Chapter -014-

Ring... Ring... Ring...

The bell signaling the end of teaching and learning hours rang in every corner of the Natsu High School building, indicating that every teacher who was explaining the material had to finish their meeting session.

"All right, don't forget you guys do the assignment I gave you earlier. And it will be collected next week to the class president." Said the teacher of civics education while looking at the students from class 1-IPS-A who looked a little confused.

"What's wrong with all of you? Why do you look like you're confused?" Asked the teacher again who was immediately answered by one of the female students who had raised one hand.

"Sensei! In our class we haven't decided who will be the class organization structure." The female student answered which made the teacher frown in surprise.

"What? You've been studying for almost two weeks and you still don't have a class organizational structure member??"

In unison, the students in the class nodded their heads.

The teacher who saw how compact the students nodded their heads was annoyed.

"Yare, yare. How could your homeroom teacher let you guys not set up a class organizational structure?"

Again, the female student who had raised her hand earlier, raised her hand again.

"Our homeroom teacher hasn't had time to attend class because he is in mourning and is out of town."

The civic education teacher nodded his head several times.

"Ah, yes, Ayami-sensei is still in mourning for his father's passing. So that's why you haven't had time to form a class organizational structure yet."

Again the students nodded their heads in response to the teacher's words.

"Well I'll help you to make a class structure. Do you prefer voting, submit yourself or sensei who will choose you directly through this attendance list?"

The atmosphere in the room rumbled a little because of the students who were discussing it with each other.

The teacher who saw that the students were still in negotiations chose to look at the class attendance list. Look at the names of the students in the class one by one.

The teacher's eyes immediately fell on one of the students' names that sounded familiar to his ears.

"Sensei! What if Sensei decides it based on the attendance list." Said a male student with glasses which made the other students in the class chuckle in disapproval.

"Tsk, no! How about we use the self submission system first sensei!" Said another male student with bangs hairstyle and was approved by the other students.

The teacher was silent for a moment, then nodded his head. "Okay if that's what you want. Sensei will count from one to ten to give you a chance to come forward and write your desired name and title on this blackboard. Do you agree?"

Without waiting long the students nodded their heads again in unison.

"Okay, sensei will start counting from now on. One, two, three..."

One by one the students began to come forward to the front of the class to write their names and also the positions they wanted to hold as members of the class structure.

The teacher also pays attention to one by one the students who come forward and also pay close attention to the names and positions written by them.

"Nine, ten! Alright, time's up. You can't go any further." Said the teacher who was still staring at the blackboard.

The teacher's eyes narrowed as he stared at the blackboard in surprise.

"Secretary, treasurer, cleaning staff, security member and health member. Heemm, why aren't any of you running for class president and vice president?" Asked the teacher while reading one by one the positions written on the blackboard.

"For the class president and vice president, why can't sensei decide directly? Because if you use the self-appointment system, you won't want to." Said a male student with bangs hair and was agreed by the other students.

The teacher was silent for a moment while indeed the class attendance book.

"Hem, I see. So you really don't have anyone who wants to come forward to volunteer to be class president and vice president?" Asked the teacher again who again replied with a nod of the head in unison by the students.

"Ara, ara. Alright then. Sensei will choose directly based on your attendance list. For those of you whose name sensei is calling, then you can't protest or refuse your position." Said the teacher who returned back with a nod of the head by the students.

Now the teacher's eyes are focused again on the attendance book to see the names of students who he thinks are worthy enough to carry out the responsibilities as class president and vice president.

The students who had not participated in volunteering to become members of the class structure also felt a little wary, because it was very likely that their names would be called by the teacher to become one of the class presidents and vice presidents.

After a long silence and making the students wait with a tense atmosphere. The teacher now shifts his eyes from the attendance book to look at all the students in the class who are ready to wait for his decision.

"Sensei will mention the name to fill the position of vice class president first. Okay, Yuda Aratai you will hold the position of vice class president." The teacher's words made a young brown haired male student take a deep breath because his name was called by the teacher.

"Then the one who will fill the position as class president is Tetsuya Yuki. Because sensei knows a student named Tetsuya Hanami who serves as vice president of the student council and also Tetsuya Yumi as chairman of the volleyball club." The teacher's words made Yuki sigh heavily. Meanwhile, the students whose names were not called immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, for the task that sensei gave earlier, you can submit it to Yuki-kun one day before sensei's class schedule starts." The teacher said and the students nodded their heads back

"Okay sensei"

"For the class president, please lead your friends to greet."

Yuki who had been appointed as class president immediately got up from his seat.

"Tatte Kudasai!" Yuki said which immediately made the students in the class stand up from their seats.

"Say hello! Hontou Ni Arigatou Gozaimasu Sensei!" Yuki said as he bowed his body and was immediately followed by all the students in the classroom.

After that the teacher walked out of the classroom leaving the students still sitting in their seats.

Tap.. Tap.. Tap..

Yuki, who had just finished tidying up his writing equipment, immediately turned his head towards the blackboard where a female student with a ponytail had just hit the teacher's desk.

"Minna! For those whose names are listed as members of the class organizational structure, please don't go home first. Because we have to hold a small meeting for the sake of this class organizational structure." Said the female student which was answered in unison by the students who were members of the class organizational structure.

Yuki, who previously had an appointment with Aida and Hanami, was forced to inform the two women if he was going home a little late because he had to attend a small class organizational structure meeting.

"I hope this will happen quickly."