The spell Furnace 

Now without further question, Bare witness to centuries of planning. Following his word the lion takes a big exhale to calm himself before taking in a huge amount of air to inflate his lungs. Just right before it looks like he can't intake anymore the beast forces himself up through the pain of the weapons trying their hardest to tear him down, to do a mighty roar. The priest, though rightly pissed at the whole situation, had to but for a second admire the beast's will.

Following the beast's roar a giant spell circle opens up under the ground, instantly turning all the pews into sawdust and sucking them in its maw. In their place comes out a huge old industrial furnace with glass tubes and a huge glass orb in the center [click comments for picture]. Whaatttt now? The beast just turns his head to glare at the priest asking the question to then give him a most satisfactory smile.

If that smile didn't give him the scares the floor sure did, it was moving and more importantly it was moving him closer to the beast. Just right when he was but a hair breath away the beast opened his wide jaws. The priest just shut his eyes because he did not want to face his own death. A minute passed… then another…. Then two became four then four became eight…. Curious as to why he has not died yet, nor felt anything at all.

The priest slowly opens his eyes! What he saw froze him, for he could not look away even if he wanted to. [under spell paralyzation level Max] for he saw what a living being should not, a thing everyone kind of clergyman should know not to look at. God's eye! That right in the center of the beast's mouth was a huge eye. [Narrator]When a being is just in reach of achieving godhood one must form a new body from scratch in order to break out of the world laws.

For how can one be a god if one cannot break free from the world? But by doing so, it breaks the world order therefore becoming something unregulated by it thus corrupting all those that are under world influence. That is where the taboo phrase comes from! Do Not Look At God! Yoouuu, yoooou, were you a god? After struggling to even say that he stared into the eye, the eye then began to glow in a red purplish hue, as it glowed so did the priest's eyes until the stream of his holy energy connected to the eye.

Boom the priest began to scream, as bones twisted, muscle tearing, blood oozing. Then as quickly as it started it stopped. The priest half concisely looking at the darkness that now lay before his eyes said, you said it wouldn't hurt. Ya well, I lied. But rejoice for only your consonance saw it and not your real body, though it matters not because now I'm going to throw your soul into the furnaces with the others.

NO!!!! Ughghu.[Narrator] The god eye then began to suck his soul out, causing his body to rapidly age until it was but dust and vanished from this world. Then the eye in its hunger devoured the rest of the soul in, the audience. When the eye was done, it glowed an eerie red and increased in size to that of a basketball ball. With its meal done the beast then proceeded to place the eye in the center orb tube in the furnace.

He did not immediately start the next part because he was silently staring at the eye, for he knew this would be the last time he would see it for a long time, for he needed to sacrifice it for the spell. Sure he couldn't even take it with him anyway but the time needed to even create a small part of God's body was enough to make any man weep. Sigh now to insert the divine, the second it entered, the furnace erupted teal blue flames that spud out of the base of the furnace.

With flames roaring the beast activated the spell [Last Hope]. Boom the cat's eye in the center expanded until it reached combustion levels! With one big boom the eye pops into an ocean of black that rushed to the beast to absorb his everything. With the beast gone, his dominion began to erode into nothing, the monster living there all in unison looked up and shouted, IT IS DONE!