When It All Began (Part 3)

"I know that you are doing this because of what happened to your mother in the past and I believe in your purpose. We want to seek justice in our own way," Nic said.

If Timothy was surprised that Nic knew what happened to his mother in the past, he managed not to show it. His mother's past was a sensitive topic for him, for his family, and especially for his father who was still blaming himself for that until now even though it was not his fault. So as much as possible, Timothy doesn't want to talk about it and he was sure that no one knows about his mother's past except for a few people that were close to their family.

Timothy was also certain that his friends didn't know about it. Until Nic mentioned it. He wondered who else knew and was just pretending that they did not know. Internally, he was pissed.

"This is unlawful," Timothy just said.

"Since when did we abide by the law? Have you forgotten that we have our own rules, our own laws? Heck, we even have our own punishment and prison cells. You of all people should know that because you have been taking advantage of it since you were ten," Nic said.

Timothy just stared at him without giving away his thoughts. His face remains blank and expressionless. But internally, he knew that Nic was right. Their families have their own rules, their own laws. They do not always follow the law that was set by the authority since they knew that it was not always fair and just.

They were not abiding by the law in the name of fairness and just.

If it was fairness and justice they wanted, they would get it in their own way. And they managed to do it without the authority or the cops breathing down their necks.

"Come on, Tim," Nic insisted when he saw no reaction from Timothy.

Timothy knew that Nic would not stop until he got the answer that he wanted. Nic is persistent and adamant. And if you add Mason to the equation, that would be worse.

Timothy's work is getting hectic these past few days and he knew that in the coming weeks, months, and years, he would be busier. The last thing he needs is people barging into his apartment and annoying him by insisting on letting them help him.

Timothy sighs and looks away. "Your parents will kill me," He said, facing the screens in front of him. Though he knew that their parents wouldn't.

"Our fathers will be proud if they find out," Nic said with a wide grin making Timothy snap his head in his direction. Timothy didn't say anything though because he knew he was right. After all, their fathers were the ones who set their own rules and law.

They were even the ones who introduced them to their form of punishment for whoever offended their family. Again, in the name of fairness and justice.

"And your mothers?" Timothy asked because if there is anyone they all should fear, it would be their mothers. Heck, even their fathers were afraid of their mothers.

Nic grinned even more widely. He could already see the success of his insistence even though Timothy's expression remained unchanged. "We'll take care of them," He said although he doesn't have any idea how they are going to take care of their mothers once they find out that their sons were torturing and killing people who raped, killed, molests, enslaved, and sold women and children.

Timothy stared at Nic with a grim expression on his face. In the end, he sighed in defeat and shook his head.

Later that night on his way back home, Nic sent a message to Mason that says, 'Meet me at my place,' When he reached his small smart house that is in the middle of the forest within the secluded area inside the headquarters of their private army company he was not even surprised when he saw Mason already standing in his outdoor wooden deck.

Mason was leaning on the wooden railing with his phone in his hand. It was dark save for the solar lamps that surround the deck that automatically turn on once the sun sets. But the huge grin on Mason's face could be clearly seen because of the light coming from his phone.

Since Nic's car was parked a little far from his house, Mason probably didn't notice his arrival.

Nic's house was just a small smart house made of ballistic steel that was turned into a smart house. His father commissioned someone to construct that for a short period of time for his mother before he and his twin sister were born.

After their primary house was built, the smart house was abandoned though was well maintained.

After Nic graduated from college, he was asked by his parents what he wanted as a present. He didn't even think and hesitated when he answered, he wanted the smart house.

Though his mother was opposed to the idea of him moving out of their house, she conceded later on after Nic promised that he would come home every weekend and stay with them. It was not as if he moved far from them. The smart house was just a short walking distance from their primary house.

As Nic gets closer to Mason, the latter suddenly bursts into fits of laughter.

Curious, Nic quickened his steps and made his presence known to his visitor. "What are you laughing at?" Nic asked.

Mason heard his voice and raised his head to look up at him. A huge grin was still plastered on his handsome face. It has always been the subject of everyone's envy that their circle of friends was blessed with excellent genes.

They were a bunch of good-looking men and women. Not to mention they were all capable on their own. They were of different ages. Different professions. Different interests. Different skills. But they got along very well with each other and could only trust one another. Maybe the fact that they all grew up together since their parents were friends was a huge factor.

While they wanted to deal with unfairness and injustice on their own, others found it unfair that they seemed to have all the good in life.

The grin on Mason's face didn't falter and even got wider when he saw Nic who was older than him. While Nic just graduated from college with a master's degree in business administration, Mason was still in college and taking up a degree in business administration as well.

Though a college degree is not important to Mason because, at a young age, he already established his own business with the help of his father. Among their circle, Mason is the most skilled with guns and explosives. So it was no surprise that he opened up a gun store and a shooting range. He was also licensed to offer shooting lessons.

"You haven't checked?" Mason asked, making Nic look at him with confusion on his face. Mason walked closer to him and showed him his phone. "Here. Look," He said. The smile is not leaving his face.

Nic took Mason's phone and looked at what he was laughing at. He soon realized that Mason was laughing at a photo that was sent by his cousin on their group chat. "What the–," Nic uttered.

In the photo was one of their friends, Matthew, kissing a girl from their university. But what made him astonished and probably the reason why Mason was laughing is that Matthew had always been vocal with his disgust towards the girl he was kissing in the picture.

Nic looked up and said, "I thought he hated that girl?" Then he gave Mason's phone back to him. He was shaking his head with a smile on his face.

"Matthew doesn't hate her, he just doesn't find her beautiful," Mason said while taking back his phone.

"Is he blind?" Nic said because to him the girl in the photo was pretty. Though not his type he would not be petty and say that she is not when in fact she is.

"Probably," Mason shrugs his shoulders. "Olivia might not come from the elite circle but she is damn smart and beautiful. She probably has every man in the university crushing on her. And look at that body," Mason said as he was looking at the photo in his hand. One hand was pointing at the girl whose name was Olivia in the photo as if he was imagining her. "Damn she's…" He trailed when he noticed that Nic was looking at him with an annoyed expression on his face.

While Mason has been hooking up with every girl in the city, he made a promise not to hook up with his friends' women. But that doesn't mean he cannot praise them.

Mason cleared his throat, "Anyways, after Daxon announced that he was going after her, the air around Matthew suddenly shifted and this happened," He said.

Daxon was Nic's cousin who was also in college and was planning to become a lawyer someday. But at the same time, he also plans to be a musician. However he is going to manage to do both professions at the same time? Nic doesn't have an idea.

"He's stupid," Nic just said.

"Exactly," Mason nodded his head and then he put his phone in the inner pocket of his jacket. After he did, his face was flushed with eagerness and excitement as he looked at Nic. "So, how did it go?" He asked with evident excitement in his voice.

Nic smirked and then said, "We are in,"

Mason's face brightens up as if Christmas has arrived in summer. "Really?" He asked to see Nic nod his head with a huge grin on his face.