The Bloody Nights End  

As Baysan stood like a wall of flesh, like he was a man chiseled out of a Greek god statue, with dual axes in hand he raised his deep voice to say, "you vile and evil creature! I know not what you are but that doesn't matter for before the nights end, I will have slayed you! With shimmering eyes, the creature in the dark stood boldly and without fear, to the human's provocation. With, out stretch hands Lawrence roar in protest to the weak humans' taunt. With the roar came out dozen of zombified goblins and human turned cannibal! As golden grass turned scarlet red little critters lay hidden about, left their hidden hollows and joined the fray! The human laughed as he swung his huge axes about, slaying all within his view for so weak were the prey that he didn't even need to use any skill but just his axe play. As axe cut monster and human alike, blood rained down like little bloody stars for the scarlet moons light made each droplet shine. As the bloody stars painted the man body, Lawrence was watching and waiting for a chance to strike for he knew that this man in front of him was dangerous, but more than that his master gave an order. And that order was to buy as much time a possible for every second mattered. But as the fighting continued the man got tired and bored of such poultry antics! For so little excitement can be found in fighting humans and monster who have lost all reasoning, while little critter biting at his sole, his annoyance grew even more for their tiny teeth and claws couldn't even pierce his bare skin as they rustled up and down his body. With a bored expression the man simply flexed of his muscle, and spun one time! So fast was the spun that the very air exploded in all directions. When sound returned form the void all life around the man was but a burst of bloody flesh and bone.

The man lifted his right axe and pointed at Lawrence and said, "is that all or do you have any more critters to throw away?" With a scary toothy smile Lawrence summoned forth a bloody misty fog that shrouded him in a mystery. The man tsk as such a cowardly way of fighting but that did not douse his enthusiasm of the fight that is to come for the very thought of killing a new unknown creature would give his name fame. As claws poured out of misty shadows metal sparks flew as still winds turned into sharpen blades. For strong was the man to bare the weight of each of Lawrence hefty claws! As this continued for some time an explosion could be heard form not too far away! So strong was the blast that the wind generated blew away the bloody fog. And not too soon to, for the man was running out of idea of how to deal with it. For all his skill in roaring and wind generated axe played couldn't remove the fog faster that the enemy could replaces it. But even with the fog lifted no joy could be found in the man for he knew what cause that explosion! With teary eyes the man roared once more! Reinvigorated from past memories of when he found a boy to raise. With blood shot eyes and bugling muscle, he threw himself without a care! So furious was the man attack that Lawrence was losing ground!

With ground shaking, fat craters forming form each missed blow, Lawrence grew inpatient for all this time he only wanted to scratch the man one time! For if he could he would use his curse to end the fight but no matter what he tried the man perfectly counted every one of his sneaky or not sneaky attacks. Since the very beginning Lawrence found himself on the back foot of every exchange. As Lawrence was backing up more and more the thought of his master disappointed expression quickly raised his anger, for what does this human think he is? But he knew if he went berserk now, he would lose all reasoning, sure he would gain strength enough to maybe turn the tide but against this man battle intelligence he would probably lose faster in the exchanging of blows, so no Lawrence thought of a new strategy.

As the man axe came down upon Lawrence like a thunderclap, Lawrence greedily gave up his arm, and in exchange for his arm his free claw went through the man stomach and out the back side. The impacted caused the bloody man to dropped one of his weapons, and while he stood frozen in places Lawrence began to laugh in all the voice he has obtained since he was created. But as he laughed the man grabbed Lawrence free claw, with a smirking expression and said, you think you got me? Huh! Do you really think I wouldn't be able to see through your tiny monster brains? And judge by the voices I hear I believe you are the one who killed the men I sent out, right. As Baysan was hearing the voices of his fallen men that the monster was mocking him with, it only severed to anger Baysan more as his facials expression told all how he felt in that moment. But on the other hand the visibly confused Lawrence didn't stop laughing at the man and activated his curse, but something strange happened, and that was that nothing happened! His curse of the cannibal didn't work nor was his dream curse working. Now his confusing tuned into worry as the man continued and said, 'Ha Ha.... looks like you don't understand why your curse skills aren't working on me!" As the man said this is body started to glow in a low hue of blue, and if one were to look closer, they would see that the glow came from the man tattoos that he had covering his body. The tattoo depicted an emblem of a god of some kind, the god of the barbarians.

Visible shaking Lawrence could do nothing as the man axe came down like a lightning bolt, removing Lawrence other arm. With arms bleeding and the voice on his back screaming Lawrence asked himself why? Why I am I losing to a human? Why? Why? Why? While going crazy inside his mind to the outside world the answer was obvious, for only one word would be needed to explain his lose, and that was simply the word called; "experience" experience in fighting strong humans. For up untill now he only fought weaker creatures he could easy kill with bare strength alone or dumb weak humans that's were no different than the weak monsters. With mind snaped nothing could keep his rage in check, so with unbridle rage Lawrence went berserk! With muscle bulging, dark aura leaking, killing intent soring like a tide, the man looked at the raging Lawrence with pitied eyes as his wounds slowly closed as the blood that painted him slowly disappeared, he raised both his hands as golden yellow sparks covered his axes. The man stances himself in the perfect waiting position, like a lion stalking it prey the man wait for Lawrence charge.

As day first light tore away the darkness, Lawrence charged full speed at the man, on one side stood a man calmly embracing the sun light while on the other side ran a monster covered in the waning scarlet light of the moon, as Lawrence got close enough to bite the man, the man said, "now that I see you in the light, you're not scary at all." With the sound of a thousand light strikes, all darkness was wipe form the world. As Lawrence bathed in the light of the lighting strikes, clarity returned to his mind for a moment, and in the moment, Lawrence swears to himself that he will never lose again as his body is split down the middle.