The Bloody Night part 4 

Puzzled as to where Andrew could have scurried off to, Leon walked further into the barracks, while treading on bloody pools and broken beds Leon made his way halfway into that darkened tent, as Andrew watched from in between the broken scattered beds and torn walls of the tent, just waiting for a perfect moment. As the screams in the background grew like weeds upon a grassed field, the earth shook with thunderous applause as monsters and humans alike fought with devious killing intent! Leon grew weary of the wait for slowly inpatients grew inside him for he wished to help his chief in his battle. As such he sheaths his wondrous blue steel sword made with rare magic gems and closed off his mind to all that was unnecessary for an empty mind can be filled with anything. As Leon just stood there waiting, in the eyes of Andrew what should have been an obvious trick to anyone had he been normal, but this obvious trick was closed off to the new Andrew, for now his mind was that of a freckle squirrel. And just like a freckle squirrel who just found his favorite nut just lying there for the taking, he leapt out of his hiding spot in a vain hope in catching that nut. But that nut just wouldn't let itself be caught, for just as Andrew leaped out of his spot Leon quickly drew his sword and said "how sad" you were once someone to be worried of but now, you are no different than a crippled dog!

As sword meet sword, sparks fired their glowing glee that lit up the tent! Then darkness recaptured the light, until Leon's sword glowed a blue and reddish hue for Leon was shock to see that Andrew was in fact able to block his [Quick Draw] skill, however Andrew sword was unable to bear the weight of the hit and shattered all the way down to the hilt. With blood not his own trickled down Leon face his eyes saw that his sword was stuck half way in Andrew's rib cage! With blood bubbling out his mouth and cat eyes glowing out Andrew laughed out loud like a mad man! Then he said I got you! But Leon respond with "you got nothing" and was about to slice Andrew in half from his rib cage when suddenly something stab his left leg form the side… then his right not more than a second after, with shocking eye Leon look to the floor to see what should have been dead bunk mates, were in fact alive and well! They two began to laugh hideously out, much like Andrew! But in that moment of shock Andrew didn't waste a second and bit down hard on Leon's left shoulder with his feline teeth. With blood pouring out his shoulder Leon was again about to finish the job when a sword ram through his back and stabbed Andrew in the stomach but of course this unaffected Andrew as he still continued to tear flesh from Leon shoulder like nothing was wrong. Leon fell to his knees as another bunkmate bit down hard on his right shoulder now!

While his blood poured out like a river onto Leon's fancy military suit with beautiful gold embroidery his whole life flashed before his eyes! He saw all the evil he help create, form the capture to the torture of innocence women to child hood life were his mother was a slave just like the many women he himself later on help make. He watched on as his mother was forced to abort. As well as the siblings he had were either sold or killed. He watched on with teary eyes at his younger self as he vowed that one day he would stop these atrocities from continuing in his nation! O but where did he lose track of such a goal? Was it when he met the chief that saved his life from an undead shirk that escaped its cage.. Or was it when he made many friends that were like the men of old that went on to keep the status quo? When did he allow these people to corrupt him so? Wasn't he going to be the one to change the system from within?

As time returned to the orange headed middle aged man Leon no longer felt the pain of his wounds and opened the palm of his left hand to reveal a magic scroll! As the scroll charger Leon looked one last time at his former comrade in arms with self pity he said " as we die together let us pay for the sin we have done onto our own people as well as the one we did onto others." "I'm sorry chief it looks like I won't be able to repay you". As he was giving his grievance more ' 'cursed ones" like Andrew came balling through the tent ready to pounce on Leon when Ding! Boom! A gigantic explosion could be seen and heard all around the camp as all eyes forced on the spot where Leon was.

Sir…. I know Baysan replied with a slight hint of grief, Leon is dead! John! As my second advisor, take command of what's left of Leon duties and figure out what is going on with our men! That was Leon's last order before he…. Well anyway Andrew was the key but I'm sure he is dead now… so…. Look I know this is a lot to ask in this situation but just take care of what is left! That's an order we can figure this all out at the end! Baysan said as memories of Leon's past flew by his eyes. With a single teardrop, Baysan continued to say This monstrosity is too strong for me to let it go unabated! Baysan said with righteous fury building up inside him.

Understood sir… chief I will get it done!

But as John was reorganizing what was left of the small army that was once 100 men strong, a rat with teal flaming eyes stood by a cage that contained two beautiful injured elven warriors. Jake! Free them from their bondage and find them some clothes! The rat ordered, then when you're done dressing them, take them to the fairy queen for healing for I fear their mind may be lost for the horrors the humans have done to them! The skeleton knight did as he was ordered to and put the two elven women safely on his strange lion horse and carried them out of the strange prison-like tent when he asked what about the third one? The rat replied no point, she was dead! I have other uses for her body so don't worry and just get the other two out of here!

However just as the teal colored rat was about to leave he heard something call out to him from another cage hidden in the corner. Confused the rat thought to itself, are there more elves imprisoned here? But just as quickly as that thought entered his mind the scarlet light outside entered the strange tenet from holes in the ceiling to shine on the cage that called to him. As he strained his eyes to see the creature in the cage only one word came to mind! Gnolls!