34. Convenience

"If you want to be angry.. just be angry with Dhian! She herself wants to donate her heart to you! I hate her! She is really stupid for loving you too much!"

Calvin ruffled his hair in frustration, Arka's words in his dream kept ringing in his head. This is impossible to happen, but the fear continues to haunt him.

After hugging Dhian on the stairs, Calvin and Dhian often rested in that place alone. Calvin talked a lot to Dhian and Dhian watched him while giving a lot of input.

During the many interactions, Calvin became more possessive of Dhian. Calvin keeps trying so that Dhian doesn't run into Felix or if Dhian is going anywhere. Calvin's attitude like that certainly makes Dhian uncomfortable, he feels strange about Calvin's behavior.

However, Dhian tries to continue to understand him because Calvin and Dara's problems have not been resolved. Calvin even tells the story every day that the man sees Dara and Felix who are dating every day.

Even so, Calvin does not feel that he is jealous of Felix. It's just that he doesn't like it because Felix is ​​seen toying with Dara who loves him so much, Dara doesn't even contact him anymore.

But Calvin remained calm because Dhian was always by his side, giving him support or whatever. After being out of touch with Dara for a long time, Calvin began to get used to being alone with Dhian.

Dhian also began to be more daring with Calvin, rebuking Calvin if Calvin made her skip class or if the man was having stomachaches from eating spicy food again. Until everything that happened brought them closer, it was different if Calvin and Dara.

So far, Calvin and Dara have only been rude to each other, all they did was put their arm around each other's shoulders with one hand over the shoulder. Or Calvin messing up Dara's hair and making them fight.

Unlike the way Calvin treats Dhian, Calvin is very gentle because Dhian's nature is different from Dara's. But the closeness of Calvin and Dhian is so much different, seeing Calvin hugging Dhian's body or just holding Dhian's hand.

Calvin did not even hug Dara's body, if he dared to do so, it meant that he was ready to receive a mortal blow from Dara. Holding hands with Dara also feels ridiculous, yes, it's very different.

"Tomorrow I have a daily test, I want to study in the library. How about you, Vin?"

"Library?" Calvin remembers that Felix is ​​always in the library. "I'm coming with you."

"You want to study?"


Dhian smiled, the girl knew that Calvin had other intentions to follow her to the library, remembering how Calvin had been acting recently. Even so, Dhian still let Calvin go with her.

When they arrived at the library, Dhian and Calvin immediately took a book for them to study. Calvin who only reads and Dhian who notes important things from the books she studies.

"Are you really studying, Vin?" Dhian asked, glancing at Calvin.

"Of course, you think I'm lying?"

"Yes," said Dhian, staring intently.


"Your book is upside down."


Calvin was surprised when Dhian pointed to the cover of his book, Calvin turned his face away embarrassed. But a few moments later, Calvin turned around in surprise when the corner of his eye accidentally saw Dhian who smiled sweetly.

Calvin was a little fascinated when he saw Dhian's smile, the girl's smile looked wider and cuter than usual. Meanwhile, Dhian who was aware also lost her smile and then waved her hand in front of Calvin's face.



Calvin's spontaneous words made Dhian look down in shame, while Calvin who woke up pretended to read his book seriously. Dhian who saw also stole glances at Calvin, the girl just realized that Calvin was very adorable.







"You from school came straight to me?"

"So what?"

Dara patted her forehead staring in disbelief, how could the man who asked her out directly meet her after teaching from school. Dara grabbed and pulled the man's hand to follow her.

"Where are we going?" Felix asked confused.

'I'll pick you a suitable outfit for our date today.'


Dara took Felix to a clothing store and immediately chose the man's clothes for their date, while Felix just resigned himself to seeing how Dara treated him. Until not long after, Dara finally found clothes that fit Felix.

"Try this."

"Wait, I'll change in a bit."

Dara nodded, Felix grabbed the clothes Dara had chosen for him. While Dara waited for the man to change clothes, she chose to play on the cellphone until Felix returned.


Dara turned. "Well.. here it is!"

After paying for the clothes, Felix and Dara finally went to the park for a leisurely walk. While walking around, Dara saw a series of bicycles for rent. Dara stopped in front of one of the bicycles, making Felix immediately go to pay for the bicycle rental.

"Sir-eh? Where is he?"

Dara walked around while looking in all directions, how could the man immediately disappear in the middle of their date. While Dara continued to curse, suddenly a bicycle bell sounded behind Dara and startled her.

"Ah! Bast*rd! Who, huh?!"

"Your words, Dhi- Dara."

Dara turned around in surprise, it turned out that the person who surprised her on the bicycle was Felix. The girl frowned because she heard another word before Felix said her name, he approached Felix by stomping her feet.

"What name do you want to name?"

"Huh? Sorry, Dara, I spelled it wrong."

Dara snorted. "Fortunately you rented the bike I wanted to ride earlier."

"Come up."

Dara nodded while sitting sideways behind Felix, while Felix pulled Dara's hand to hold before he pedaled his bicycle. At first Dara was surprised, but then the girl stretched out her hand again and hugged Felix.


"It's comfortable..."

Felix smiled and continued to pedal slowly so that he could have a long time with Dara, they passed the river where Dara pointed at him and said that the river was very beautiful, but Felix replied that Dara was more beautiful than the river beside him.

Dara kept laughing while they rode the bike together and Felix just smiled, Dara also didn't forget to take pictures of the surrounding scenery, until a few moments later the girl saw the ice cream shop stand from her camera.

"Wait a minute, sir."


"I want some ice cream."

"You're child..."

"Mr. Felix!"

"Yeah, yeah... honey."

Dara's face heats up when she hears Felix's call, while Felix, who parks his bicycle, notices a stuttering Dara. The man smiled, it seemed that Dara was embarrassed to hear his call.

"If you go on a date like this, don't call me sir, I'll be called a pedophile by the people around me."

Dara gasped. "But isn't that rude? After all, you're a pedophile hehe..."


"Okay, so what should I call you?"

"Just a name."

"Gosh.. that's really rude."

"Brother? That's impossible right..? People will think we're brothers."

"Umm.. looks like it should be.. Fe.. felix?"