42. Hearts and Songs For You

"Calvin, can you move a bit so Dhian can sit beside you?"


Dhian looked down because she was made to sit next to Calvin, the situation was so awkward. While Calvin was thinking about other things, the man was thinking about how Dhian and Arka had casually come together and joined them.

"What are you doing, Vin?" asked Julian confused.

"Not usually so quiet."

Nando narrowed his eyes. "You two had a fight?"

"Dhian and Calvin?"

"You guys are so awkward."

Calvin hurriedly finished his food and just left, while Dhian, who had not even touched her food, immediately followed where Calvin went.

"Calvin," Dhian called.


"You.. why? Did I make a mistake?"

Calvin turned his head away. "Nothing, but I don't think it's any of your business."


"Actually I don't like seeing you with Arka, he seems to have it all."

"But he's your friend."

"I.. I don't know what I was thinking, I just don't like it."


Dhian's eyes widened, she didn't want to ask anything more than this. Dhian begins to doubt what Calvin will say again, but Calvin's reasoning seems to wake her up.

"But should you dodge?" Dhian asked clenching her hands. "Who asked to be friends first? Who, Vin? Then why are you avoiding me like this? Whatever the reason is... it looks as if you don't think of me as your friend."

"Dhian," Calvin's breath catches. "Sorry.. I.. I shouldn't be like this."

"If you knew, would you continue to dodge?"

Calvin shook his head. "No, I won't do it again."

Dhian smiled and again it made Calvin feel something strange inside him, Calvin didn't want to avoid it anymore. Whatever those feelings, he would not deny.

Calvin smiled too, Calvin had realized everything. That feeling, the feeling that had just arisen was only for Dhian alone. This couldn't be happening, but that explained everything.

"Don't get too close to Arka."

"Why?" Asked Dhian confused.

"Just do it."


"Wanna skip last class with me?"


Calvin smiled, the man pulled Dhian's hand gently towards the roof of the school building. Calvin sat Dhian on a bench in the corner of the roof, so the girl could see the scenery far below them.

While Calvin sits on the roof railing behind Dhian, the man grabs his guitar and strums it slowly. Dhian, who heard Calvin's guitar, just closed her eyes, enjoying the tone produced by the guitar.

"Want to hear me sing?"

"Eh? You can sing too?"

He nodded. "I see, I have a lot of talent.

"I want to hear it."



"Oh, there she goes again

Every morning it's the same

You walk on by my house

I wanna call out your name


I wanna tell you how beautiful you are from where I'm standing

You got me thinking what we could be 'cause


I keep craving, craving, you don't know it but it's true

Can't get my mouth to say the words they wanna say to you

This is typical of love

Can't wait anymore, I won't wait

I need to tell you how I feel when I see us together forever


In my dreams you're with me

We'll be everything I want us to be

And from there, who knows?

Maybe this will be the night that we kiss for the first time

Or is that just me and my imagination?"


Calvin's guitar strum began to slow down and after it stopped, the man came down from the roof railing and sat on the bench beside Dhian. He could hear soft snoring from Dhian's lips, it turns out that Dhian can also easily fall asleep when she hears singing like that.

"I can't possibly like you, can I?"




"Dhian where are you?"

"You didn't see it either?" asked Arka from behind.

Olivia flinched. "Gosh, you just startled me!"

"You really didn't see Dhian?"

"She didn't come in, how can I see her? Is she mad at me for not going to the canteen with her earlier?"

"That's not possible."

"Who knows, right."

"Hey, Tiffany."


"How rude of you to be a girl."

"So what?!"

Satria snorted. "I've got a vehicle, want me to drive you? We can hang out for a bit before heading home."

"Yes, if you treat me."

"Come on!"

"Uh, really?"

"If you keep asking I will cancel."

"All right, let's go!"

Olivia looked down. "Usually I'm the one treated by Satria like that..."

Arka glanced briefly at Olivia, actually if it's just something like this Arka is quite sensitive, especially lately he always smokes behind the school with Satria. It seems the man did this on purpose, he wanted to forget Olivia by looking at other girl.



Arka immediately left, leaving Olivia who thought that Arka was making fun of her, but she didn't know if Arka felt sorry for Satria who had come to this because of a girl. But actually he is the same as Satria.

Arka chose to go to an internet cafe instead of going straight home, but before entering the internet cafe, the man again accidentally saw Dara and Felix making out on the side of the road, he immediately looked away because he couldn't stand Dara who was always laughing around Felix.

"Maybe I'm sadder than Satria? Huh..."

After Arka entered the internet cafe, Dara turned to where Arka was, the girl knew if Arka saw her and how he looked. Actually Dara didn't see it on purpose, she wanted Arka to quickly get rid of his feelings.

Dara wants Arka to give up on his feelings, their relationship has long passed and Dara can't bear to see Arka who can never forget everything. The feeling of guilt will continue if it is always like this, she doesn't want to feel restless.

"What are you doing, honey?"

Dara shook her head. "Where did you say you were going? To the orphanage?"


"Aa, wait- shouldn't we bring the orphanage children gifts?"

"I've got everything in the trunk."

"Wow.. you are very kind, lucky I have you."

Felix smiled as he gently ruffled Dara's hair with annoyance, actually it was only natural for the man to do this because his company was the main source of donations for the orphanage he was aiming for.

"Thank you for coming with me today."

"I feel the need to do it, rather than you going out with another girl."

"I wouldn't do that."

"Who knows what would have happened if I wasn't around."

"So you want to keep monitoring me?"

"Of course, because you are only mine."

"Yes, yes.. you're right."