New Friend?

System! Beep Boop Yes! I understand that some gods live outside of time but how can this creature be here? I mean, he also should have been there at the time of my fall, But that doesn't happen until far into the future, yet he clearly knew of the event already. It makes even less sense now that I messed with time. He's even been locked up in here for years, not to mention even if someone else got here they would have to kill him and there is no way a corrupted soul can go back into heaven. I also seriously doubt his allies have been giving him information now. Beep Boop, it's as you said earlier, that some gods live outside of time. You need to remember you've never achieved godhood yourself so your mind just can't comprehend just how strong some gods can be, like what laws they command etc.. for some gods, having their servants be in two time zones can be but Childs play. Or an even simpler theory, after the war ended his master sent him back in time to where he got corrupted and just left him here. But, system, that makes even less sense because that event shouldn't happen now that I changed. Again you're not getting it. I will say again the power they wield could even move their servants from "different time zones".. Zones… O! I get it! But that would mean… that he really was left here for me…. but why would they help me? I am sorry Lanthios but that's a question you will have to ask them yourself. Also don't take everything he said literally, after all he was already on the verge of losing his mind to madness.

Master! Your back! yes, yes now settle down will you. Look girls your mission does not change, kill the paper angel and his weapons, then report to me the second you finish. You shouldn't have much a problem since the god behind the angel left him for us, he even made sure to allow the corruption to lower him all the way down to peak rank {tier} 2, also don't worry about his life order since he is much like you girls, doesn't matter if he's been to heavenly places, the martial used to make him have been several weakened or damage. It looks like his sacrifice has been thoroughly planned out by his god. Anyway Aria do be careful not to absorb their souls or even try, their souls are too strong for you, so just allow them to continue on their journey. umm.. I can do it if I try, master! No! Aria, their souls are dangerous and could corrupt you, so no! And that's an order! Sigh, I wish I was here to take their soul but oh well, this was probably planned out to..

Well moving on, Tanky your shield is done!{ see comment for picture}. Oh, it's so beautiful! The glowing red and teal colors match you master! But why are the colors separated by each, only covering one half? Meh doesn't matter! OH! Look sisters, the shield now looks like a heart instead of Bone Ribs! Aw! It's kind of cute that it has a heart inside too. That must be the blood beast heart!{see comments for picture}. So master what are the new upgrades?

O! The new upgrade is that it can now summon the spirit of the blood beast to help you in combat but only for 1 min or it can fuse with you and become spirit armor that will help protect you against all types of attacks. respectfully the names of the skills are [Blood Spirit Summon], and [Spirit armor]. O! I almost forgot! It also leveled up your Life steal Skill to intermediate level.

Ding! MASTER! Ouch! Father puppet calm down. Now tell me what happened? So they really came… Sorry girls but it looks like I have to leave you here. Good luck!

Bye master!

Sister Aria do you believe the master will be alright? Sister Tanky yes I believe so otherwise he would have called us back and beside he got our father with him he should be fine. Now sister, leave your worries here. We have a job to do!

POV Random Mercenary

Such bullshit!!! why do I have to go alone and check out some dumb animal bin! Just because I'm young and an apprentice warrior! What bullshit excuse is that? They just wanted to hog all the elven guard beauties we caught out in the forest. Sigh now I'll be lucky to get second hand goods! Ouch! Who put a fence here? O right I was walking around this animal bin. A Goat? I see this must be the goat grazing area. I wonder why they separate them from other grazing animals but what the hell do I know about ranching? The hell? Is that goat fur color teal? Is coloring their goats the new fashion trend? Whatever, I'll never understand elves since of beauty, but maybe it will fetch some money or at least be a fun time killer, my sword itches to spill blood! O! who am I kidding? I am just frustrated. UH! Where did the goat go? In fact, where did this fog come from?

POV Lanthios

So one of the mercenaries decided to come out and play. Great timing, I need more souls! Now, father don't do anything until he gets closer, but once you kill him. O! what is this? So the guards who came out looking for Evelyn got captured by those pigs ugh? Should I save them? I mean what are the pros and cons to helping them? If I leave them they will buy us more time, on the other hand if I help them…. I see no benefits at all! Just more negatives! Sigh I think I know how I can maybe help, but the rest is on them. But on another note this one mercenary must be really "frustrated" to be talking to himself out here, but then again who is going to notice? A bunch of dumb animals? Come on…. just a little closer…yes, equip fog gear! Father, do it now! As the lone mercenary was trying to piece together what was going on. A big long snout puppet suddenly came out from the shadows on the right and bit him in two! Great, he's dead! Ding Gratz Lanthios for receiving 20 XP and 1. Chainmail Chest, 1. Broadsword, 1. Leather Boots, and 1. Leather Pants. No fear points were added for killing too quickly. Great, put the gear in the factory for repurpose and system, why only 20xp? I get why no fear points, but then again I wasn't trying to earn some at the moment. Beep Boop well he was only rank 1, level 2…. well damn why is someone so low doing here? I hope he wasn't some bratty noble or something or this could cause problems later. Well that's future Lanthios ' problem. Right now, father puppet, I need you to bring me the corpses of three chickens, two pigs, one cow, and one deer. Then after that as many woodland Critters as you can find! I'm going to make us some new friends!