Unique Skill

"It will be killed in seconds!"

Noa's eyes were excited, Moonlight Moth's skills had weakened and he no longer had any resistance. This time, the Moonlight Moth was approached by the Hidden Cat, and under the damage with a high-power-generating attack, the Moonlight Moth was bound to suffer many deaths.

Seeing the appearance of the moonlight moths, they gave up their resistance.

brush! brush! brush!

But at this moment, the sound of the bubbles under the river became faster and faster, as if something was surging, flowing from the bottom of the river, Noa's eyes narrowed and he paid attention to the situation.

"What's the matter, isn't this task as simple as that?" Noa frowned, before she could react.

Suddenly, the river exploded, and stone-like objects appeared from the river, jumped high, and gathered in the air, forming a solid wall, blocking the cat in front of them.

This situation is like a flowing city wall that can change direction, emerging from a river.

An active fortress surrounds the moon moth.

The Cat Claw landed on this "active fortress", and there was a symphony of gold and iron, and the invincible killing attack could not break through this line of defense at all, a terrible blow!

"real or fake?"

Noa was secretly surprised. The skill [Shadow Sneak Kill] could cause almost 200 points of damage. There were no monsters encountered that couldn't be killed right away, but now they've been humiliated

This is a very strong defense! ?



The Hidden Cat roared, frantically scratching at the "moving fortress", but the fort couldn't leak, forming a smooth ball in the air, keeping the moonlight moths inside.


The cats rely on their bouncing power to kill from the river, but they can't stay in the air for too long, this renders the cats ineffective in long-term aerial combat.

With the counterattack, their bodies fell back onto the shore.

They roared at the beach and wanted to rush to kill again, but the [Shadow Sneak Kill] skill also had a cooldown, and if this "moving fortress" wasn't completed, it wouldn't be able to cause any effective damage at all.

In a roar, the cats stared at Noa helplessly.

Since it was Noa's pet, they had the same thoughts, so even though Noa used the [Invisible] effect of [Unpredictable], they were still able to detect Noa's presence.

The cat's anxious cry seemed to say, "Teacher, what should we do? What are you waiting for, hurry up!"

I'm also very curious!

Noa was worried in her heart. It doesn't matter whether the task is completed or not. What he wanted most right now was the pet [Moon Moth], which was definitely a blessing to a SUMMONER like him, but he was very hard to get.

Noa feels anxious and can't think

dong dong dong!

At this moment, the flowing "active fortress" completely split open and turned into stone-like objects, one after another, they fell into the river, and [Moonlight Moth] opened.

As soon as the moonlight moth appeared, it opened its wings directly, and an arc-shaped blade of light opened and immediately attacked the cat herd

[Moon Blade], skill cooldown has passed!

boo, boo, boo…





The cats rushed to dodge, but unfortunately, under the rain-like fire, they would definitely receive some damage. Many cats were beaten into the river and their numbers gradually decreased, almost equal to the number of moonlight moths.

"This is a problem." Noa's temples were dripping with cold sweat.

He had recovered a lot of Mana, and he could summon [Wind Slayer Hidden Cat] again, but looking at the current situation, even if he summoned more cats, if he couldn't destroy that "active fortress", it would be a waste. !

This is so special, he finally understands why moths live in rivers.

[Moonlight Moth] It's true that there is a cooldown skill, but during the cooldown of the skill, the active fortress will protect them, and when the cooldown time runs out, it can become arrogant like magic strafing.

time elapsed.

Sure enough, after the moon blade cooldown, when the cat fought back, the mobile fortress appeared again, repeating the previous operation, and immediately after that fired like "biu, biu, biu".

In this cycle, the number of cats decreased sharply, and the situation was precarious.

In this situation, it is like having a whole body of power, but it is impossible to display it, it is very embarrassing!




What is this! ?

Noa continues to use her own system scans to see what this 'active stronghold' is, but unfortunately, without exception, all of them fail, which is a little inconvenient.

"Really, am I going to give up like this?"

"How is this possible!"

Noa's anger increases, and she will end up here. When the cat fights, he continues to scan and use it. As long as he understood what a fort was, there might be a solution.

According to him, the stone-like objects form an active fortress, which may have several characteristics, apart from high defense, can also withstand prying eyes.

As long as there was a gap in the fort, he might be able to research its weak points.

Thinking about this, he came up with an idea.

"Summon, Wind Slayer Hidden Cat!"

Several cats were called by him, but he did not immediately order action, but waited quietly.

He is in the invisible effect, and the newly summoned cat is silent, but there are not many of them, so they are not aware of the strangeness of the moment, it is time to do it. something.


When the Hidden Cat rushed away again, an "active fortress" would immediately form, and when the surface of the river opened, Noa ordered.

"Come in for me!"

The newly summoned cat rushed to the "active fortress" in an instant, and the [Shadow Sneak Kill] skill was activated, and the speed was extremely fast, but their goal was not to attack.

At that time the stones will form a fortress.


Several cats were put in it suddenly.

In an instant, the process of forming the fort was interrupted, although some cats were too close to the river and rushed too hard, they all fell into the river water, so that the "rook" was formed very quickly.

However, at the moment of being interrupted, Noa's [Scan] finally came out!

Silly Tortoise (Ordinary Monster)

Level: 6

Blood value: 200

Attack Power: 5

Defense: 50

Skill 1: Fortress of activity: Eight turtles connect to form a watertight defensive circle. The damage received will have a certain chance of being covered by all!

Skill 2: Jumping on the water surface: Very slow speed, but on the water surface, he can jump quickly. During the process of jumping, he can change a certain direction and match it with skill one.

Skill 3: Shrink head and tail: When connected, hold the enemy's prying eyes (no need to trigger active fortress)!

Description: A tough monster, if you try to eat it, your teeth may break.

It turned out that this thing… was the trash that had been interfering with the battle and cooperating with the moonlight moth