Chapter 3.7 - White - Eveiht

And here I thought the place that was filled with a bunch of products being sold legally would be called Eveiht but who am I kidding? I mean it's literally 'thieve' spelled backward. There aren't fooling anyone when they have that kind of name to call a place to sell something illegally.

"So this is Eveiht? What about the place that we've arrived a few minutes ago?" I wondered.

Yumiko chuckled and replied, "Oh that place? That's just Market City. Doesn't sound unique as Eveiht, right?"

"Unique? More like cheesy once you realize how that name came to existence." I shake my head.

"Oh come on White. Don't get so gloomy now. We're just getting started." Yumiko grabbed my shoulder from behind as she said that.

I moved away from her and said, "Don't touch me, Yumiko."

She simply giggled at how annoyed I was.

After taking some time to look around the scenery of the underground city. We finally made our way to wherever Yumiko was planning. It was a bit unimaginable. I've never seen an underground city before. Better yet, this city is more like a large marketplace. The place was massive. It felt like we're inside a big cave. Torches and lights all over the place lights up the city. Smokes and machinations sounds surrounds the environment. A bunch of huts and even large building made out of sandstone were all over the city. And to top it all off, at the very centre, a large rock structure acting as sort of the main pillar that holds the place from being crumbled from the weights of the city above them. Upon closer inspection, the rock structure had a bunch of scaffolding all around it. Some of them even have a rope line that connects to a lower building. In fact, even some of the tall building had a rope line that connects to a shorter building.

"This place is something alright. I never been to this kind of place before." I was in awe.

Yumiko then told me, "Well that's just the background. Wait until you see its content. You'll enjoy it here."

"How can I enjoy when you told me that this is the place where people buy illegal stuff. That doesn't sound enjoyable at all."

"It's not illegal, White. A lot of this things aren't just simply drugs or something like that. There's a lot of things that you can do over here. For a price that is."

"And that would be?"

Yumiko explained to me as we walked around the busy streets, "there is drugs yes but there are also stolen goods and things that 'fell off the back of a transport truck'. Some unique items for those who seek of it like lucky charms for the believers or clothing with secret linings in the pockets, and of course there's weapons over here. Fine, unique, expensive and even broken ones."

"What do you mean by 'fell off the back of a transport truck'?"

"It's basically stolen things from thieves and robbers. Yes, you can also sell your things here. Anything. Even organs if you want a quick fortune."

"People do a lot of awful things just for a quick cash, huh."

"Indeed it is, White. In fact, this place isn't just filled with thieves looking to sell their stolen things, there's also services for those who need it."

"You mean like a bar or an inn?"

Yumiko laughed and said, "Silly you, there's more than that over here." She continued to explain, "You can look for people who can forge paper works, fake official stamps or seals. Fake ids, counterfeit items, duplication and whatnot. There's also people that sells maps of sewer systems and layouts of buildings, people who know who to bribe and how to make the city guards be somewhere else on a certain night, someone that can put a stop to wanted posters, and there is also people that can make other people...disappear."

"That's quite a lot of service this place has. I guess business is booming over here."

"You are certainly right about that, Cyclone White."

"Is there anything else I can buy besides illegal tools or stolen things?"

Yumiko thinks for a second and answered, "For the right price, you can find exotic pets, exclusive collections, piece of art, and even exotic slaves. And I'm not talking about just humans, White. I'm talking about foreigners and other races as well..."

That made me pause for a moment.

She continued, "Also,you will love this. You can even find forbidden books over here. This is where I got the book that you were looking for."

"Really? Well that changes everything..."

"And here I thought you would be the honorary good boy around here."

"I have to admit it, Yumiko. Sometimes, you have to break the rules if you want something."

Yumiko stopped and smiled at me and said, "That's wonderful, White. Anyway, can you wait here for a moment. I got some business to attend inside this building over here."

"Sure thing."

Yumiko went inside a worn out building. I couldn't tell what kind of building it was. Even the signs were unreadable.

I couldn't help myself from just standing idly while I could look around nearby and see if there's anything that could catch my eyes. As I was busy doing that however, I suddenly bumped into someone thanks to the busy streets. And as fate would have it, I ended up meeting with an old acquaintance of mine.

"I'm sorry." I forgive the person bumping into me.

"Me too..." It was a girl's voice. "Wait. Are you..."

I couldn't really tell who she was at first because she was hiding her face with her hood on. That's when she told me exactly what I need to know.

"Cyclone White...What are you doing here?"

"Who are you, again?"

"Oh sorry. You couldn't recognize me with these." She puts down her hood and reveals her face. "It's me, Fitz Triangulum. Remember me?"

Fitz Triangulum. That's a name I haven't heard since I finished high school, alright. She was an interesting person in the past to say the least. She was the one who teaches me how to control the wind elemental. That kind of things is kind of public in the eyes of my high school friends. But what they don't know was that we were partners in crime before this...