56. Trust Me as a Friend

"She has changed."

"If she's changed she shouldn't have told you to stay away from Olivia."

"Mom, auntie.. I'm going out for a while okay, want to get some fresh air first."

Olivia chose to leave the restaurant, the girl looked around the courtyard of the restaurant and her gaze stopped on a house in front of which a man she knew and a girl could see.


"What do you see?"

She turned her head. "Why are you coming out?"

"Mother told me to go out with you."

"Tch.. aren't you avoiding me because of your girlfriend? What are you doing here?"


"I can also without your presence, I.. will not continue to lean on you."


"Actually, I don't believe your reason earlier, it's impossible for Dhian to stay away from me because of something like that. Even though I don't know the reason for you and Dhian to stay away from me, I still have friends. It's okay, I don't need a back up either."

"Huh.. sorry..."



Olivia stepped towards the park near the restaurant and of course Satria followed the girl, Olivia sat down on a park bench, closed her eyes enjoying the breeze.

"I really shouldn't be with you all the time, you have a life and so do I. I've troubled you too much, so maybe lately I still can't be shunned by you. But.. I'll try."


"I've been selfish all this time, haven't I?" asked Olivia with a smile.


"You must be annoyed by my attitude, I even acted rudely and monopolized you myself. I don't want you to get too close to anyone other than me, id*ot..."


Olivia glared. "What?"

"Have I ever said anything like that to you?"

Satria asked with words full of emphasis and his eyes stared intently at Olivia, while Olivia shook her head while lowering her head, Satria was really angry with her at this time.

"I never said it and you're just guessing, I really hate that kind of thing."


"Huh.. should I be honest?"


"I know you're in love with someone."

Olivia frowned. "Then? Are you mad because I didn't tell you?"

Satria shook his head. "I don't want to hinder your relationship with him because I'm always beside you, maybe there was a time when you two wanted to date, but I was with you instead and kept you from dating."

Olivia was surprised, this was the same as Satria's previous reason. What was Satria really thinking to do something like this, walking away for some strange reason. Olivia really couldn't believe it, how stupid Satria's thinking was.


"Yes indeed."

"Then why did you get close to Tiffany? You guys are really dating?" Olivia asked curiously and Satria shook his head. "Then?"

"I'm still making an approach."

"Oh, I see..."

Satria ruffled Olivia's hair, he was still lying. But he doesn't want Olivia to know his feelings, his friendship could be more destroyed than this. Satria can no longer bear to see Olivia's current state because of his treatment.

Because of that Satria tries to get rid of his feelings to understand Olivia's feelings, even though it hurts, maybe he has disappointed Olivia too much. Satria can only give reasons like this so that Olivia will forget her disappointment by thinking that he is stupid.

This is better, after all there is Tiffany who keeps trying to stay beside him. Evil indeed, but a man really has to find his own outlet so as not to hurt the girl he likes, after all Tiffany doesn't have any feelings for him.





"What else now?"

"I'm not talking to you, Hans."

"You were talking to my girlfriend, so I-"

"That's enough, Hans," interrupted Dhian.

"Dhian, there's something I want to talk to you about."

"Just talk here."

"I don't want you to hear it."

"Then you don't have to talk," Hansel hissed.

"All right. Dhian, I saw your boyfriend entering the same house as another girl."

Dhian and Hansel were shocked, several students in their class looked at Hansel with disbelief and some even looked at someone with disgust at Hansel. While Dhian immediately stood up and grabbed Olivia's hand to follow her.

"Hans, we have to talk," said Satria.


"Just follow."

"Yes, yes..."

Inside the indoor basketball court, Olivia looked at Dhian with her hands on her hips. The girl told everything she saw last night when she was in front of the restaurant, she was sure that what she saw yesterday was Hansel and Dara.

"Calvin's friend?"

Olivia nodded. "He betrayed you, Dhian, we shouldn't keep a man like him."

Dhian turned her face, Dhian didn't believe Olivia's words. But she couldn't break up with Hansel, after all, their relationship wasn't based on love.

"I understand."


"Oliv, please don't tell this to Calvin and the others."



"Huh.. alright."

Dhian smiled. "Thank you."




Olivia clenched her fists, she really couldn't bear to see Hansel who kept clinging to Dhian, while Dhian seemed to let the man go. Did Dhian not even listen to what she said earlier, how could that girl still be with Hansel.

Dhian was also seen smiling at Hansel, Hansel even casually joking around. How could their relationship be okay after Dhian found out what Hansel was doing behind her.

"Why? Don't you believe me, Dhian?"

Olivia asked in a low whisper, her friendship with Dhian had been completely destroyed. Even though she has reconciled with Satria, Olivia is still uneasy because of Dhian and Hansel.

"Why do you keep looking at them?"

Olivia looked behind her and saw Satria standing side by side with Tiffany, Tiffany looked at her intently and it annoyed her. But she prefers to see Satria, who asks her.

"I don't trust Hans."

"Why?" asked Satria confused.

How could he not be confused if all this time he saw that Hansel was fine with Dhian, even his feelings seemed great for Dhian. Hansel does look like a bad boy, but he's kind and considerate enough.

"I do not see any reproach from the man's attitude," said Tiffany.

Olivia snorted, apparently many people believed Hansel. No one wants to listen to her anymore, Hansel can attract the people around him. Of course, the guy looks cool to be friends with.

Olivia then went up the quiet stairs which were rarely passed by students or teachers. When she arrived, the girl saw Calvin sitting on the top of the stairs with his body leaning against the side wall of the stairs.


"Hn? You again?"

"Not what you expected?" asked Olivia sitting herself beside Calvin.

"Not really."

"Vin," Olivia called. "I'm really mad at Dhian."


"She sucks."

He chuckled. "That's because you're jealous that Dhian spends more time with Hans than you do."

"Hey, do you trust Hans?"


"Have you ever thought that Hans was actually just playing with Dhian?"

"Wait- what do you mean?"