The Shattering of The Glass Palace

The four elements released by Leburo and Ramala collided with each other, eventually attracting each other and uniting in a strange and dangerous way. Ramala and Leburo immediately jumped back a few steps to prevent anything untoward from happening with the union of the four elements they had summoned by casting a spell earlier.

"Mantelus!" Leburo and Ramala chanted simultaneously to protect themselves. The protective mantle looked like a clear, shimmering gem and wrapped itself around Leburo and Ramala's entire bodies.

Just as they had expected, the four elements began to bubble up and out,

'Booom!' There was a huge explosion that shook even the pillars of the Glass Palace. Some parts of the palace even collapsed under the shock wave.

But unlike Leburo and Ramala, both of them were safely protected by the shimmering, jewel-encrusted envelopes they had summoned with their spells. The explosive effects of the four elements had no effect on their armor.