29. Savior

Drrt drrt drrt

The sound of the cellphone ringing continued, a man sleeping comfortably on the bed embraced the noise that he continued to hear until the ringing sound stopped ringing. At that time, Felix woke up surprised.

"Hah.. hah.. what dream was that?"

Felix rubbed his face in frustration until a few moments later the man looked around the room with wide eyes, his face pale remembering everything that happened last night.

"Where is this? Hotel?"

The man also checked his condition, the man was wearing sleepwear, different from the one he wore last night. He had made a big mistake, and even then on a girl who had no faults.

"How about this...?!"

Felix got up and grabbed his cellphone which was on the table, if Felix was here because he had done something wrong to Dara, why wasn't that girl here? Why did the girl not get angry and wait for him to wake up.

"Why is my face swollen like this?"

All these questions disappeared when Felix's keen eyes accidentally saw a small scroll lying under the bed, the man grabbed the small scroll curiously. But after opening it, he immediately dropped the scroll with so much surprise.

"What's this...?"

Meanwhile, in a cafe that is still quiet in the morning, Dara and Calvin are sitting at one table facing each other. Calvin looked at Dara with an intimidating look, while Dara kept trying to avoid Calvin's gaze.

"If I wasn't there last night what would you do?"







Felix's eyes opened slightly and suddenly the man touched Dara's nape roughly and pulled the girl closer to her, Dara didn't realize in an instant Felix changed their position and made the man pressed against Dara's body.

"What?" Dara asked frantically. "Sir! Awake! It's me Dara! Awake, Mr. Felix! You're drunk!"

As if not listening to Dara's screams, Felix's hand slowly unbuttoned Dara's shirt from above. Getting Felix's treatment like this, Dara doesn't seem to have the energy to rebel from Felix.

All of Dara's shirt buttons were opened and revealed Dara's tank top, seeing Felix who was looking at her with lust, Dara's face turned red with anger and embarrassment until Felix brought their faces closer making Dara close her eyes.



Dara was surprised when someone suddenly came and hit Felix so hard that the man fell unconscious, while the man who helped Dara pulled Dara to follow him out of the alley.


"Calvin?" Dara asked with a trembling body.

"Why are you still in the gang of thugs at this hour, huh?!"

Dara looked down. "I..."

Calvin glared. "Why is Mr. Felix with you?! Don't be silent like this, Dara!"


"I didn't tell you to cry," Calvin hissed.


"Tell me!"

Dara is afraid, Dara is so afraid to see Calvin like this. It was the first time Calvin had looked genuinely angry, like never before. Calvin's gaze from yesterday was completely different, even Calvin's voice was very loud.


"The thugs cornered me and I beat them all, then.. Mr. Felix suddenly entered the alley drunk, he fainted when I saw him. So I wanted to help him, but suddenly..." Dara clenched her fists. "Mr. Felix cornered me while mentioning Dhian's name ... hiks...."


Calvin's gaze instantly softened, he didn't know if Dhian's refusal had made Felix so frustrated and didn't realize that he almost abused the girl he met as an outlet.

Calvin realized that Felix didn't realize what he was doing because of his frustration about Dhian, but the man was even looking for an outlet in a small and quiet alley. Then Dara was also wrong, how could the girl be in an alley at this hour.

"You..! Hah.. why are you in that alley? Can you just stay home at this hour? It's dangerous, Dara!"


"Now you go home and rest, tomorrow we should talk about this at the cafe we ​​used to go to."

Dara nodded and walked past Calvin, the girl knew that Calvin was currently very worried about her after what almost happened to her. Calvin didn't want to push her too hard and waited until she had calmed down completely.

"Want me to take you home?" Calvin asked making Dara stop her steps.

"Since when did I let you drive me home?"

"Hah.. well, be careful."





"Good morning, Calvin."

Calvin, who had just run in the field to carry out his sentence, turned to Dhian who greeted him, Calvin smiled, Dhian didn't usually greet Calvin first.


"You're so late, I've already finished my punishmant."

"Oh right..." Calvin looked down. "My best friend outside of school almost had bad luck."


"You know, Dhian? It's a shame you don't want to be with Mr. Felix, he's so frustrated."


"Last night Mr. Felix was drunk in frustration with your refusal, that stupid teacher even almost harassed a girl."

Dhian gasped. "How's come?"

"Yes, it seems he loves you very much, Dhian."

"Is that girl.. your best friend?" asked Dhian looking sad.


"Forgive me..."

"You're not wrong, Mr. Felix is ​​just exaggerating. Are all grown men like that? Huh..."

Dhian looked down, slowly her footsteps stopped. She didn't know if every word she said yesterday would hurt Felix so much, Dhian didn't expect it at all. But given the facts, it is impossible for Dhian to be with Calvin.

"Vin," Dhian called softly.

"Oh? Did you say something?"

"Yeah..." Dhian walked closer to Calvin. "What if.. I have a pretty clear reason for my refusal?"

"What?" Calvin stopped in his tracks. "I thought something was up with you, what was it? Tell me."

"Calvin.. actually.. why can Mr. Felix like me?"

Calvin frowned. "Of course because you caught his attention."

"But why?" Dhian's tone sounded higher than before.

"Eh? I... don't know either...?"

Dhian looked down. "You also don't know that Mr. Felix already has a fiancé, right?"

"Fiance? With whom? Who said it? No way..."

"Maya's teacher.. she herself told me that they were engaged."

Calvin's eyes widened in surprise after hearing Dhian's words, this explained everything. Why Maya is always close to Felix and why Maya doesn't like Dhian.

"Vin, how can someone who is already engaged to like someone else?" asked Dhian with a smile.

Seeing Dhian's smile, Calvin clenched his fists and his gaze was sharp. The man cursed softly and was about to go look for Felix, but Dhian immediately restrained him while shaking her head.

"He's gone too far, Dhian, that bast*rd...!"

"Don't... don't do anything, Vin, I'm fine.


"Want to go to the canteen?"

"Hah.. well, I can't fight you."

"Thanks, Vin.. and.. sorry for this."