The Good Guys (Part 2)

Both Matthew and Nic looked up and saw a beautiful woman descending the stairs. She was a beautiful woman, no doubt about it. She wore a white chiffon blouse tucked in a black pencil skirt that accentuated every curve of her body. She was wearing black stockings and a black stiletto. In one of her hands is a handbag while the other holds the reading glasses that she probably grabbed from the nightstand on her way out of the bedroom.

She wears barely there makeup that she prefers and Matthew loved that about her. Though she doesn't need makeup because even without it, she would still look divine. She only wears them because her job requires her to.

Her honey-brown colored hair that reached just below her shoulder is swept to the side. She didn't bother to style it because she would only tie it up in a low ponytail later on.

But Matthew's eyes were not on the way she dressed, her makeup, her hair, or the way she descended those stairs gracefully like the model she is. His eyes were fixed on her beautiful face. To him, she was the fairest of all women he knew. She has the clearest mind, the purest soul, and the kindest heart.

Despite the years of being together, Matthew still looked at her as if he just met her for the first time, and love instantly struck him. Though what he had for her was not love at first sight, his love for her was so strong that sometimes it hurts.

The woman's eyes were on Matthew as well. She looked at him with so much love and adoration despite the fact that he was almost naked. She didn't mind. When she reached the ground floor, it was just then that she seemed to notice that Matthew was not alone.

"Oh! Hi, Nic!" She greeted Nic with a smile and then walked toward them.

"Good morning, Liv. Early day?" Nic greeted her back calling her by her nickname. Though it was not actually the nickname that she grew up with. Her real name was Olivia Bennet. But Matthew calls her Liv which his friends eventually copied much to his annoyance.

Olivia reached where Matthew was and instinctively wrapped her hands around his waist. She was facing Nic and said, "Yeah. I heard that Inspector Li found a lead about the death of Talon Bonneville. I am heading now to the station before someone gets there first or else, I will lose my job," She said with a chuckle in the end.

Matthew and Nic briefly looked at each other. It was so quick that Olivia didn't notice it.

"Come on, Liv. You know your chief was just threatening you. You will not lose your job. You're too valuable for her to let go of you," Nic said.

Olivia is a journalist and part-time model. But she loves journalism more than modeling which is why she is more focused on being a journalist. She is a smart woman who has a solid ethical core. She values fairness, objectivity, and honesty.

She has very good investigative skills that could be compared to an investigator or detective. She was brave and bold. She is not afraid to unearth the truth about newsworthy places, people, and events. She always pushes herself to dig deeper for information.

She could be persistent to the point that it scares Matthew that she would put herself in danger. That is why Matthew reserved an hour or two of his day to make sure that his girlfriend didn't put herself in trouble. Having all means and resources, he would be able to find out if someone was stalking his girlfriend or if someone is a possible threat to her.

And even if she did, unknowingly, Matthew will make sure to deal with it before harm befalls the love of his life.

"Thanks for the encouragement, Nic," Olivia smiles at Nic. But that smile was nothing compared to the smile that she gave Matthew when she turned to face him. Their bodies were still pressed to each other while their arms were wrapped around them not caring that Nic was watching them.

"Breakfast is in the oven," Olivia told Matthew.

Matthew frowned realizing that Olivia must have awoken earlier than he thought for her to be able to make breakfast for him. "How about you?" He asked. He doesn't want her to go to work without having breakfast. Though he would rather that she eats breakfast with him. Unfortunately, she looked like she was already running late.

Compared to Matthew who could work anytime he wants, Olivia's job was unpredictable. There were times when her job would call her in the middle of the night. Sometimes, it requires her to work two or three days nonstop.

Olivia smiled and raised her handbag. "I got one here," She said, indicating that she had packed her breakfast and put it in her bag. Matthew didn't have to ask about coffee because he knew that drinking coffee is the first thing she does the moment she opens her eyes in the morning.

Olivia loves coffee especially when she is working. She could drink four cups of coffee a day. And she prefers it without sugar. Matthew wondered how she even enjoys drinking that.

Matthew turned her body towards her and pressed her body more into his body ignoring Nic's presence as if he was not there watching the couple display their affection. "I'll see you again tonight. Your place or my place?"

Olivia smiled and cupped his cheeks with one of her hands. "Let's see about that. I have to go. I love you," She said, and then she placed a lingering kiss on Matthew's lips.

"I love you too, babe," Matthew replied once Olivia pulled away then he reluctantly released her and then watched as she walked out of his pad.

Matthew still has a love-sick look on his face even if the door was already closed and Olivia was already gone.

"You look like a fool," Nic cannot help but comment.

Matthew turns to look at him with a wide grin on his lips. "Wait till you walk the same path as me," He said and then he started walking towards his kitchen. He had already abandoned his plans of going back to bed. Thanks to the lovely presence of his friend.

"I cannot see myself walking the same path as you in the near future," Nic replied as he instinctively followed him.

Upon hearing that, Matthew stopped in his tracks and turned to look at him with a smug look on his face. "Really?" He asked with a smile as if he knew something that Nic doesn't know or probably pretending not to know.

Nic looked away and cleared his throat making Matthew laugh at him before he continued walking to his kitchen. "So…she's for the long run?" Nic asked.

"Yeah. It took me a long time to finally convince her that I love her. I will never let her go," was Matthew's quick response. He already knew that Olivia was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. If it is not her, then he would rather live alone for the rest of his life. He cannot see himself married or even in any kind of relationship with any woman other than Olivia.

"And whose fault is that?" Nic mocked him.

Matthew and Olivia's relationship did not start like any other love story. It started way back in college. Olivia was the most popular girl in the university. She was beautiful and smart. She became even more popular when she started modeling part-time. Probably every man in the university wanted to date her.

But not Matthew.

At that time, Matthew was probably blind because he always says that she is not beautiful at all. To him, she looks like just any ordinary girl on campus. He even thought that men were stupid and had low standards for thinking that Olivia was beautiful.

But it turns out, he was just in denial. He just doesn't want to be among the tons of men. He wanted to be the only one. So, when Daxon announced that he is going after Olivia, that's when his true feelings and possessiveness toward her surfaced.

He kissed and claimed her as his in front of everyone and even threatened all the men, even Daxon, not to go near her or else he would kill them.

But what he got after that was a slap on his face.

Apparently, Olivia knew what Matthew had said about her behind her back and swore that if ever Matthew showed even a slight interest in her, she would instantly reject him.

And she did. She even declares that she will never fall in love with him

Matthew realized that Olivia was not an easy woman and started to fall in love with her. He pursued her for a year until Olivia finally conceded and gave in to her feelings for him.

Since then, they have been inseparable.

Matthew sent Nic a glare before he opened the oven and found three breakfast burritos inside. "She must've known that you are coming, that's why she prepared a lot of breakfast," He said though he knew that Olivia prepared that much because she knew he has an appetite of ten soldiers in the morning.

"Here," Matthew passed one to Nic but the latter rejected it.

"I already ate," Nic said, which was a lie. He just doesn't want to be full before his usual breakfast routine.

Matthew narrowed his eyes at him as if calculating if he was telling the truth. Then he shrugged his shoulders. "Suit yourself," He said then he walked towards the kitchen island where coffee was already brewing for him.

He poured a cup for himself and then added sugar to it. He sat on the stool and started eating. Nic sat on the stool in front of him.

"So, are you going to marry her?" Nic suddenly asked, making Matthew grin widely at him.

Matthew nodded his head in an exaggerated way and said, "Yes. I already bought the ring. I'm just waiting for the right opportunity to propose to her," The ring was already burning holes in his pocket. He bought it two weeks ago. He may be still young but he already knew that Olivia is the one for him. Why wait when sooner or later, he knew that he would marry her? They were in a relationship for four years now and he doesn't want to waste time.

Nic looked at him as if making sure that Matthew knew what he was doing. But he could only nod his head. He may be older than Matthew but that doesn't mean he was more experienced in relationships than Matthew. In fact, when it comes to relationships, Matthew was better than all of them.