The Brave 3?  

Hidden in the dark, up in a misty covered tree stood a lone squirrel with a twitchy face, with a deceased written body and eyes sockets missing their jewels, it looked upon by what remains of Jason's body that was current being used as a crow bathing area with a satisfactory glee. Now time to check on how Lawrence is doing in his first team fight, this should be a good experience for it, the squirrel thought to itself. But when it brought its sight back on how Lawrence was facing, all that remained on the squirrel's face was a look of utter disappointment! For his masterpiece was just blindly charging in with no plan or using skills properly! This can't go on like this or he might really lose to such trash!

As Lawrence was just standing there after taking the attacks that burned its back and eyes, he felt a sharp cold shiver go down his spine, which caused him to suddenly look into the forest to see his master giving him such a disappointed look! He knew what that look might imply if he didn't show some results! With fear of being either abandoned, recycled or hell just never called upon again he roared out loud in frustration! His meaning was clear; watch me master as I destroy these creatures called man! With this roar he allowed his rage, his frustration of the situation consume him, he entered his berserk stat!

While Nicholas and his crew stood there waiting for the smoke to clear to see if their attack did anything the monster suddenly made another roar, but this roar was different then the one that came before, it was nothing like the last one, for it was louder, stronger and full of hate! The aura the monster gave off completely changed and was way more ferocious than before! Its once pure white skull now has a tint of blood color, its eyes were now brimming with furry fire red, its fur got spiker, its claws grow longer and sharper with a darkness aura around them, the overall size of the creature doubled, its muscle mass now fully covered any lack. The faces on its back screamed in a chorus of rage!

POV Brave 3

It was at this moment Nicholas knew that they would not be receiving any sympathy from their enemy, not like he felt that they were going to anyway but ever much so now! Guys, it's enraging! The thing must have a berserker skill! Yelled Nichols to his team. Well shit this isn't looking good! Said Brandon, while Andrew said I hope Jason managed to get out of here! But just as Andrew said that he noticed a particular crow that just happened to be flying by, had a very familiar looking eyeball in its beak. Now how could Andrew recognize an eyeball? Simple for Jason had a very rare type of Iris in his eyes, they were of a x shape for he was very much like Andrew in that he wasn't fully human but part something else, however what that was, no one knew, not even Jason himself for he never knew his father. After seeing what the crow had, Andrew made quick work with his hands and jumped into the trees to snatch the eyeball form the crow just to double check, when he found it to be true he yelled; guys I think Jason is dead or at least very injured! After yelling his finding out to his team he failed to see a huge claw coming out from the tree next to him! But just as it was about to hit him two shields that his team member had were thrown and intercepted the claw before it could land on Andrew. But how can two clumsy thrown shields fully stop a berserk attack for Lawrence! The shield was but a small road block! But they did manage to protect Andrew from directly touching the claws but he was still thrown from the top of the tree to the forest floor below. Smashed into the ground and now injured, Nicholas yelled to Andrew and said what are you doing? Do you really not think that a moment of distraction will go unnoticed to your enemy?

As if to not give them time to have a discussion Lawrence made a rash charge towards Nicholas and Brandon! Then Nicholas yelled out to Brandon; you Dodge right and I will Dodge left! It's in a berserk state! So It's just attacking out of instinct now!

When they dodge, the monster turns to face Nicholas, leaving its unprotected back facing Brandon. Seeing that this was an opportunity he couldn't refuse Brandon Dash forward ready to trust his sword through the beast, but just as he was about to stab through the monster, a long sickly hand came out from behind the monster to intercept the sword strike skill, the sword did managed to go through the sickly long arm, but as it cut through the arm did not show any sign of pain! In fact it's just allowed to go through until the sickly hand grabs Brandon's hand on the other side of the sword and squeezes hard! Crushing Brandon hand and pulling him close till his face was facing the face of a man he once called comrade! It was the face of Jake! Just heavily distorted! Then out of nowhere the face grew a neck then a body then it was half out of the back of Lawrence it stopped! Brandon screamed in horror and tried to pull away but he could not, he reach for a knife he had hidden in his back pocket with his free hand, he then started to stab the face thing in the chest, that it now suddenly spurted out, but no matter how much he stabbed it did nothing, the cut wounds were there for all to see but he knew his action weren't doing a damn thing from how the monster was reacting, sure it could be because it is in a berserk state but he doesn't know for sure, this only increase Brandon fear of the monster. Seeing as stabbing the creature is pointless Brandon looked to his arm that was in the monster's grasp. And In his mind he thought I would rather lose the hand or the arm then let this thing keep holding me! And just as he was about to remove his hand another arm came out and grabbed Brandon knife holding arm and crushed it! Broken Brandon dropped the knife and screamed, this action only enticed the weird face as it brought a huge smile on it! After enjoying its prey fear for a second, the face opened in jaws wide to reveal razor sharp teeth and bite down hard on the collarbone on Brandon, and pulled him closer allowing the other faces on the back of the creature to bite him as well, for they too were hungry! So they kept biting and ripping out huge chunks of flesh and when their prey finally succumbed to their berating, it dropped what was left of Brandon on the floor and screamed in a victory expression.

While being preoccupied by Lawrence, Nicholas couldn't do anything to help all he could do was Hear and see what became of Brandon! Sure Nicholas tried to come up with a plan to help, but what can a warrior class do? He couldn't just wave his hands and fix any problem like mages can, nor did he even have his shield. Hell, He may be a "veteran" at max rank 1, and sure he had many skills, but no matter how much he thought none of them would be useful for this situation. Should I use taunt, ground smash? heavy blow.. hell would throw weapon work? No I its my only melee weapon if I lose it I would be screwed… think think… thought Nicholas to himself. As his feeble mind raced to find a solution, the creature on the back of Lawrence turned it body in a back cracking motion to now face Nicholas, it roared in a blood clotting way, while pulling the sword out of its arm and pointing it at Nicholas. Now facing two monsters instead of one Nicholas thought, I have no chance like this and with Andrew out cold and Jason probably dead, a path Brandon soon followed, if I go down here now, no one will know what happened! Thinking this he paused for a second to look over at where Andrew was out cold and said I'm sorry, but someone has to make it out alive! With that he leaped into the air and yelled {Ground smash}, but of course would Lawrence just let him do as he pleased in front of him? Hell no! Lawrence threw himself in a reckless abandonment in an attempt to stop his prey from doing whatever it was trying to do. But right as Lawrence got close his prey did something unexpected it did not continue in its earlier motion and instead smiled at him and said gotcha, with that Nicholas pulled out a one use magic scroll form his back pocket. {Wind tunnel} [basic spell] yelled Nicholas! With that a furious wind shot forward and pulled Lawrence back but as he was flying back the creature on his back didn't hesitate to throw the sword he got from Brandon with all its might! The sword tore its way through the ferocious wind that was pushing Lawrence back as if it was paper thin. After all, how can such a low spell stop an object thrown by a max rank 2 monster with all its strength? The only reason it even affected Lawrence in the first place was because he jumped in the air when he rushed at Nicholas.

The sword flew through the wind like it was a fish swimming through water looking for a mate, and a mate the sword did find! For ran itself through Nicholas shoulder all the way to the hilt and dragged him until he got stuck on a tree! With pain coursing through his body Nicholas thought to himself, what happened? I could have sworn I parried it! How did it still hit me? He then looked to the forest floor to see his sword that always saw him through thick and thin was shattered like baby glass in front of him! Coughing out blood his said, impossible that sword was made of a higher grade than what Brandon a new recruit could have very hoped to have! He couldn't believe it! But reality is always crueler than fiction! His beloved sword was gone and now he too was stuck to a tree while facing a monster walking slowly intimidating in front of him. When the creature finally arrived at Nicholas, Nicholas looked at it with eye defiant and said go to hell you freak! With that he uncurled his free hand and showed an explosion scroll! BOOM!

Get up! Andrew yelled at Nicholas, Brandon is being torn apart by the monster! We need your help! Dammit! Who would've thought someone with your shield skill couldn't even take one blow from the monster! Sure you blinded it for a second, but being knocked out in turn, isn't a good trade off!