Chapter 4.6 - White - Any Way You Want It

So, a couple of weeks have gone and The Music Festival is going to start tomorrow. The Music Festival are separated into three different area found throughout the campus.

The first one is the Indie Area, it's where most independent entertainer would make their appearance here. This area mostly filled with those guys that made their own music independently. This also includes students who wants to promote themselves.

The 2nd area is The Sponsorship Area and as the name says, this area will be filled with sponsorship marketing stalls. It's where our sponsor can market their product for us to check it out. Speaking of that, there will be outside visitors besides only just students in this campus. In fact, a bunch of students from the other branch will come here to see the festival.

And the 3rd area is The Main Stage area where as the name implies is the main stage for our guest performers. So who's coming and performing? I don't really care to be honest. All I know was that it was a number of famous singer and bands in Crestia. There's also a special appearance from overseas but I'm not really interested with the lineup they have.

Besides, my group will not be stationed there at all. We ended up stationed to the Indie Area. While most people would be excited to be stationed at The Main Stage, almost everyone from my group seems to have an interest with the independent scene. I'm glad it worked out. With that being said, we're now getting ready for the following day and Raven and I were hanging out with each other in the mean time.

"So how's the birds, Raven?" I asked.

She then replied, "The birds? Oh you mean mine? Well, those guys are doing well if that's what your wondering, White."

She then brought out a bird cage from her Dimensional Inventory. Inside the cage was a parrot. It had a majestic set of colour. It was rainbow coloured.

I was amazed by it, "Wow, that's wonderful parrot you got there."

"Its name is Queen. A rainbow lorikeet. It's their species name."

"Interesting..." Despite my enthusiasm, I was already running out of words to talk.

Raven though has something to ask, "White, have you considered what kind of weapon to use for yourself?"

I was confused at first until I realize what she meant, "Oh you mean, that Elemental Magic Arms thing that our lecturer teach us last week?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "What's your EMA type?"

EMA, short for Elemental Magic Arms is a fancy way of saying 'weapon of choice'. It's to distinguish between what kind of weapon you are suitable with. And in the case of what Raven just asked, she was asking for my EMA type.

"Dagger" I told her.

There are 10 different EMA type. Dagger is an example of an EMA type. Other type includes, Sabre, Spear, Axe, Staff, Gun, Melee, Bow, Harp, and Katana. But what if someone was using a guitar as a weapon? That depends on whether the guitar could be an Axe type or a Harp type. They could even be a hybrid of both, An Axe/Harp Hybrid type. It's basically a term to refer what kind of weapon you are most suitable with to use. Logically speaking, it's a crucial thing to know what is our EMA especially when we are on the lookout to find some strong equipment for us to use on a battle. It's not good if we are not comfortable to using a heavy weapon if we are already used to a lighter weapon. But of course, you don't just simply have one EMA specialty. Anyone can have up to two EMA specialty. Do I have a 2nd EMA? Not really, I haven't been trying that out yet. It's trial and error in this case. We still don't have the technology to discern what EMA is good for us.

Raven then told me, "I'm using Melee."

"Melee, huh? I didn't quite see you as the melee type to be honest."

She responded, "You'll be surprised, White. Anyway I have another question."

"Go on." I plead.

She asked me, "Have you mastered any of your weapon yet?"

So, what exactly is mastering an EMA? Each EMA will have an innate skill that once we have mastered it can be inherited to ourselves. Usually, starting at tier two EMA, an innate skill will be available to be mastered. Now what's this about tier? It's just a way to tell how advance our EMA is. Tier zero is basically something like a stick or a wooden sword. While tier one could be an iron sword or anything similar.

As stated before, an EMA refers to our weapon and you can have as many EMA you can carry but you still have to get use to the EMA that you are using. You can't simply get a rare EMA and already know how to swing it correctly. So, each tier two and above EMAs has this innate skill that we can carry on to be used on other EMA if we wish to do so. There will be more clarification but if I continue to explain, Raven would be waiting for me.

"I only mastered one and it is such a basic innate skill. It came from an old dagger I use way back in middle school."

"Let me guess what is the innate skill...It's double attack. Am I right?"

"Yep. I think everyone here should know that by now."

She then asked me again, "What about you current dagger there?"

"This one?" I was referring to the dagger that my parent gave me during my birthday. "Even after a semester, I haven't mastered it yet."

"It's probably a high tier EMA."

"I guess so..."

This dagger...I don't really know it's origins. But all I know was that it helped me unlock my Space Manipulation ability back then in high school. It almost felt like this weapon was made for me. But I can't tell that for sure. But all of that question won't be answered for now. For now though, we're just going to wait and see how The Music Festival is going to be...