Planning the Assault on Kirigakure's Stronghold

A few weeks later, atop a small hill along the coastline of the Land of Fire, across the Land of Water, Hikari, Hiashi, and Takumi convened for a strategic meeting.

As the trio assembled on the hilltop, the air was filled with a mix of admiration and strategic calculation. Hiashi, with a nod of respect toward Hikari, and a smile, broke the silence,

"Hikari, it is really nice to see you again. Your recent achievements have not only turned the tides on our front but have resonated across all battle lines.",

"Capturing two Jinchuriki, overcoming their most elite shinobi, one by one, and decisively crippling Kirigakure's forces—your actions have sent shockwaves through their ranks."

Takumi, examining a map with a thoughtful expression, added in a voice with a hint of pride, "Hikari-kun, you did very well, your name is now uttered with both fear and respect among the enemies.",

"It's a significant morale boost for our forces and a stark warning to theirs. I can't even imagine how far has your strength progressed now. As your sensei, I couldn't be more proud."

Their eyes met Hikari's, reflecting a mix of awe and the heavy burden of expectations. The mood was familiar and warm for a while, yet charged with a sense of impending action, acknowledging the pivotal role Hikari now played in the broader scheme of the war.

After Hiukari thanked them both, for their kind words, and some more small talk ensued, the breeze off the sea brought a chill that contrasted sharply with the next following heated discussions about the ongoing war efforts.

After a while, as the discussion deepened, Hikari elaborated on his recent military successes, "Over the past few weeks, I've managed to secure the entire continental territory of the Land of Water as you know.",

"But, it wasn't just our efforts; the Kirigakure forces have been pulling back, perhaps to cut their losses."

Hiashi nodded thoughtfully before adding his own observations from the central front along the shores of the Land of Fire, "It's the same on my front. Kirigakure shinobi, who were previously infiltrating from the sea, have suddenly stopped their operations a few days ago."

Takumi, always keen on understanding broader implications, speculated, "This could indicate a shift in their strategy or logistical pressures.",

"Maybe the losses they've suffered are forcing them to reconsider their position in this war. Or they are preparing for something new."

Hikari weighed the possibilities, his gaze shifting toward the horizon where the distant waters met the sky, before speaking thoughtfully, "It could indeed be both, Takumi-sensei.",

"They might have retreated across the sea to their heartland, waiting for a more favorable moment to challenge Konoha again amidst our other conflicts.",

"Or, they might be regrouping for an earlier strike. We can't disregard any scenario. That's why I believe we must take decisive action now, cross the sea, push for a formal surrender, and truly secure our victory.",

"It would prevent any further uncertainties and strengthen our position, allowing us to move on other fronts and garner more influence as we planned."

Hiashi acknowledged Hikari's strategy, adding a note of caution, "Indeed, that's a given, Hikari. However, an attack of this scale won't be straightforward.",

"We're talking about crossing the sea to assault their main island—a place that's not only heavily fortified but also closely monitored, including the location of Kirigakure itself.",

"We'll need meticulous planning and coordination, especially with our allies from the Kaguya and Yuki clans, to ensure success."

Takumi weighed in thoughtfully, "That's true, but the same challenges apply to what was once their continental territory across the sea. It would be equally difficult for them to reclaim those lands now.",

"So, if we decide to launch an attack, we could allocate a significant portion of our forces. However, to maintain the element of surprise, it might be wiser to deploy a smaller, more elite group comprised primarily of us three, for example, and then some Elite Jonin and Jonin..."

"So, sensei, have all the arrangements been made with our allies on the other side?", Hikari inquired, referencing the anti-Mizukage faction within the Land of Water.

"Yes, I've arranged it, Hikari-kun. We're meeting in a few days within the Land of Hot Water to finalize our plans for the assault. It wasn't difficult to reach an agreement; your early intelligence from the Hozuki Patriarch's mind was invaluable.",

"I've been in contact with them for some time now, and my front has seen relatively little conflict as a result. So, everything has proceeded smoothly...", Takumi explained.

The three of them continued their discussion for a considerable time, delving into the nuances of their strategy for the upcoming meeting and the information they were receiving from Konoha and other fronts in general that was important.

As the conversation waned, they began final preparations for their journey. With a shared understanding of the task ahead, they set off in silence towards the Land of Hot Water, accompanied by a select group of their most trusted shinobi.


A few days later, somewhere inside the Land of Water, inside the dimly lit room of the abandoned hot spring building, amidst a forest, the air was heavy with anticipation.

The table at which they sat was old and worn, bearing marks from countless previous meetings, perhaps not all friendly.

Toru Kaguya, the formidable leader of the Kaguya clan, carried an air of barely restrained aggression, his eyes sharp and calculating, his long, pale white hair scatered widely giving some otherworldly and ancient kind of vibes.

Across from him sat Arata Yuki, the young but impressively composed patriarch of the Yuki clan, whose maturity belied his age.

As Hikari, Takumi, and Hiashi entered the abandoned hot spring building, they were greeted by the distinct presence of the two clan patriarchs already seated at the table.

Toru Kaguya, the imposing figure of the Kaguya clan, stood up first, his imposing stature and fierce demeanor filling the room with a palpable intensity.

"Greetings, members of the Hyuga clan...", He said, his voice resonant and slightly gruff, "I've heard much about your exploits, Hikari-san."

Beside him, Arata Yuki, the young patriarch of the Yuki clan, rose with a calm grace that contrasted sharply with Toru's imposing presence. Despite his youth, his demeanor was one of serene confidence.

"It's an honor to meet the minds behind Konoha's recent successes...", Arata said, offering a polite nod, particularly to Hikari, whose reputation had reached even the secluded corners of their territories.

Takumi responded warmly, "Thank you both for agreeing to this meeting. The future could be shaped by what we decide here today."

Hiashi, ever the pragmatist, added, "Let's not waste time then. We have a common enemy and a rare opportunity."

With introductions and pleasantries swiftly exchanged, they all retook their seats, ready to dive into the strategic planning that would hopefully end in overthrowing the current Mizukage.

Toru began, his voice steady yet tinged with an underlying intensity, "As we've convened here, it's clear we all grasp the plan ahead. 'Strike the shepherd, and the sheep will scatter', or so they say.",

"Eliminating the Third Mizukage is paramount—his assassination is our primary objective. And then the elite inner circle around him should be our next targets we need to finish off...", His tone hardened with the mention of the Mizukage, revealing his deep-seated resentment.

Hiashi nodded thoughtfully before replying, "That approach makes sense. However, are you truly confident you can secure the allegiance of Kirigakure, in general, once their current 'shepherd' is eliminated?",

"Given your contentious history with the village broadly, it's vital we know if you can indeed unite them afterward. If there's any doubt, we must consider alternative strategies now to avoid any costly miscalculations."

Arata responded confidently, "It's not so much about our past relations; it's about the lack of alternatives. Once the Mizukage and his core elite supporters are out of the picture, we're the most powerful force left.",

"Patriarch Toru-san, especially if he survives and the Mizukage does not, will be unmatched in strength within the village. They'll have no choice but to follow us, and in doing so, your interests will be safeguarded as well."

"Kage-tier strength isn't the sole determinant of success in the end...", Takumi stated, maintaining a measured tone.

"While the Kaguya Patriarch, with his mid-Kage level strength, might be the strongest individual left in the village if he survives, there will still be many shinobi fiercely loyal to the Mizukage at the jonin level and below.",

"The combined forces of the Kaguya and Yuki clans might not be sufficient in numbers to counter them. I foresee a necessity for compromise. Additionally, this means nearly all of your clans' fighting power must be committed to this battle if we are to stand a chance."

Toru clenched his fists tightly, his features taut with frustration yet resolute, "We understand the necessity...", He said, his voice tinged with a bitter edge, "For years, we've been cornered, fighting not just for power but for the very survival of our clans. If committing all our forces is what it takes to ensure a future free from persecution, then so be it. We'll coordinate the attack with your elites and ensure our people are ready to move at the signal."

Arata, younger and visibly tense, nodded in agreement, though his youthful face hardened with the weight of the decision, "It's a harsh reality, but our clans have faced worse...",

"If sending our entire strength to the Main Island, to fight alongside you, secures our position and ends this prolonged agony, we'll take the risk..."

Hikari's expression remained unreadable, a mask of calm that belied the critical nature of their plans. He nodded in understanding, addressing both patriarchs with a tone of assurance, "Your willingness to commit fully is what will increase the tides in our favor...", 

"I hope that you understand that we must ensure that those ordinary Kirigakure forces are also engaged elsewhere while we execute the pivotal strike against the Mizukage and his elites, with our smaller group, and your clansmen are the best fit for that as they can strike quickly from the nearby islands, and catch them off-guard, at the moment that we also arrive from the other direction."

"Your clansmen will need to hold the line during this critical phase, preventing them from acting, until all the key players have been eliminated. It's a daunting task, but essential for the chance of a smooth transition of power afterward that we all desire as the outcome. Rest assured, I will be on the ground, doing everything within my power to ensure our success."

"I've arranged the necessary logistics and ships for our attack. Everything is set on our side. As soon as we agree on every detail and intricacy of our plan here and as you finalize your preparations, we can proceed.",

"Timing is crucial, and we must act swiftly and decisively to ensure success. The sooner we can launch our coordinated assault, the better our chances of catching the Mizukage and his forces off guard.", Hikari outlined the following right away.

After Hikari's words, and as the meeting progressed more and more, they delved deeper into the specifics of their plan. Each leader discussed target assignments, deciding which members from their respective forces would engage key figures in the Mizukage's camp.

They mapped out operational tactics, ensuring everyone understood their, and their subordinates' roles once they all arrived at Kirigakure. Communication strategies were refined to ensure seamless coordination across the different units during the assault.

The Kaguya and Yuki patriarchs also personally provided Hiashi, Takumi, and Hikari with detailed insights into Kirigakure's internal dynamics and defenses—valuable intelligence that could give them an edge in the upcoming conflict in addition to providing real-time feedback.

After thoroughly discussing these details and ensuring every angle was covered, they concluded the meeting. The leaders rose from their seats, their expressions a mix of determination and the weight of the task ahead. They exited the abandoned hot spring building slowly, each lost in thought about the challenging mission that lay before them.