharingan in the original series, more efficiently potentially even leading to innovations like the 'Purple Lightning' sooner and building a foundation of power that was truly his own, not foreign, from the way younger age.

This belief only deepened Hikari's interest in the Hatake clan. Recognizing Kakashi's innate potential and huge chakra reserves, he planned to delve deeper into their clan's secrets and strengths through Sakumo in the future, when they developed their relationship even more.

Sakumo and Hikari exchanged brief greetings with Kakashi, both of them conveying warmth yet an air of urgency about the tasks ahead.

They mentioned they had important matters to attend to, subtly signaling the end of their encounter with the young ninja.

As they departed, Kakashi watched their backs, a sense of weight lifting from him, though he couldn't pinpoint why.

He sensed a change in his father, a shift towards a more positive demeanor that was both puzzling and comforting.

This noticeable difference in Sakumo stirred curiosity and a faint hope within Kakashi, leaving him to ponder as he made his way back into the residence.

The brief interaction, though fleeting, hinted at transformative currents flowing through the lives of the Hatake family, sparked by Hikari's influence and the unfolding plans that lay ahead for all of them.

Meanwhile, as Hikari and Sakumo stepped through the gates, Sakumo cast a mild smile towards Hikari, remarking on the evident support from his clan,

"It seems your clan holds you in very high regard, Hikari-kun...", He observed, his gaze briefly sweeping over the 15 Jonin from the Hyuga clan who accompanied Hikari, now forming a protective flank around them both.

After saying this, Sakumo's thoughts momentarily drifted to Hikari's parents. He chose not to voice these reflections, but a contemplative mood had settled over him.

'Perhaps there's wisdom in Hikari-kun's approach to this world....' Sakumo considered the fate of Hikari's parents, recognizing that a similar path might have led Hikari to a premature end, not to mention having this kind of treatment within his clan.

This moment of introspection brought Sakumo to a realization about his own life and choices. Influenced by his recent conversations with Hikari, he began to understand the importance of discerning between serving the broader interests of the village and being manipulated by those in power for their own gains.

Sakumo acknowledged, perhaps for the first time with such clarity, that adopting a measure of self-preservation was not only prudent but necessary in a world as fraught with peril and manipulation as theirs.

This acknowledgment was a sign of growth, a silent admission that survival and serving one's own interests first were a prerequisite to effecting any real change within the village.

In this moment, Sakumo felt a newfound maturity, a deeper understanding that true service to the village meant staying alive to fight another day, rather than succumbing to the tragic ends met by so many, including Hikari's parents and nearly himself.

"Indeed, the Hyuga clan has shown me considerable support until now. But, now that I also officially hold the position of Third Elder, such arrangements are to be expected...",

Hikari responded his tone light, "Let's make our way to the Gekko clan first then, Sakumo-san...", He added, signaling the start of their collaborative mission.

Together, Hikari and Sakumo set out toward the Gekko clan's quarters, intentionally choosing it as their inaugural visit due to its proximity.

It was also important that they appear together in public at least one time, to make the matter of their alliances more official to other potential targets for recruiting this time now.

It was a crucial first step in their broader campaign to forge a united front. After they engaged with the Gekko clan, they planned to continue their outreach efforts separately, maximizing their impact across the village.

Concurrently, the Hyuga clan would officially extend this network of alliances through direct communication, sending representatives to convey their unified stance and invitations to join their cause to the other smaller clans, or through letters.