Retreat and Reflect: Kiyomi's Realization

Yet, her anticipation turned to astonishment when Hikari countered with a Rotation of unprecedented magnitude.

The defensive dome expanded to a 10-meter radius, its fierce and sharp nature effortlessly neutralizing her attack.

The sheer size, speed, and intensity of the Rotation were unlike anything she had seen, leading her to a startling conclusion with the aid of her Sharingan: this was no ordinary Rotation.

Hikari had infused it with Wind Release as well, enhancing its defensive capabilities beyond standard measures.

Realizing the breadth of Hikari's strength level, Kiyomi made a split-second decision to retreat and regroup within the mountainous terrain, hoping to devise a new strategy.

However, her escape was thwarted by wind-like projectiles that sealed off her potential exit routes, a clear demonstration of Hikari's control over the battlefield from beginning to end.

With Hikari's voice carrying through the distance, as he calmly approached, declaring the conclusion of their spar, "I think that we have a clear winner, Kiyomi-san, there is no point in continuing this exchange...",

As Hikari approached, the aftermath of their intense exchange visible in the large scorched crater that now lay behind them, Kiyomi let out a sigh.

Her face, usually marked by youthful symmetry and vitality, now bore signs of fatigue and dimming confidence, sweat tracing the contours of her skin. She looked up at Hikari, a mixture of respect and realization in her eyes.

"It's my first time seeing, or even hearing about, the Rotation being infused with Wind Release like that. Among all Hyugas, you're probably the only one capable of such a feat, especially at such a young age.",

"Your reputation and the esteem in which the Hyuga clan holds you are truly well-founded. You are indeed a genius, Hikari-san...", She conceded, her voice carrying a weight of acknowledgment and defeat.

As a proud member of the Uchiha clan, and with such a high pedigree within the clan itself, accepting defeat wasn't easy for Kiyomi, but she recognized the value of acknowledging Hikari's superiority in their duel.

Defeat, she understood, was a bitter but necessary teacher. Instead of denying the outcome, she chose to face it head-on, seeing it as a challenge to grow, refine her skills, and return stronger and turn defeat into victory.

In her heart, Kiyomi made a vow to work harder, to push her limits further, and to one day challenge Hikari again, not just to reclaim her honor as a Uchiha but to test her growth and resolve against a formidable opponent.

"You are quite talented and strong for our age group too, Kiyomi-san...", Hikari began, his tone genuine as he closed the distance between them.

"And the way you objectively admitted defeat, putting aside your pride, speaks volumes. I really respect that about you...", He continued, his mild smile conveying his sincerity, "So, I'd like to offer you some advice, and I hope you won't take offense. I believe it might help you."

"Instead of focusing so much on shurikenjutsu and ninjutsu, like Fire Release, perhaps you should focus more on your eyes—your Sharingan. Your dojutsu and bloodline are what truly sets you apart in this shinobi world.",

"While other skills are important, they have their limits. If you really want to surpass those limits, tapping into the potential of your bloodline, which is a unique gift, might be the key. That's part of my secret too...",

Hikari's bright natural eyes held a sudden mysterious glint as he looked at her and spoke this part, while he chuckled a little.

He realized that this girl in front of him was worth building a good relationship and 'networking' with for his future plans, from either her background, personality, or talent standpoint, so he gave her this sincere advice, and it was up to her to take it or not.

Kiyomi found herself momentarily surprised by Hikari's soft demeanor, particularly after his win, which he seemingly regarded as no more than a minor detail rather than a significant triumph.

His approach lacked any hint of arrogance; instead, there was a peculiar sparkle in his pale eyes and a curious chuckle as he discussed the importance of bloodlines and dojutsu.

This unexpected behavior and the sincere advice he offered left Kiyomi deep in thought, pondering the implications of his words, their true meaning, and the evident depth behind his casual exterior. 

'Bloodline... Then, is the Hyuga bloodline stronger than we previously thought...', Kiyomi found herself ruminating over Hikari's comments, her focus eventually narrowing on the suggestion that his remarkable abilities stemmed in part from his bloodline's strength.

This realization prompted a significant shift in her perspective. Like many Uchihas, Kiyomi had always believed in the inherent superiority of her clan, viewing the Uchiha as unmatched among shinobi clans, regardless if they possessed their inherent bloodline prowess or not.

Yet, witnessing Hikari's capabilities—a prodigy from a clan they had underestimated and even looked down upon—was an eye-opening experience for her. It challenged the long-held belief in 'Uchiha supremacy' that she had been raised on.

'Could it be that the Hyuga are stronger than we thought? That maybe, just maybe, we're not the supreme, unchallenged pinnacle of shinobi clans...?', These thoughts swirled in Kiyomi's mind, unsettling yet invigorating.

It was a stark awakening, confronting the notion that the Uchiha might not possess the strongest bloodline and that she, despite being highly praised, might not be the paramount genius she was touted to be by everyone in her surroundings before.

The reality now 'slapped her in the face' in a sense, making her doubt her whole life slightly from the beginning.

This, combined with the recent shifts in power dynamics within Konoha, where the Uchiha seemed to be losing influence while the Hyuga's stature grew, added layers of complexity to her understanding of the shinobi world.

However, after the initial shock and introspection, Kiyomi found her equilibrium. Recognizing the importance of facing reality with objectivity, she resolved to work tirelessly to elevate her strength, defeat the young Hyuga, in front of others, in the future, and restore her clan's first place in Konoha and beyond.

Though she had been nurtured on the tenets of the importance and the nature of 'Uchiha supremacy', Kiyomi understood that acknowledging the present facts was crucial for actually restoring them to that position and then keeping them sitting there in the objective reality.

"Your advice... it's given me a lot to think about...", She admitted, her voice steady, reflecting the tumult of realization and determination within, "I've always been proud of our Uchiha bloodline and believed in its supremacy. But today, seeing you, a Hyuga, demonstrating such power and versatility... It's clear I've underestimated the potential of others, including your clan."

Kiyomi's gaze met Hikari's, a spark of renewed ambition shining in her eyes, "Thank you for the honest feedback. It's a rare thing to receive such guidance, especially from someone outside one's own clan. I'll take your advice to heart and see where it leads me. And maybe, in doing so, I can bridge the gap between our abilities and challenge you again on more equal footing."

Kiyomi's smile, small but genuine, was a clear sign of her newfound respect and intrigue for Hikari. As she observed him, a thought crossed her mind,

'What an interesting guy... I have a feeling he's going to cause quite a stir in this village as he matures... But thankfully, he's on our side, not Konoha's. Karma serves them right. Who would've thought a Hyuga would be the one to launch all of this against them...',

This internal musing reflected not just her appreciation for Hikari's talents and potential but also her anticipation of the future changes he might bring about within Konoha.

His calm demeanor, coupled with his traditional and noble appearance, set him apart in Kiyomi's eyes as someone destined for greatness, a figure who could indeed disrupt the status quo in ways the village couldn't yet foresee. Her smile, while subtle, was laden with excitement.