The Fairy Queen 

Ah! My head hurts, said Andrew, waking up from a deep sleep. AH I see you finally awake young one! Startled, Andrew just stared at the beauty that was the fairy queen. In front of his eyes stood a beautiful green moth bug lady dressed in a beautiful battle ready leather armor set. [see image on last page]. She strong! Andrew quickly thought. I better not piss her off, because I'm not even sure I can't take even one of her many guards that surround her! Wait a minute, where am I? And better yet the monster! Calm down, you are safe here in my domain. Nothing can hurt you here, however having said that you've seem to have been heavily injured!

Like a light bulb switch was hit, Andrew replied to the fairy queen: O fairy queen I am sorry for showing you such a sorry state, please excuse my rudeness but I must thank you for saving my life! You need not worry about such matters little one but I must ask what are you doing in the forest so late in the night, one must know that the forest is too dangerous of late.

Umm what to say? I can't tell her why we are really here because if memory serves the fairy and the elves have a friendly relationship. I don't know what the queen will do to me if she finds out that our main goal is to capture them.. I know I will tell her the story in half truth hopefully she wont notice anything off. Cough.. Um… I was sent out with a group of my fellow comrades to find some missing people from our "camp" when we were attacked by something. Do you perhaps know anything about what that thing was?

I do not know what you speak of child, you'll have to tell me your story first, before I can give you any short of explanation. But before that are you feeling better? I have to apologize but I am unable to heal your injuries fully because you are not of my kind, as we don't know much about the human body. I also find it strange that for some reason our healing magic has little effect on your wounds, perhaps your injuries were caused by something that is the opposite of life or is another type of nature magic. It might be better if you hurry back to your home after our discussion.

So a strange magic is affecting my body? Um… I better hurry up then, I hope the mages back at camp can do something about it, but first I better not show any rudeness to my benefactor!

10 minutes later

I see, so that's what happened…. I can't say I know this monster that attacks you and your people but I can say that its presence would explain the forest's sudden dark atmosphere.

Umm that is a little suspicious, how can a power fairy the queen of the forest herself next to the elven priestess not know anything about that monster? She got to be hiding something, either that or she has been in some kind of seclusion like some hermit. Should I press her for more?

While he was thinking about a tactical strategy on how to get more information for the queen, the queen thought to herself does he really think I don't know that he is suspicious of me? His intent couldn't be any more obvious! So, not wanting to be pestered by the young man's consent questions or get roped up into anything he was planning she simply said, alright thank you for sharing your story with me but time is what we all want but few have in abundance. I will have to apologize to you young man but unfortunately I have to release you where I found you. I know that you're worried about the monster you spoke of but I assure you it is not there. However don't expect it to be out at day break! In truth it has only been about 20 minutes since you came into my domain. So it is very much still in the middle of the night, I know that is not a situation you want to be in but my time is running short on how long I can keep you here, also you need to see a doctor of your species as soon as possible! Also before you ask my dear, my children and I are unable to leave the forest, so we can't escort you out of the forest either. In other words once you leave my domain you are on your own!

While feeling dejected Andrew thought to himself, Just Great! Now I won't be unable to get more answers about the monster and that if I were to push the subject anymore I would probably only anger my benefactor. However those calm thoughts only lasted a second before what the queen said really hit him! O shoot! He just came to the realization that he was about to be sent back out there with nothing but the shirt on his back! Wait, wait, cried Andrew! My queen I don't mean to impose but could you please spare this young man some healing herbs or potions? As you know I'm injured and I am afraid that I won't be able to make it back to my camp without some short of supplies. After all, I used them all up prior to you saving me.

Yes I guess you would need something to sustain you on your journey. With a snap of her finger two of her body guards came forward holding onto two small flower plants, these beauties are called [white blossoms] said the queen to the starry eyed youth who looked like he was ready to devour them in a heartbeat. Ha, based on your expression I guess you already know what these are. Before you ask, I know these are rare herbs to you humans but they grow in abundance in my territory so don't hold yourself back.

Wait, the queen has these in abundance! And she is just giving them away? Doesn't she know that these flowers can be used for more than just healing, I mean sure if I eat them it would help sustain my vitality till I got to camp but what a waste! If you give these to a good alchemist that could make a potion of comprehension! Sure the healing effect in the potion is lost but that trade off is worth it! Just one portion of comprehension at an auction could nab me enough money to buy a mansion! And that is not an exaggeration the potion instantly levels any skill up! On all levels but legendary up! However, it could at least help one grasp some short of understanding, even in legendary. Haha I can't wait to tell the boss about this, when he finds out and tells the higher up after we're done with the elves. I am sure we will be invading the fairies home next! Either way I have to be sure to save at least one with my dying breath, it pains me to waste one but my life comes first. After all you can't enjoy getting stronger if you die, plus something good has to come out of all this mess! I Am sure that once I tell them about this they wont even care about how we failed the mission!

While watching the shit eating grin on the young youth's face the queen said alright even though we only got to know each other for a short time please be careful on your way back.

Wait, wait before I go can I shake your hands? It is customary in my home land to shake the hands of your benefactors. The queen answered what a weird custom you humans have, however you may do so for I do not want to feel like I am the one insulting your people.

After saying his goodbyes, the world spun around him and Andrew found that he was standing right back where he had passed out and with no hesitation he quickly ate one of the herbs he just got and made a beeline out of the forest. In his haste he remembered or crap I forgot to ask the queen her name! O well doesn't matter I am sure I will find out later when I get back to camp.

As the queen watched the young man leave her area of influence she snapped her finger in frustration and ordered a guard to chop off her hand, the hand that was used to shake Andrew's hand to be exact. The guard asked no question and did what he was told like it was just another day. With an expression that said I felt no pain, but only disgust, the queen immediately grew out another hand. She then proceeded to spit on the hand and told the guards to burn it. Ew disgusting said the queen. I can't believe I had to help a disgusting human! I'm so glad my species doesn't fit their idea of beauty or I am sure he would try something like what they do to the other races! Anyway, are you happy with the outcome Lanthios!