The 'Anti-Hokage' Coalition Fully Assembled

Meanwhile, Fugaku looked at the Hyuga Patriarch, Hirayoshi, and said, "Patriarch Hirayoshi, successor Hiashi, we must stand united today."

Hirayoshi returned the nod, replying, "Indeed, Fugaku-san. Our alliance has never been more important than it is right now.", Meanwhile, Hiashi just politely nodded and remained silent. 

Turning to Setsuna, the Uchiha Great Elder, Hirayoshi added, "Elder Setsuna, your wisdom will be invaluable in the days to come. Let's bring our cooperation to the next level during the times ahead inside of Konoha, as we will both contribute from 'home' here instead of on the battlefield. Our 'old bones' are better suited for that kind of role after all in this new era...",

Setsuna, with a slightly friendly smile, responded, "Patriarch Hirayoshi, the challenges ahead demand our best, let's hope our decades of experience and wisdom contribute something. I'm ready to contribute with everything I have left.", And he also just nodded toward Hiashi.

Fugaku then shifted his attention to Takumi, the Fifth Elder of the Hyuga, "Elder Takumi, your strategies have always commanded my respect, let's cooperate and meet each other on the battlefield, to fight alongside each other, if we have a chance."

"Patriarch Fugaku, your leadership will be a cornerstone for Konoha's war efforts this time around, I'm sure of it. Together, we'll navigate these times.",

Takumi said politely and then turned to Setsuna, offering a nod of acknowledgment, "Great Elder Setsuna, your insights will be critical "back home". I look forward to our collaboration."

Setsuna, meanwhile, replied, "Elder Takumi, the respect is mutual. Let's hope all goes well..."

Fugaku observed curiously and then approached Hikari, his expression serious yet carrying a hint of wonder and even admiration, it was obvious that he paid more attention to him than to Hiashi, something which the latter didn't find particularly strange or offensive at this time.

"Elder Hikari, it's truly rare to see someone as young as you achieve so much. Hope the good luck continues to follow you in the future on your journey as well.", Hikari, maintaining his composure under Fugaku's scrutinizing gaze, responded with a calm that belied his years.

"Patriarch Fugaku, I'm grateful for the recognition and nice wishes. My efforts are for the clan and Konoha's welfare. The challenges ahead demand our best, and I hope my contributions will be worthy of the trust placed in me."

Setsuna, observing the exchange, finally spoke, "Elder Hikari, to command such respect and acknowledgment from your peers and even those older, including from members of our clan, speaks volumes.",

"Your mind and talent have set a new benchmark for all shinobi clans in Konoha. Kiyomi, my granddaughter, has often mentioned you and your spars in the past and spoke highly of you and your insights."

Hikari offered a slight smile at Setsuna's words, "Great Elder Setsuna, I am honored by your and Kiyomi's regard for me. Your granddaughter is also a shinobi of great potential and value as well in my impression so far. As we stand on the brink of this conflict, my resolve is only strengthened. I'm ready to contribute to our shared goals and strategies...", He concluded. 

As Hikari's gaze subtly shifted towards Kiyomi upon mentioning her, he caught a glimpse of the mischievous sparkle in her eyes, an expression incongruent with the gravity of the moment yet characteristic of her increasingly vibrant personality - at least only when he, himself was involved for some reason. 

Kiyomi's demeanor in front of him was always a stark contrast to Hinome's more reserved and passive nature. Kiyomi thrived on interaction and often sought to engage Hikari with a playful yet challenging spirit, especially now as he finally entered puberty for some reason. 

Despite the competitive nature of their spars, in which Kiyomi had yet to claim a single victory over Hikari, her confidence never waved and she still had no reservations during their interactions. Over the two years, this dynamic has evolved more and more as time passed.

During these meetings, on the same secret mountainous location outside the village, there would standardly be discussions on the village politics and the matter regarding their clans' alliance, but there would also be occasional spars between them and Hikari giving her some insights in terms of her growth as a shinobi afterward as on their first meeting two years ago.

"'Elder Hikari, I'm really happy about your kind words...", Kiyomi interjected, her voice tinged with a playful sarcasm that lightly punctuated the word 'Elder.' Her comment, made after hearing Hikari speak of her with respect in front of her grandfather, carried a different tone than the formality typically reserved for such gatherings.

It reflected the more casual, candid nature of their interactions away from the official eyes, contrasting sharply with the current setting. Hikari, catching the subtle tease in her voice, offered a small, acknowledging smile.

The subtle exchange between Kiyomi and Hikari did not go unnoticed by the 'seniors' present on the scene, each reacting in their own way while maintaining a 'diplomatic' and, 'curious' and even 'surprised' kind of silence.

Fugaku's eyebrows slightly furrowed, a visible sign of his intrigue and perhaps concern. His rivalry with Kiyomi and her grandfather within the Uchiha clan made Kiyomi's apparent familiarity with a Hyuga, especially one as prominent as Hikari, a point of intense wonder.

Setsuna, on the other hand, maintained his composure, his face adorned with a benign smile that revealed nothing of his thoughts. His ability to mask his reactions left others guessing about his stance on the matter for some reason.

Takumi and Hirayoshi, representatives of the Hyuga clan, were also taken aback. They had been under the impression that Hikari's interactions with Kiyomi were strictly formal, a part of the collaborative efforts mandated by the council for the betterment of clan relations.

The warmth and familiarity displayed in this brief encounter suggested a depth to their relationship that went beyond mere diplomatic necessity, truly surprising them both.

However, despite the curiosity this interaction sparked among all of the elders, they understood that delving into the 'strange and special' kind of personal dynamics between Hikari and Kiyomi was not the priority at the moment.

The pressing concerns of the upcoming Konoha Council meeting and the looming war demanded their full attention, leaving little room for speculation about anything else.

Meanwhile, all of their focus was soon collectively redirected as the last piece of their own 'anti-Hokage' coalition arrived at this meeting hotspot, led by Sakumo Hatake at the front who walked with a powerful presence, behind him his faction composed of clan heads and jonins from smaller shinobi clans, the faction he created two years ago that now matured.

Before making their way into the Konoha Council meeting, they made a strategic decision to gather, and enter as one cohesive unit, here yesterday.

This collective entrance plan was not just about physical presence; it was a carefully orchestrated show of force and unity in itself.

By entering together, they aimed to visually underscore their solidarity and shared resolve in challenging the Hokage's faction and fighting for their rights at this meeting, making a clear statement to all potential observers about the strength and cohesion of their young alliance.