Different Opinions (Part 1)

Olivia was making breakfast when she suddenly felt two strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind. It was followed by a pair of lips that found themselves on the skin of her neck.

Olivia tilted her head so that she could give her man more access to her neck because she liked the feeling of his lips on her skin, especially in the morning even though both of them haven't had a shower.

"You said that you had something to say to me last night. What was that?" She asked. Last night, after they talked and quarreled and made up, they decided that they were already done for the day and retired to bed. She had forgotten that Matthew was supposed to tell her something after she told him what she was supposed to tell him.

And Matthew seemed to have forgotten about it as well.

It was just this morning when Olivia was making breakfast and was rewinding everything that they had talked about last night that she remembered about it. So, she asked Matthew about it as soon as he was awake thinking that it might be important.

Matthew tightened his arms around her making her clothed back pressed to his naked torso. He kissed her once on her cheeks and then let go of her to get water in the fridge.

"Uhm…about that. I was just going to ask if you want to have a short trip to Hellebore this weekend," Matthew said as he opened the fridge and got a bottle of water. "You know…just to unwind and take a break from work. But seeing that you had already set your goals for the following days, it looks like a short trip is not on your priorities right now?" He said as he leaned on the now-closed door of the fridge, then he opened the cap of the bottle and drank the water.

Hellebore is a province that was located at a high altitude. It has nice, cold weather and a great atmosphere. Nic's family owned a vacation house there by the lake and they have always been welcome to have a vacation there.

Olivia frowned and pursed her lips. "Oh…I'm sorry Matt. I'm at the momentum right now. You know I cannot lose my momentum or it will be hard for me to restart," She said, facing him with her shoulders down on her sides.

Matthew smiled. "I know," He put down the half-empty bottle on the counter and walked toward her. When he reached her, he placed his hands on the sides of her waist. "That is why I am not going to insist. But I am insisting on spending a couple of nights here with you. You know, just so there is someone who will watch over you in case you get crazy in those boards of yours," He said with a smirk.

Olivia pouted and said, "You're mean," She was actually thinking of spending some nights alone in her apartment in the next couple of days because she wanted to focus on finding out if her theory about the vigilante was right. But seeing that she unintentionally and unknowingly spoiled Matthew's plan because of her theory, she changed her mind.

And besides, she might need someone to talk to during those times. Someone she could ask for an opinion. And she must admit that he was right. Those boards could potentially make her go insane. She needs someone to tell her to stop once in a while and Matthew was good at that department.

"But you know I am right," Matthew said then he leaned and kissed the tip of her nose.

Olivia chuckled. "Yeah, you are right. I'll make it up to you," She said then she turned around and continued making breakfast sandwiches.

"I know you will," Matthew said. Then he walked to the cupboard and helped Olivia by taking out plates and then pouring coffee into the cups.

"Maybe if I started to get crazy with those boards, I will be the one to drag you to Hellebore to take a break," Olivia said as she placed the two sandwiches on the plates that Matthew prepared on the dining table.

"And I'll always be ready for that," Matthew said. Then he pulled a chair for her.

"Thank you," Olivia smiled at him appreciatively.

"Anything for you, babe,"

The couple ate while talking about the rest of what they did the other day. Olivia told Matthew that she had a sudden unexpected visit to the cemetery. Matthew asked why she didn't bring him with her but Olivia repeated that it was sudden and unplanned. She just suddenly had the urge to visit them.

After breakfast, Olivia took a shower first while Matthew cleaned the kitchen for her. After that, Matthew took a shower while Olivia was preparing for the day.

"So, are you going to the office today?" Olivia asked while she was filling her bag with the things that she needed to bring.

"Yeah. And I think Daxon is already out in his cave, maybe I'll visit him later this afternoon. How about you?" Matthew replied while putting on a white shirt and then a blue coat on top of it.

Olivia walked to him and dusted the lapel of his coat. She tilted her chin up so that she could see his face as she talked to him. "I'll be reporting to the office this morning. Chief wants to see me after the last article about Talon Bonneville's case was published this morning. I hope she won't give me a hard task for today because I want to spend the rest of my day at my office," She said.

Matthew frowned at her last words and said, "With your boards,"

Olivia chuckled. "You sound jealous of my boards,"

Matthew put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "Yeah, I am starting to get jealous with your boards because that should be me you are spending the rest of your day with. Looks like I will have to fight with the boards for your attention," He made his voice sound as if he was a victim of maltreatment.

But Olivia just laughed at him. "You're crazy," She said, then she moved away from him to gather her things and prepare to leave.

"You love me though," Matthew followed her out of the bedroom.

"Yeah," Olivia answered back without looking behind her because she knew that Matthew was just closely following her.

When Olivia reached the door of her apartment, Matthew suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. He turned her around so that they were facing each other. "So, I'll see you tonight?" Matthew asked as he slowly leaned closer.

Olivia nodded her head. "Uhm…can you bring dinner, because I doubt if I would be able to cook," She said with a cheeky grin.

Matthew chuckled and said while slowly inching closer. "Don't worry about that,"

"Thanks. I love you," Olivia wrapped her hands around Matthew's neck and pulled him closer.

"I love you too, babe," Matthew replied before he closed the distance and kissed her passionately.

Matthew and Olivia left the apartment complex in their separate car. Each went to their own office. While Olivia was driving, she pressed the button at the steering wheel which activated the voice command. Then she made an instruction to call someone from the contacts on her phone.

Since it was connected to the Bluetooth of her car, she instantly heard the ringing sounds on the stereo of her car.

The ringing soon stopped, indicating that the person she was calling had already answered. "Hey, Meg," Olivia was the first one to speak before the other person on the other line could say something.

Olivia heard panting sounds before Megan spoke, "Hey. What's up?"

"You are not in the station?" Olivia frowned when she heard distant voices. She could even hear voices of children laughing and dogs barking on top of the woman's panting as if she was running a mile.

But it turns out, Megan was really running, "I'm taking a jog in the park. Why?" Megan replied.

Olivia thought for a moment about places where Megan could be taking her jog before she said. "The park near Tim's apartment?" She knew that Megan was staying at her boyfriend's apartment once in a while and that there was a park nearby his apartment that was perfect for strolling, jogging, biking or even walking dogs. There was even a playground there which explained the laughter of the children.

"Yeah," Megan replied while breathing heavily.

Olivia realized that Megan did not stop to answer her call so she decided to hang up first and meet her instead. "Okay. I'm coming to you," She said, and then she hung up and made a u-turn because Timothy's apartment was in the opposite direction of her office.

She looked at the time on the dashboard of her car and found that she still had time so she did not hesitate in coming to meet Megan.

On her way to the park, Olivia decided to go to a drive-through coffee shop to buy take-out coffee and cinnamon rolls. She doesn't know if Megan had already eaten breakfast or had already taken her morning coffee but she doesn't want to meet her empty-handed.

When she reached the park, she saw a few people jogging, and others walking their dogs. Most people were on the playground with their children. She looked around but since that park was huge, she couldn't seem to find Megan. She pulled out her phone and texted Megan to ask for her location. She didn't have to wait because she received her response in just a couple of seconds.

Olivia walked to where Megan said she was and instantly found her sitting on a bench drenched in sweat while drinking water. She was wearing high-waist black leggings, a white tank top that exposed her tanned skin, and a baseball cap. A Bluetooth earphone was attached to her left ear.

Olivia always envied how Megan managed to stay fit and sexy despite her busy job. She blamed it on Megan's determination and discipline to stay sexy, fit, and healthy, something that she lacked. She knew that Megan workout and trained almost every day despite her hectic schedule. She hoped that she could do that as well.

Well, now that she was already considering learning additional self-defense, maybe she could.

Olivia was not fat, or slim. She has perfect curves in the right places, not the usual slim model's body despite being a model herself, which Matthew always says he loves. Actually, she didn't mind either, she was content with her figure. But whenever she sees Megan's body, she cannot help but compare. But once Megan is gone, she is back to her confident self.